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About whether or not she's looking forward to doing her own driving lessons (2006): " I'm actually really not! (laughs) I mean, I just have such a bad feeling about me and driving, I just don't think I'm going to be very good at all. But I've got a few years to go until I'm 17 before I can apply for my driving license so I got a little while to go yet... But I suppose the idea of a nice car kind of attracts me. I just love Rupert's car, he has a nice amazing black Mini and it's gorgeous. "

March 2016 Calendar


Congratulations to Monika, our winner for the March Calendar Competition!



Honorable mention to Hilma and Talyia. Thank you to everyone that entered, and thank you to those who voted. All the competition entries can be viewed here.


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4 Responses to “March 2016 Calendar”

  1. Thessalie says:

    Lovely 🙂

  2. Will says:

    I want send to miss Emma, 1 short love history to see to her news project.
    This is possible?
    To where I can will be write?

  3. Jie Song says:

    Good Afternoon Miss Watson:

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    But don’t you make no never mind, because I can send some flowers and pictures to your email.


    Jie Song (Jerry Song)