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About memories (2009):"I save some things from my childhood, with little memos about things I said or thought. I also keep boxes of memorabilia, including a piece of the Giant chess set. I have a lot of little things they let us keep."

April 2016 Calendar


Congratulations to Monika, our winner for the April Calendar Competition!



Honorable mention to Harsh and Hilma. Thank you to everyone that entered, and thank you to those who voted. All the competition entries can be viewed here.


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4 Responses to “April 2016 Calendar”

  1. harsh says:

    thanks emma watson. net.. i am glad that i am also a good contestant.. okk

  2. D-one says:

    Congrats to Monika! I really like your calendar 🙂

    Btw, I cannot believe my eyes about this drawing from Heather Rooney! (o_O)!

    Unbelievable! She’s amazing!

  3. jhonny says:

    Emma Watson beautiful are in these calendars, fascinates me.

  4. Fernando says:

    Nice,way to go,congrats! Ya what a love potion,Emma certainly looks great in these calendars!