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About the fame game (2004): "The first time someone asked me "Will you sign a book for me?" I could not believe it, I could not understand why anyone would want my name on a piece of paper."

May Calendar Competition

The May Calendar Competition is now open.

  • The size of the calendar should be at least 1024×768. Higher resolutions are good. Widescreen is also allowed.
  • Calendars must be in a common graphics format such as jpg, tiff, gif or png.
  • It must have and May and it should have the dates. It should be mostly original work, and images used should be respectful of Emma’s privacy.
  • The deadline to submit calendars is April 27.
  • No more than 3 entries per person. Please send entries to


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6 Responses to “May Calendar Competition”

  1. NETTA says:

    im wating to the beautiful May calenders!❤

  2. XPiedraTope says:

    Me Too !!

  3. Ben says:

    Hey I was wondering what program people used to create these calendars

    • dook says:

      I think the common program would be photoshop, but others work also. Anything that can work with graphics and export images as jpg or png would be ok.

  4. Ben says:

    Alright thanks man! Really appreciate everything you post here it lets me keep up to date with my favourite role model

  5. Fernando says:

    Nice,can’t wait to see the great pics of Emma!