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About the romance between Ron and Hermione in OotP (2007): "The romance between us is there if you watch carefully, it's all underneath the surface. There are hints of it all the time and at one point Hermione and Ron have a duelling match and she absolutely smashes him into the back wall with this spell. And Ron is pretending, "Oh yeah, I let her do that, it's manners isn't it?" which is quite funny."

May Calendar Competition

The May Calendar Competition is now open.

  • The size of the calendar should be at least 1024×768. Higher resolutions are good. Widescreen is also allowed.
  • Calendars must be in a common graphics format such as jpg, tiff, gif or png.
  • It must have and May and it should have the dates. It should be mostly original work, and images used should be respectful of Emma’s privacy.
  • The deadline to submit calendars is April 27.
  • No more than 3 entries per person. Please send entries to


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6 Responses to “May Calendar Competition”

  1. NETTA says:

    im wating to the beautiful May calenders!❤

  2. XPiedraTope says:

    Me Too !!

  3. Ben says:

    Hey I was wondering what program people used to create these calendars

    • dook says:

      I think the common program would be photoshop, but others work also. Anything that can work with graphics and export images as jpg or png would be ok.

  4. Ben says:

    Alright thanks man! Really appreciate everything you post here it lets me keep up to date with my favourite role model

  5. Fernando says:

    Nice,can’t wait to see the great pics of Emma!