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About dating (2006): "People say to me, "Oh it must be so easy for you. They must be lining up for you." It's really not easy. It's really not. I suppose guys are either kind of intimidated by me and have their defenses up, or they like to take the piss out of me. (Long pause, then sighs) It's a minefield, to be quite honest with you. Really. Ugh. It's stressful. (...) I will just have to wait. Maybe someone will find me. We'll see."

May 2016 Calendar


Congratulations to Demy, our winner for the May Calendar Competition!



Honorable mention to Anurag. Thank you to everyone that entered, and thank you to those who voted. All the competition entries can be viewed here.


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One Response to “May 2016 Calendar”

  1. Fernando says:

    Nice,great calendars! Way to go! Congrats to the winner!