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About not knowing what the movies look like before the premieres (2007): "People always expect me to know what the finished product will be like, but I don't have a clue because it is all shot out of sequence. Before I see every film my nerves are just terrible. I remember after the first ten minutes of the first film my dad turning to me and saying, "Emma darling, I really think you should breathe now."

Emma Talks with Geena Davis

Emma Watson spoke with actress Geena Davis for an article in Interview magazine. The pair spoke about Davis’ work confronting sexism and gender imbalance in the media industry.

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One Response to “Emma Talks with Geena Davis”

  1. Fernando says:

    Nice,interesting topic! Emma sure has matured,what is it about them eyes? Her love potion is still in effect,sorry I’ve gone off topic. I love her motivation,all her energy is for something good! That is what I love about her,did I mention love that accent? I wish she would read or sing to me!