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About Daniel & Rupert (2007): "Daniel and Rupert are the only other people in the world who will ever understand what it is like to have been through what I have been through. I think we have quite a special bond. Even if we hated each other and didn't get on at all, we would always have that. That's important to me, being able to talk to them about it and going through it all with them."

December 2016 Calendar


Congratulations to Nidhi, our winner for the December Calendar Competition!



Honorable mention to Mohammad. Thank you to everyone that entered, and thank you to those who voted. All the competition entries can be viewed here.


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6 Responses to “December 2016 Calendar”

  1. Calvin Richardson Jr says:

    Amazing photo. But the subject makes/renders the photo fool proof. Beauty, and intelligence; quite a combination. Rare?

  2. Rosemary says:

    Love the winner calendar! It is very festive and beautiful. Emma will make a fantastic Belle. Great job Nidhi

  3. Rosemary says:

    I have been visiting this website for over a decade. I was in high school when I first came to this website. Now I am almost 28 years old. I fondly remember Jo and loved her presence on the site. Dook, you are doing a great job since you took over the reigns. I will always be an Emma fan and will always be on the lookout for more Emma news. I am extremely looking forward to Beauty and the Beast. Merry Christmas everyone