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About what Perks meant to her (2011): "I just finished The Perks of Being a Wallflower, which was just the most incredible experience. I had the best six weeks. I'm very excited about that movie. Having an experience like that outside of Harry Potter is what really convinced me that acting really is what I should be doing. I'm excited about the idea of being an actress now in a way that I wasn't so sure of before."

April Calendar

We aren’t resuming an organized competition, but if you would like to send in calendars I will post them here and select one as our calendar of the month. Send them to before the last day of the month.

Here is our calendar for April thanks to Jia.


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6 Responses to “April Calendar”

  1. Kim says:

    Very excited about the calendar competition coming back!

  2. Jerry says:

    This one is so well made. Emma is so beautiful! ❤

  3. Laura says:

    Okay I’m back!

  4. Thessalie says:

    Very lovely!

  5. Thomas Neer says:

    Happy Birthday Ms. E Watson