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About shooting the Half-Blood Prince (2009): "The most challenging aspect of this film was the fact that I was trying to take my A-levels at the same time I was filming. So my life was crazy. One minute I was on set, and the next minute I was doing an exam, or reading a textbook, or doing something, so I was a bit all over the place. Sometimes it's kind of hard to juggle both aspects of my life."

Emma Says Times Up Now

Emma Watson brings the Times Up Now movement home to the UK.

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6 Responses to “Emma Says Times Up Now”

  1. Phillip says:

    So proud of u for promoting this campaign Emma!!!!! Keep it up!!!!! 🙂

  2. susang bhatt says:

    good job Emma proud to be your fan.

  3. Ashley says:

    Great job Emma I am proud of you to be my fan and my favorite actress

  4. Simona says:

    You’re a beautiful human being, inside and outside. I’m proud to be your fan. :-)))

  5. Fiona Roy says:

    This is a great initiative by Emma for the people in the UK!

  6. Eli says:

    Su voz y su acento british simplemente me enamoró para siempre 🙁

    Quisiera escucharla todo el día, todos los días, a toda hora. Servirle como esclavo hasta el día en que muera.