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About her money (2006): "All my money is pretty much locked away."

Emma Says Times Up Now

Emma Watson brings the Times Up Now movement home to the UK.

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6 Responses to “Emma Says Times Up Now”

  1. Phillip says:

    So proud of u for promoting this campaign Emma!!!!! Keep it up!!!!! 🙂

  2. susang bhatt says:

    good job Emma proud to be your fan.

  3. Ashley says:

    Great job Emma I am proud of you to be my fan and my favorite actress

  4. Simona says:

    You’re a beautiful human being, inside and outside. I’m proud to be your fan. :-)))

  5. Fiona Roy says:

    This is a great initiative by Emma for the people in the UK!

  6. Eli says:

    Su voz y su acento british simplemente me enamoró para siempre 🙁

    Quisiera escucharla todo el día, todos los días, a toda hora. Servirle como esclavo hasta el día en que muera.