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About performing (2004): "I love acting, I love singing, I love dancing. There are so many different aspects to the film world that, hopefully, I will end up in some area of it."

Holiday Project



The Holiday Season is here! This will be our thirteenth annual Holiday Project for Emma. Send in your messages, artwork, graphics, pictures, poems, stories, anything you like, to wish Emma a Merry Christmas, or Happy Holidays, in your own way. Follow the link below for more details.

Holiday Project

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7 Responses to “Holiday Project”

  1. Ross Taggart says:

    Emma W, our hearts endure the storms of life, the trials of love because of you. Light in the dark, warmth in winters depth.

    We that faithful many, multitude yet, of deed and heart cleve to you. Strong of mind as of heart hero and inspiration all.

    Some say why are you this woman so obsessed. We say why can you with all she is and does be not!

  2. Ashley says:

    Emma Watson I want to wish you merry christmas I was wondering have you ever watch Beauty and the Beast enchanted Christmas that’s sequel of Beauty and the Beast next year you do great in little women I hope you be Hermione Granger again and play Belle for number 2 of Beauty and the Beast

  3. Dear Em,

    Merry Christmas! I know this is your favourite time of year. I hope the world continues to see more of your advocacy and acting skills in 2019. I have cerebral palsy, and have written an essay I thought you mind enjoy reading. Please see it here:

    If you would like to follow me on Instagram, my name is rachael.annalisa.

    All the best for the holidays and beyond,

    Rachael Hanakowski
    BA Sociology (2019)
    Mount Allison University

  4. Ian says:

    Merry Xmas!

  5. Dear Emma, I congratulate you on Christmas and New Year, I wish your dreams come true and success in your endeavors, thank you for being on the planet, you have changed me and I thank you for that.

  6. I congratulate you, Emma, on Christmas and New Year, I wish you to achieve everything that you desire and deserve, and find that (or create) what you want.All the difficulties we face are worth taking as a blessing, because if all desires were fulfilled at once, then life does not make sense, fortunately, a person is always dissatisfied with what he has and therefore life is filled with new meanings and horizons all the time.

  7. 司傲寒 says:

    Emmaemmaemmaemmaemma… I just want 2 call your name to show how much I love you. And most importantly, of course, merry Christmas!!!