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About Hermione in GOF (2005): " I think in this one she's not quite in the action as much, she's kind of watching, which in a way she hates more because she just wants to be in there with Harry, helping him all the way through it. I think, for her, this is just basically feeling concerned for him a lot of the time. I'm surprised she's not having a nervous breakdown, she's so worried that he's not gonna make it. "

May Calendar Vote

Time for the vote! Remember, you only get to vote one time, but you getto vote for more than one calendar. And please don’t talk about whichcalendar is yours. Let’s keep the competition fair. You can talk aboutyour calendar after the winner isannounced.

  1. View thecalendars here. Click on the thumbnails to see a largerpreview image. Take your time, make sure you scroll all the way to theend and check out all thecalendars.
  2. Choose your favorite 5calendars, and write down their numbers in order, from best to 5thplace, like 84, 216, 114, … You don’t have to choose 5, you can votefor just one if you like, but you can vote for 5. (no, there aren’t 216entries, those are fake numbers).
  3. Sendyour vote in an email to emmawatson.contest@gmail.comor in a PM to me on the forums to dookdookdook.

Voting is open through May1, 00:00 GMT.

Good luck everyone!

Comments closed for this item.

48 Responses to “May Calendar Vote”

  1. I'm from Poland says:

    heh 😛 😛 😛 😛

  2. Tom says:

    Can you vote for your own one?

  3. 130671 says:

    Don`t you think that`s stupid?

  4. Tom says:

    no. i want to win 😛

  5. 130671 says:

    Not really a sign of belief in your own work.

  6. Tom says:

    lol truw. But really, can i vote for my own?

  7. dook says:

    Yes, you can vote for your own. I think many people do.

  8. 130671 says:

    Somehow, I get the feeling the same person did 06, 09 and 12… tree…? 🙂

  9. Harald says:

    Where did you get the photos for 45 and 53?…whoever!

  10. Iris says:

    I was thinking the same thing as Harald! I've never seen that picture before?!

  11. Marie says:

    It's one of the new shoot ! you can see them here:

  12. Rebecca says:

    26..gorgeous! Love it! 😆

  13. KS987 says:

    Some new updates on Emma's site:

  14. Charles S says:

    I can't get over how good she looks in that new photoshoot…

  15. britishemmafan says:

    yes, she looks great!! She always does. The calendars get better towards the end, I feel.

  16. tree says:

    No, 06, 09, and 12 were not mine. Some are great! 😉

  17. tree says:

    🙂 😆

  18. dook says:

    Rude comments will not be tolerated.

  19. Debbie says:

    I made 12..

  20. Celia says:

    This month's calenders are really really good. It was hard to choose just 5. My faves were: 2, 3, 18, 20, 22, 37, 43, 47, 48, 29, 54, 51, 45, and 56. 🙂 😉

  21. xAnke says:

    didn't had enough time to make a calender this month ;( but these ones are really good (: i think 26 & 45 are my favourites ;d goood work! (:

  22. Harald says:

    Thanks for the photo link. Lovely photos of a stunning Emma.

  23. Mima says:

    Dang, looks like quality AND quantity of calendars is on the decline 🙁 I only really like 26, 45, 46, and 54 (fave). At least these ones are more colourful than usual!

  24. Milla says:

    My top 5 favourite: 01,45,37,14,04… BTW, do our votes in the comment list counts?

  25. dook says:

    Votes in the comments do not count.

  26. 130671 says:

    😆 Mima, you sound like some old ppl…everything is always on the decline…morals…music…fashion… …calendars…. …Greece… 😉 Cheer up!

  27. bigbookworm says:

    I love number 36 and 38. Emma looks so amazing in both of those calendars. Number 43 is really amazing, too!!!

  28. Isabelle Louise says:


  29. Isabelle Louise says:

    I mean, I know emma is beautiful but I do use calendars to see dates

  30. Anony says:

    Dook, how are winners determined? I was wondering since I saw 2 calendars that I loved equally and couldn't decide which one was better. I mean to say, you allow people to rank their favourites. Is this because calendars rated 1st will get more points than 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th or something like that? Or are the ranks only used when there are ties? Thanks.

  31. dook says:

    I use a point system. First choice gets 5 points, second gets 4, etc. That’s why it’s important to give your selection in order.

  32. Anony says:

    Okay…so I'll have to choose my favourite between those 2? 😥

  33. Valentina says:


  34. Penny says:

    Hi dook, where is the forum where we can PM you?

  35. dook says:

    Penny, there is a link on the layout above, where it says “forum”, or If you are not a member you will need to register.

  36. Milla says:

    But why not? plenty of us are telling their favourites in the comment list? Isn't it easier?

  37. 130671 says:

    😕 Maybe because you would have to restrict yourself to 5 favourites? Or stating clearly which ones "count" and which ones you just "like"? What`s so hard about emailing a few numbers?

  38. Kathy says:

    Here's why I think Dook accepts email votes only: 1. We elect for the President or the Prime Minister using secret ballots so people won't be afraid to vote for who they think is best. 2. It is easier to cheat if we counted comment votes because people can easily vote multiple times using different names. (But then again I think Dook at tell if anyone's inpersonating anyone by checking IPs.)

  39. Alison says:

    130671 you really get on my nerves.

  40. dook says:

    Kathy hit on two of the reasons. Ballots are secret so people can vote who they like, and also if votes are public it can influence following voters. Second, it would be easier to cheat in the comments.

  41. britishemmafan says:

    If comments counted there would just be a whole lot to count. Sending it in an email or PM would be so much easier. 😉

  42. Melon says:

    Which one of you made number 35 ?? cant see the date at all, but i love it !! why? coz im a dude 🙂

  43. Skater says:

    Today I voted for the first time!!! 2 1 8 17 31 Greetings from Germany 😉

  44. Celia says:

    Emma ranked number 29 on FHM's 100 sexiest women in the world list.

  45. Charles S says:

    To be honest, I think she should have come higher in it, at least top 20. Was happy to see Kaya Scodelario at number 13, in my opinion she is 2nd only to Emma.

  46. @Charles S says:

    I agree. All the gorgeous women like Emma, Natalie Portman, etc are low on the list. Emma would be in my top 5. But I wish I had known they were taking votes, because then Emma might've been higher on the list. 🙁

  47. Erin says:

    A lot of good ones.