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About alleviating poverty through fashion (2010): "As someone who is very interested in fashion and has been doing a lot with the fashion world recently, I thought it was a really amazing idea to try to alleviate poverty through such a strong industry and it's something fun as well. Rather than giving to charity, this gives people the means to fight their way out of poverty themselves with dignity. It gives them the chance to work. It gives them their pride."

May Calendar

Time for a new calendar. Congratulations to Lisa, our winner for the May competition!

Honorable mentions go to Marie, tree, Harrypotterstars Fans, Kathy, Emma, Tom and Liz. Thank you to everyone that entered, and thank you all for voting.

All the entries can be seen here.


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51 Responses to “May Calendar”

  1. Tina says:

    This Calender is very wunderful :-* and Emma Watson is very beautiful :-*