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About England (2004): "I'm going to New York for the American premiere but I wouldn't want to leave England. I'm quite patriotic."

May Calendar

Here is our calendar for May thanks to Sebastian.


If you would like to send in calendars I will post them on the site and select one as our calendar of the month. Send them to before the last day of the month.

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4 Responses to “May Calendar”

  1. Ashley says:

    I can make Mother’s Day card for everybody May 14th is Mother’s Day

  2. Jerry says:

    Emma looks so so so beautiful, great smile, so beautiful! ❤❤❤

  3. Sebastian says:

    No matter the time, May, June, Spring, Summer, no matter how old she is, she is and always will be the most wonderful girl in the world

  4. Laura says:

    One Direction on TFLs is really old!