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About the WB (2007): "Warner Bros have been so supportive of me continuing with school and have been really innovative about how to make it work 'cause obviously it's a bit of a task. Just really clever things like there's a box in my school that is picked up every Friday, teachers put work in it, they send me any marked work, it comes back and forth. They gave me Monday mornings off to go to school to see my teachers, to pick up my school work."

Emma Covers British Vogue

Emma Watson covers the December issue of British Vogue in a photoshoot by Alasdair McLellan. In the article Emma talks about turning 30, growing up a celebrity, and a bit about her personal life. The issue is out now.

In this video from Vogue, Emma talks with fellow activist Paris Lees about turning 30, living in the spotlight, and working with Meryl Streep on Little Women.

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2 Responses to “Emma Covers British Vogue”

  1. Ashley says:

    You dont look like 30 you look like you are same age like me same yearborn and you look beautiful you look like me Emma Watson we are like twins

  2. Susang says:

    Nice photos, Emma looks beautiful as always