Emma made another talk show appearance on the Today Show. She talks about money, school, her future, the importance of family in keeping her grounded, and of course, her hair. *SPOILER** There’s also a clip we haven’t seen before, so skip ahead to about 40 seconds if you don’t want to see it.
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Just saw this! Loved it! Thanks for posting!
Great… Wondering her energy is like her sweetness Eternal… 🙂 She has got thin after coming to US for studies and it shows how does she working hard… Lovemma… 🙂
she's gorgeous. totally gorgeous. i love her so much. i just caught up with the vids. watched almost all of them. lovely interviews. 😆
I mean, how can you not like her? She is just amazing.
Emma is amazing. It's difficult to see young stars who've shot to stardom remain grounded and honest as the 3 of them (emma,dan,rupert) are. Her choice of going to college instead of focusing on acting is a brave and honorable choice. Emma, just continue to do what you like to do! 🙂
Excellent interview on the Today Show! And I love her outfit! 🙂
A) I love her outfit, too. She's gorgeous. And, most importantly, B) It's amazing that she has such a solid anchor in life that keeps her so grounded. I loved how she said, "I have so many interests. I don't want to limit myself…" It'll be great to see what she eventually pursues next and involves herself in. What inspiration. And, overall, a really good interview, and GREAT clip. 🙂
I had an argument with someone who hates Emma & the things they were saying about her just had me going "Are you insane or something?" I mean I just don't see how anyone can possibly hate this beautiful young woman.
Why did God create such a perfect person…it's torture everytime I see her, in a good way of course.
Every time I see Emma I ask myself "Why isn't she my wife yet?". 😛 We've seen that she was able to squeeze in a few projects into her schedule so far (My Week With Marilyn and her upcoming line with Alberta Ferretti), so who knows we may see even more of Emma during her years at Brown. Whatever she does I am looking forward to it. 🙂
Cute interview.
In some interviews Emma says nearly the same, that might be boring for her 😕
Her boobs look alot bigger than they used to. like just last year she wasnt kiera knitley flat but def close now shes sprining a c? confused
actually not even last year more like this year particularly at the glastonberry. in the film hermiones boobs are jiggling around and in person no movment at all. I hate how franchises do that to girls. prob chicken fillets. they did it to kiera knitley for pirates as well and kiera clearly states shes proud of her small chest but when u sighn that contract i guess u sigh ur boobs over too. prob one of the things emma would complain about not on live tv. shes beautiful as is! she doesnt need big boobs to stand out! and when did jk rowling say that hermione was busty? erm NEVER
http://www.metro.co.uk/showbiz/pictures/photos-02194/pictures-harry-potter-filming-in-london/9 VS http://gallery.ewva.net/displayimage.php?album=436&pos=92 even sitting down she doesnt get much lift. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_F4yinVt5IS8/R8HsrwCAX_I/AAAAAAAADXQ/uQfu_Ul8zmY/s1600/Keira%2BKnightley.jpg&imgrefurl=http://moviecultists.com/2010/03/22/penelope-cruzs-pirates-of-the-caribbean-role /&usg=__xRKr5SSN2iwxO2dVQSQ0pOHvI-k=&h=437&w= 468&sz=49&hl=en&start=74&sig2=l6FClPNRfheCSv WJO2S-vA&zoom=1&tbnid=Ep7MyhArLevilM:&tbnh=1 63&tbnw=196&ei=wpnjTLH-N8fvsgaE9MHVCw&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dkeira%2Bknightley%2Bpirates%2Bb oobs%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D128 0%26bih%3D685%26tbs%3Disch:10,1800&um=1&itbs =1&iact=rc&dur=222&oei=r5njTO7iHoaCswbk5u3CC w&esq=4&page=4&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:9,s:74&t x=100&ty=141&biw=1280&bih=685
i LOVE that dress.. like omg i WANT that dress, the annoying thing with her hair is that some outfits that she wears with it either goes or doesnt.. with her longer hair she got away with anything. but still she is awesome.. lol
wish i watched on tv. 🙁 anywhy love u emma !!#1 🙂 love the outfit
the people waving outside r kinda distracting. lol.
DS, yeah I agree. I think it’s a stupid idea to have that window in the background.
i feel GOD had created her wid lots of paitents and i guess the day waz sunday 😉 she ma dream girl…as if she is the angel came from stright heven..