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About having to be careful (2007): "I don't give my number out to people I don't really know - I'm careful about it."

OOTP Sneak Peak on HBO // 04 November 2006

Hello Emma fans! 😆

Not much news for you lately, but thanks to The Leaky Cauldron  for letting us know that HBO will be airing a sneak peak of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix:

“HBO will be airing an “exclusive sneak peak” at Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix starting November 20. The cable channel is currently listing this under the “Inside HBO” on demand schedule, however no airtime is yet available. We do not know if this includes the trailer that is set to debut in movie theaters before the film Happy Feet a few days earlier on November 17. “

If we find out anything more, we will surely let you all know! 🙂

Don’t forget to vote for Emma in the CBBC Poll!

Have a great Saturday! 😉

[ Katy ]

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52 Responses to “OOTP Sneak Peak on HBO // 04 November 2006”

  1. miri says:

    Ich freue mich schon voll auf den Trailer. Finde cool das er auch auf dieser Seite ausgestrahlt wird!!! Bussi LG Mirjam

  2. crookshanks;* says:

    YES! wait .. thats going to be in every country?! please let me now! 🙂