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About living up to expectations (2011): "People have been so kind. LancΓ΄me saying I'm the icon of a generation, Glamour saying I'm the best dressed… I just hope I can be everything that everyone wants me to be, I guess."

More scans // 16 June 2007

There is an article about HP in the July issue of Teenage, a magazine from Singapore. It’s mostly about the new characters, but at the end is a quiz to see which of the HP guys or girls is your dream date. Thanks to Denise for the scans.

[ dook ]

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38 Responses to “More scans // 16 June 2007”

  1. EMMA W RULZ says:

    1st! yay! great scans! πŸ™‚

  2. Firebolt chick says:

    2nd πŸ™‚ πŸ˜†

  3. hm says:

    i'm third! but i won't say that i'm third, i'll just say that i like the scans and i chose ron in the quiz! πŸ˜€

  4. Kate says:

    Nice test! hehe funny tohught: malfoy

  5. fire and ice says:

    5th i got ron 2 πŸ˜›

  6. roxy says:

    great pics! i have harry !!!(3:2 -ron πŸ˜‰ ) HP rocks!

  7. Light_Dementor says:

    gr8 pics, ill do the quiz now.. .P

  8. Light_Dementor says:

    got hermione Granger !!! no cheating ! πŸ˜›

  9. R/Hr fan22 says:

    I got Harry. I would rather have Ron though. LOL!

  10. Josie says:

    Ummm… this magazine out yet? If so then can u tell me wen? Also, wat issue of the month is it? ttyl, Josie

  11. fire and ice says:

    the votm needs changing πŸ˜•

  12. ew is #1 says:

    AWESOME scans , i got HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜†

  13. fire and ice says:

    whats emmas luky or favourite number?

  14. Vivian" says:

    The test say me is Hermione!"" Good!"HAPI πŸ˜›

  15. dook says:

    Josie, it\’s the July issue, but it might only be in Singapore.

  16. zac says:

    emma is my dream date!!!!!!!!! back off!!!! haha πŸ˜† πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  17. Michael says:

    I got Ginny, and I DEMAND a HQ version of the Hermione quiz pic. I swear, that's the hottest picture of Emma I've ever seen.

  18. Javi says:

    very nice.. i love you em ^^

  19. Anne says:

    πŸ™‚ :wink good…nice… i like it… i luv HARRY POTTER!!!!! and i luv DANIEL RADCLIFFE!!! πŸ˜› πŸ˜†

  20. Charlote is Cute says:

    πŸ˜† very NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. A.v says:

    Cool scans! πŸ™‚

  22. A.v says:

    Wow, today i came back from Wonderland, and i swear i saw someone look VERY close to Emma. I was exiting the Italian job, i just saw someone that look exactly like her going on. oh well could of been my eyes..

  23. cristy says:

    i saw some one at an event in the US and she LOOK LIKE EMMA! too. πŸ˜• WEARD!!!!!!!!!

  24. natalie says:

    I got Harry potter! πŸ˜›

  25. lala16... says:

    Woop ! I got Ron – he's my favourite character out of the books so it's all good πŸ˜› does that mean that I'm Hermione? lol x x x

  26. shaheen says:

    I like d test page!

  27. naro says:

    what's the P.E??? πŸ˜•

  28. big boss says:

    picture of the day not working

  29. joe says:

    i can't see the picture of the day…. by the way great scans! πŸ˜‰

  30. *hpfan* says:


  31. Evie says:

    You see the front cover? Do you know if you have the Hermione and Ron pic? Beacause I don't think I've seen either of them before…. Great new Tatler pic aswell!!

  32. Kat xx says:

    nothing new- but cool xx

  33. Michelle says:

    Whaaaa I want the SUGAR scans!! πŸ˜₯

  34. Jaana says:

    One question…. Why is Ginny wearing trousers in the DA picture when all the other girls are wearing a skirt? O_o I got Harry and Hermione when I did that test! πŸ˜› In the 'Your Harry Potter Dream Dude' I was torn between Harry and Ron, but in the end Harry won with one question. In the 'Your Harry Potter Dream Girl' I was torn between Hermione and Ginny, because in some questions I couldn't decide whether to choose the A or B alternative. πŸ˜† Anyways, a nice quiz! :DD

  35. Lorine says:

    Great scans,really. πŸ™‚

  36. Rachel says:

    Haha, the quiz shows my dream date is Malfoy, the bad boy πŸ˜† Nice scans. XxXx Rachy

  37. Natalie says:

    Got Ron πŸ˜› YESS! He looks half asleep in the first picture. Haha Bless him.

  38. Smile says:

    Where is this released?