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About travelling (2006): "I think what I love most is that I've been able to travel. If it weren't for the Harry Potter movies I never would have gone to America or Europe and everything-well, not until I was older, anyway. I've been able to see New York. I've been to China, Tokyo, L.A., Chicago, all these amazing places. So that's been really great."

Emma in a French Interview & Watch OOTP Live Premiere On Webcam // July 3rd, 2007

Thanks to Forum member Hermywobbles and Gof4321 from HPANA, we’ve found out that Emma has recently been featured in a new interview. We have some videos for you to watch however, they’re in French. Sorry guys…we don’t have a translation.


If you don’t understand French, then the interview will still be fun to watch. It’s got a lot of behind the scenes videos of OOTP on the set. Emma is also in it so that’s always a plus 😀

[EDIT] Apparently you can also watch the premiere of  OOTP on Live Webcam so if you can’t be there, watch it on the net 😀 Here are some links:

Harry Potter Official Site:– You’ll be taken to the UK version. Click on the “European Premiere Live “ Link on the bottom of the page. You’ll get a popup- click on the “Click here to Check Time in your City.” This will tell you when the Premiere will begin in your country/state.

The premiere is tomorrow/today on July 3rd..However, because of different time zones, you probably want to use the above ^.

There’s also this video and this one too. However, I’de use the one above because the quality would probably be better. The Live premiere is caught using a camera.  I’m not quite sure what you’ll be seeing in these broadcasts but it’s probably going to have the Cast members entering and hopefully, if we keep our fingers crossed, we’ll get the real premiere (without the movie of course)…

Thank you to Cristy for posting these links. Very helpful.

I hope you all enjoy 🙂 I know I will probably.

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27 Responses to “Emma in a French Interview & Watch OOTP Live Premiere On Webcam // July 3rd, 2007”

  1. Cristy says:


  2. Cristy says:

    A NEW SPECAL ON REELZ CHANNAL 238 WILL DO A SPECAL ON HARRY POTTER NEXT SUNDAY AT 8:00PM EST US PLEASE VISET The Site : and for videos of the specal please viset the site below.

  3. Caroline says:

    Hi, I don't see the link on the official site! Can anyone help me ? 😥 There's nothing on the bottom of the page :'(

  4. sarah says:

    yay!!!Im soo gonna see the live premiere,hope it works!! 🙂 😆 😛 😉

  5. Hiltje says:

    how cool is that *_* yaaaaaaay thank you for this great news 🙂

  6. MuseHic says:

    That French video is the same as the one you posted a few days ago that was on channel canal +.

  7. YIOTA says:


  8. MuseHic says:

    Uh… Isn't it a bit dangerous to make that premiere with thousands of people when there are all these terrorist attacks in London… 😕

  9. Debbie says:

    I'm going to watch the live premiere too. 🙂 I wonder what everyone will be wearing today.

  10. liz says:

    I can't wait to see emma, what will she wear 😛 i already see they are getting ready

  11. ergo says:

    Is the premiere going on any minute now? I don't really get it.

  12. ergo says:

    Could anyone, please, give me the best link to watch it from?

  13. ergo says:

    Could anyone, please, give me the best link to watch it from?

  14. frederique says:

    cool! an interview in french! 🙂

  15. hp princess /ew / hg says:

    cool ! thanx 😉 🙂 😛 😆 im so excited about the premiere ! 😛 😆 😉 🙂

  16. Bid says:

    Wow it's really cool to see the premiere on the "europen premiere live", the quality of the image is so good.

  17. emma jo says:

    Woo THIS IS GREAT STUFF I HEARD EMMA SPEAKING SHE IS WEARING A LOVELY DRESS! but it keeps going off and saying it will be back shortly!?!

  18. Watcher in the water says:

    😡 Only one of this cams is working… Grrr…and nothing happens on the WB Site…

  19. ergo says:

    I don't hear any sound at the HP site camera .. though they are interviewing people.

  20. ergo says:

    Sorry for constant posting, but any suggestions to my last problem?

  21. KB says:

    Emma is ABSOLUTELY STUNNING in a Chanel dress! 🙂

  22. WiTchCraFt says:

    First pics of the european premiere Emma is very cute in this blue dress 🙂 :smile:.

  23. liz says:

    tx for the pics 😛 hope videos are coming soon 😀

  24. Hope says:

    Just wanna say that I understant french, i can translate the video if you want ^^ Contact me at If you want me to translate it =) And also excuse me if you find some mistake,s i'm not a native english speaker, yu inderstant ! 😉

  25. tom says:

    loved it!

  26. Ergo says:

    Can I see it some day again?