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New old photo, and more fan photos // 19 August 2007

Thanks to, we have a new old pic from the Women’s Wear Daily photoshoot. You can see the others from this photoshoot here.

And our friend Stephanie from RGN sent over four Hi-Res photos she took of Emma at the LA premiere. Click the thumb to see them in our gallery. Warning: they are big pictures.

[ dook ]

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26 Responses to “New old photo, and more fan photos // 19 August 2007”

  1. Elena_Romania says:

    thanks Dook!

  2. meee says:

    they should have used that photo it is so nice!!

  3. herma says:

    Trzecia ;D Fajbne foty 😆

  4. Joyce says:

    Beautiful picture!

  5. Danielle says:

    That first photo is so nce. She looks as pretty as ever. 🙂 The premiere ones are cool to. Very big lol. Nice POTD to btw, 😉 Dan x

  6. moi says:

    Hey! 🙂 So is it true, that Emma is the new face of Chanel? 😮 That would be so cool! 🙂 I really hope that it's true! 😀

  7. kiakkia says:

    beautiful pics 🙂

  8. Bri says:

    About people posing as her on the Internet (2007): "I have got fakes on Facebook, Bebo, MySpace – the lot – and it's quite annoying. I can't understand why people put themselves on there. Some of the pictures that they put up of themselves make them vulnerable because anyone can see. I think the Internet is very scary."

  9. andrew says:

    the pictures are great :smile:. But they're not that big. They are normal size :smile:.

  10. andrew says:

    I think :wink:.

  11. karinaki says:

    lovely!!! soooo lovely! having a lost pic of her in our hands! she's always gorgeous… 🙂

  12. Alex says:

    thanks for the pic…it was soo pretty…and to moi…i don't know about her being the official new face a chanel but that would be brilliant if she was…<333 🙂

  13. Felipa says:

    beautiful. i fuckin' love her dress from LA premiere. so original!

  14. Jewels says:

    Hey these are nice pix

  15. Alexia says:

    Yup Emma is the new face of Chanel ! How great is that ??!! Oo and also today I found a bit on Emma in a British magazine Called 'Look' which said something about Emma going on holiday to a Chateux in the South Of France with her rugby player boyfriend, where they drank champagne & ate lobster all night ! How cute is that ??! There was also a really nice picture of the pair of them !

  16. andrew says:

    To Alexia: Ooooh that sounds intrestesting :wink:(drinking shampagne). I wonder what the site is :???:?

  17. apple says:

    Alexia, how do you know emma is the new face of chanel? and why it seems that no newspaper is reporting emma's good result??

  18. A.v says:

    Great photo's indeed!

  19. EmmaRocksSocks says:

    She's so pretty!!! 😛

  20. soso says:

    i like her …its so nice pics thanks dook 🙂 😆

  21. Alexia says:

    To Andrew & Apple, The artical about Emma & her boyfiend was in a magazine called Look, i might be able to scan it in if anyones interested in seeing it. And Apple, I read in a british newspaper that Emma had become the new face !

  22. Inmaculada says:

    Me encanta la foto en blanco y negro donde esta Emma sentada en el suelo. Es genial. 😛 🙂

  23. Phlegm says:

    She looks really good in all these pictures. She is so pretty!

  24. Dima says:

    Again???Inmaculada,please,could you use English?English isn't my mother togue too,but I use it just the same. Nobody understands you. 😡

  25. Moni says:

    Emma Watson yuo I good!!!!! 🙂 🙂 😛 😛 🙂 🙂

  26. Lundrim says:

    Hi Emma! I'm from Macedonia. In the all pictures you like really good. You are so pretty! Good bye