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About Chanel lending her gowns (2009):"It's incredible to get those gowns, because I've always loved designer clothing. It's the best. If anyone dresses me for a premiere, it'll be Chanel. Physically, I don't have time to go shopping for those events, that's why it's good that they lend me these clothes."

Holiday Project

We though we’d try something different for this years Holiday Project. Since Emma opened her official site we have been getting video messages from her for the holidays. So we thought it would be fun to put together a video greeting from her fans. You send us a video of yourself wishing her Happy Holidays, or Merry Christmas, and we’ll combine them and send them on to Emma.

If you can’t do a video, or just too shy, we will also make a nice card for Emma like we have in previous years. You can send in a message, artwork, graphics, pictures, poems, stories. Anything you like to say Happy Holidays in your own way.

For details on how to participate, visit the project page.

Comments closed for this item.

46 Responses to “Holiday Project”

  1. Alex says:

    Woah!! That is going to be so awesome!! πŸ˜€ Hope she has time to read all of our messages! I think by the time she finishes the video, she’d be 50. πŸ™‚

  2. Luis says:

    Very nice project indeed! πŸ˜‰
    Can’t believe I don’t have videocamera right now… πŸ™
    Anyway, I’ll participate in the card as every Christmas πŸ™‚
    Thank you dook ^_^

  3. kokage says:

    Huuu, that’s nice idea 😎 … i’ll be famous 2!! xDD (lol)

  4. LN says:

    Nice idea!

  5. Window says:


  6. emlover says:

    great idea emma`s gonna like it.

  7. 130671 says:

    I don’t do this card thing and I’m not too sure about my “video” presence, but it’s a great idea!
    Thumbs up to all who participate and I hope she sends some sort of answer after viewing it!

  8. Sheila says:

    How long can the video be?
    Maybe you should write that somewhere or you’ll maybe get videos 10 mins long haha πŸ˜€

  9. Dr.Pepper says:

    Such a wonderful and creative idea. Unfortunaly, I won’t have the time to do the video or send in my wishes because I will be busy with college and other things outside of college. But maybe next year I will be able to participate in something like this. πŸ˜€

    • dook says:

      You don’t have to do a video, or some long letter. In the time it took to write the comment, you could have sent in a short “Happy Holidays, Emma!”

  10. SamMonkFan says:

    ooh, I like this idea! She’s definitely going to appreciate this. can I tell her how proud I am of her?

  11. Dr.Pepper says:

    OK, I will see what I can do dook. πŸ™‚

  12. Alaska says:

    Nice,it would put a smile on her face! Cause all I want for Christmas is..her!

  13. KS987 says:

    It’s that time of year again already? This year flew by pretty fast. I love the video greating idea. πŸ™‚ Unfortunately I don’t think I have anything that would allow me to send one myself. :(. Oh well at least I can send a message like I usually do. :).

  14. Dr.Pepper says:

    Well, I sent Emma a happy birthday message. I hope that she will like it a lot. πŸ™‚

  15. Dr.Pepper says:

    Ooops, I meant a merry christmas message, lol.

  16. Tia says:

    Awesome! I sent in a video today. Is there a confirmation email or anything? How will I know if you got it and it worked?

  17. Kristine says:

    I think there should be a time limit! Can you add that to the project description?

    • dook says:

      I’ve added a suggested time for the videos. I would rather be flexible instead of having a fixed limit. As long as the length is reasonable we’ll accept them.

  18. WillowofNarnia says:

    So wait….are they doing both the video and a card?

  19. Mattias says:

    Hey , i sent a video from my iphone with IMG format, did it work to use?

  20. susangbhatt says:


    i saw Ur holiday plan. its awesome,with help of this plan u get many interesting message & videos.

  21. Odile says:

    WOW. This is great!! Definitely gonna do a video!!! WE LOVE EMMA <3

  22. Dora says:

    how long is an exceptional video? what do you suggest?
    can i send one in from a digital camera?
    I hope I can figure it out ;-/ im not that good with those kinds of things πŸ˜‰ :p

    • dook says:

      Dora, yes you can send a video from a digital camera. I think 20 or 30 seconds would be a good length. A little longer would be ok, but this is for wishing Emma happy holidays.

  23. Jen Daiker says:

    Hi! My name is Jennifer and I’m the advocate for Hermione Granger in the YA Tournament of Heroines going on today! It’s a one day event where she goes up against Claire from Morganville Vampires. What I need are people who adore Hermione and want her to win the tournamnet of awesomest heroine in YA!!!!


    It takes two seconds! SO easy! Please and thank you!!!!!

  24. keyshawn lassiter says:

    I am in north carolina aoskie and I thank you are HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. keyshawn lassiter says:


  26. abby says:

    i think this is a GREAAT idea and i cant wait for her to see it! she deserves something like this <3

  27. Jessica says:

    Hi I just want to ask if my message to emma has been sent it was jessica from philippines ,that’s it, thanks and more power on this site πŸ™‚

  28. Cate says:

    This is a nice idea!
    BTW,Emma arrived to hk yesterday.
    She’s gonna LancΓ΄me dinner tonight.
    I am really happy =]wish I knew this earlier ><
    the video

  29. anita says:

    how come the news update in this site is so slow?? no news and pics about emma coming to hk at all. no candids of her when all other sites have posted them already.

    • dook says:

      Anita, because of time zone differences I only found out about the two Lancome events now. We don’t post paparazzi pictures like the previous candids from the airport.

  30. Laure says:


    I speak French, I can take part ?

    Thank you.

    • dook says:

      Hi Laure, if you are talking about speaking French in a video, it would be better in English. We do have staff that speak French though, and so does Emma, so French will be acceptable.

  31. Emmazing says:

    Probably won’t participate but that’s a brillant idea !