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About Hermione not being dressed up in OotP (2007): "She's back. Actually, Jany [Temime] who is head of costume said "This one is Hermione tomboy. She's back to being one of the guys." It's quite powerful for Hermione, this one. She's the one who makes everything happen. It's very similar to the role she had in the third one where she's just like "Right, we're going to do this and you guys are coming with me." (laughs) She's dragging them off everywhere so it's really cool. It's a powerful female role. "

Jason Isaacs praises the trio & more // 09 August 2006

Starpulse has posted some quotes from Jason Isaacs (Lucius Malfoy) where he praises Daniel, Emma & Rupert for being down-to-earth and polite even with all media madness that surrounds them since they were 10 or 11, here’s the article:

Isaacs admits he could forgive them for being brats because they’re often treated like "the second coming of Christ" by Potter fans. But, instead, the trio remain pleasant and accessible to their fans.

Isaacs says, "They are the same enthusiastic people that they were when I first started. I bring my friends’ kids and my kids on set because they’re all dying to visit Hogwarts (fictitious Potter school).

"Obviously they’re desperate for a minute with Daniel, Emma and Rupert, and they always find the time. You can only put it down to their nature. Initially, it was their parents’ guidance".

Thanks to Veritaserum for the heads up and I’m sure we all agree on that!

I’ve posted some new OOTP set pictures over at the Harry Potter section, but unfortunately we don’t have any featuring Emma yet.

Also I’m sure most of you know about that by now, but I wanna make sure to post it and let everyone else know about that:

Warner Brothers has confirmed that Harry Potter and the Halfblood Prince will be released on the 21st of November 2008.

None of the actors are confirmed yet, but hopefully we’ll hear something from WB regarding this matter soon.

And don’t forget to vote for Emma!

SyFy Genre Awards
Scream Awards
Australian Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards

[ Carol ]

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114 Responses to “Jason Isaacs praises the trio & more // 09 August 2006”

  1. happs - Poland says:

    foto of the day is dumn

  2. Ania says:

    hmmm…… sorry guys but I don’t like new comments;/

  3. Emma 's #1=) Fan says:

    IDK about u guyes but I have to say that this site is uppdated more then most others so don’t be complayning. I love Emma and am Happy when I get the news but don’t beg for it!! And as for me I can’t wait for the fith and the sixth Harry Potter to come out !! LOL

  4. Updates? says:

    No updates for nearly a week. Has everyone gone on holiday? I hoping someone can try and find out if Emma has started back filming again. As a bona fide fansite, someone ought to be able to call Emma’s reps or WB reps to find out (like Jenna does with Dan’s fansite).Btw, I know Emma gets her GCSE results next week so it must be a nervous time for her at present.

  5. Meya says:

    OMG what a disgusting colour.

  6. Aura says:

    Yes, wwll, I don’t like the color as well dear. But I think that many other people DO, so we must respect them… and think at it as you think at chocolate… I belive Emma is the pink kinda girl, not the more moture then her age…And I think what Jason Isaacs said aboud the trio is really nice… And we all know it is the true… We do if we believe. πŸ™‚

  7. happs - Poland says:

    I have got awsome links for you, it’s video :…my_love_on_you/

  8. Acid_xtc says:

    The picture of the day is very pretty πŸ™‚

  9. Alana says:

    Hey Carol! Why no updates at this time right now? πŸ™

  10. Cool4ever says:

    Please give us some more updates.

  11. emma's#ONEfan says:


  12. Richard says:

    Go update plz!! Also, fans section, media and fun are not working.. afffKeep up the good work and updates plx!!! πŸ˜€

  13. Martha^ says:

    there are no news so what Carol have to post hmm?

  14. r/h fan says:

    Picture of the day= Very cool and I like it.