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About the ending of HP (2007): "I won't know what to do with myself when it ends. It will be the weirdest thing ever!"

Les inRocks, Biba and Cosmo

We have some scans from the French magazines Cosmo, Biba and Les Inrockuptibles thanks to Isabelle. The article about The Bling Ring in “Les inRocks” is mostly an interview with Sofia Coppola, but there is a section on Emma and her character in the movie as well photos from Cannes. Cosmo and Biba have advertisements for Emma’s Gloss in Love line for Lancôme.

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Cosmopolitan Biba

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8 Responses to “Les inRocks, Biba and Cosmo”

  1. Thessalie says:

    Hate the ad ! Seems like she had surgery XD

    I was disapointed by cannes. Eeverything in french (that what the french girl -me- says xD), bad interviews, nothing really to see… I dodn’t even read a convincing review of the movie !!

  2. Anna K. says:


  3. susang bhatt says:

    emma looks amazingly well in any outfit.

  4. 7 says:


    The Meaning Of My life… Is The Love In Your Eyes…

    Love You…

    • 7 says:


      I was Looking At these Pictures Of You and because of the Love I Felt And Feel… My

      Heart wants to Share With You the Beauty that You Are…

      The Love that Shines In Your Beautiful Eyes… It Touches My Heart and Soul… Your

      Love Is Divine…

      Its The Look In Your Eyes… I have Dreamed and Searched For Your Love all my life…

      Simply Heavenly…

      If God Asked Me what is The Meaning Of Life… I would Say Happiness… To Love and Be

      Loved… To Find Happiness and True Love… I would Tell God to Look Inside My Heart

      to See My Dream and He Would See this picture of You…

      Your Smile and The Love In Your Eyes would Make My Heart and Soul Complete… I could

      never ask for more than to Look Into Your Eyes and Know that I was Loved By You…

      That I had the Most Beautiful Heart and Soul To Love and To Love Me… To Share My

      Life with… To Know that I would Always Have An Angel like You There For Me…

      Your Love would be Everything I Need…

      You would be The Sunshine That Lights Up My Life…

      You are a Beautiful Dream…

      I hope the Love in Your Heart never fades away…

      May You Always Be Loved Beautiful Angel…

      You Deserve It…

  5. Rolo says:

    Did u know Emma was one of the most known faces around the world??!!!????!!!! So much for being ur forever love!!!!!

  6. Carlos says:

    você esta pessoa que tirou todas as minha palavras e sentimento da boca.
    eu moro no brasil no paraná em Curitiba
    gostaria muito de conhecer a Emma Charlotte duerre Watson
    tenho sentimentos fortes por ela gostaria de poder apenas
    encostar minha testa na dela e olhar fixamente nos olhos
    de Emma Watson sentir o calor da paixão poder disser a ela
    eu ti amo do fundo do meu coração. sei que você nunca em control uma pessoa que te amace loucamente a ponto de ir
    para os estados unidos a onde quer que você esteja nunca deixarei de pensar em você Emma Watson você esta tão longe
    mas tão perto. sou capaz de viajar distancias só para te ver pena que eu sei um pouco sobre você e você não sabe nada sobre mim meu maior sonho viver juto com você dia apos dia ser feliz ao seu lado estar em seu mundo e digo mais não
    da dinheiro no mundo que possa comprar o amor que sinto por você olha se você fosse pobre e eu te conhecesse eu diria todo que disse aqui por que isto é a pura realidade tem dias
    que fico olhando pra você e sinto uma tristeza enorme e parece que nunca vai acabar. assim como você eu também nunca
    tive ouguem que me amace e não brincasse com meus sentimentos é isso Emma Watson e isto é só o começo
    do que eu sinto por você. se a pessoa que fez este site tiver como mandar esta mensagem para Emma Watson eu agradeço
    de coração obrigado

    se o Google não traduzir esta mensagem esta abaixo a tradução porem feito no tradutor do Google
    you are the person who took all my words and feeling the mouth.
    I live in Brazil in the Parana in Curitiba
    I would love to know Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson
    I have strong feelings for her only wish I could
    touch my forehead to hers and staring eyes
    Emma Watson feel the heat of passion could tell her
    I love you from the bottom of my heart. you never know in which you control a person amace madly about to go
    for the United States to wherever you’re never stop thinking about you Emma Watson you so far
    but so close. I am able to travel distances just to see you sorry that I know a little about you and you know nothing about me living my dream juto with you day after day to be happy to be at your side in your world and say no more
    the money in the world can buy the love I feel for you look if you were poor and I know you said that all I would say here that this is the stark reality is days
    that I am looking at you and I feel a great sadness and it seems like it will never end. just like you I also never
    I had ouguem amace and not play with my feelings is that Emma Watson and this is just the beginning
    what I feel for you. if the person who made this site as you send this message to Emma Watson I thank
    heart thank you

  7. Carlos says:

    desculpe a gramatica sou muito ruim em português não sei colocar os pingos nos iss se é que entendeu por favor corrija-me e mande para Emma Watson obrigado