Hello, everyone!
Emma-Watson.net now has a Twitter account. Twitter is one of the biggest and most successful social networking sites right now, and we think it would be a great way for everyone to keep updated about the newest news about Emma Watson.
If you have a Twitter account, great! Click on the picture or link below to follow us and keep up to date!
emma-watson.net still continus to grow cool and cungrads 🙂
i agree 🙂 🙂
I don't have twitter or any social networking accounts. Congrats for you new twitter account anyway. 🙂 There is a new update on Emma's official site: http://www.emmawatsonofficial.com/#news/show/384
I´m not a big twitter fan, but for ew.not it´s a good idea. Just make sure not to be confused with all the "official" Emma Watson Twitter acounts. 🙂 On a different note, Dan and Emma are shooting in Scotland and freezing …
eh…I actually dislike twitter…..I think I'll stick to myspace 😛
I just made my Twitter!great
i dont find such things logical at all if you already have a portal and a news/events to post, why the heck going on such stupid services called "social site" instead putting an effort into thing you invested most ? the being "cool" is just plain stupid…
hog_mus, it’s not about being “cool”. Twitter is a way for people to get notified when the site is updated or things like that. Not everyoe visits the site everyday, and for those people this will let them know they should stop by if they have twitter. And it’s not much effort, just a few seconds, to enter a message on twitter.
Cool. I don't use Twitter myself, but props on the extra effort.
🙂 Hi, I just wanted to let you know that for some reason my finder on my twitter page just absolutely refuses to find emmawatsonnet in order to follow. It just says that zero results were found on Twitter when I do a search for your twitter name. I have no idea why. xxx
Yeah its pretty good what is done on Twitter but personally i stick to myspace…yeah i think 😆
You think this is Ems official twitter? Or just another poser? http://twitter.com/mwtsnx 😕
Emma does not have a twitter account. That one, and any others you find that claim to be her are fake.