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About how she heard about People Tree (2010): "I've been interested in Fair Trade for about three or four years now and one day I met a friend who was wearing a nice t-shirt and I asked him where it was from and he told me People Tree. I had never heard of People Tree before and he started telling me about the brand and he was also a friend of Safia's and so he introduced me. I was just really interested in it. I thought it was a really cool idea and when I met Safia we really clicked. And a couple of weeks later she asked me whether I would be interested in putting together a range for the people my age as a lot of the People Tree clothes were for 20 years and up. And I thought this was a really great idea as I don't think there is a huge amount out that which is Fair Trade or organic. I thought it was a pretty cool idea and I got to work straight away and we put together this range."

Photos From Deathly Hallows // 21 April 2009

We have 6 new photos of Emma along with co-stars Rupert Grint and Daniel Radcliffe filming on location for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in London from earlier today.

Thanks to!

We also have photos of Emma and Dan from this past weekend on location in the highlands of Scotland filming a camping scene. Click the thumb to view them in the gallery. Thanks to Oclumencia.

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25 Responses to “Photos From Deathly Hallows // 21 April 2009”

  1. KANCHAN says:

    yeah first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😛 I wanna see deathly hallows 1 …. I m looking forward to it!!!!!! EMMA IS GORGEOUS!!!!!!!as usual!!! 😆 🙂

  2. barbs says:

    New photos on the set of the deathly hallows : <a></a&gt;

  3. barbs says:

    sorry, don't put <a></a>

  4. Thessalie says:

    Amazing picture !! 😀 emma still so cute …

  5. Nick says:

    Is it me or does Dan look really old. Its not that he looks old but how he dresses, has his hair and generally how he does things makes him seem much older.

  6. cristy says:

    even more picture of emma waering a very pretty dress this news dose not end yaaaaaaaaa 🙂

  7. CRISTY says:


  8. Fonty says:

    This woman is killing me!!!! Hermione in a red dress, Hermione and Harry camping, all these DH pictures and arrrrgh we´ll have to wait until November 2010 for the film. Arrrgh. 😆 Hopefully, all these HP/DH set pictures divert the attention away from the Emma/boyfriend snuggling pictures, that I have seen a thumbnail only of, of course. 🙂 Yay! (I didn´t spell that one right.) 😉 😉 😆

  9. Almaz says:


  10. cemal says:

    Very cool:) 🙂

  11. muggle_born says:

    I don't remember seeing so many behind-the-scenes pictures so early. These are so cool…including the ones with Emma and her BF. 😛 😛 😛

  12. muggle_born says:

    CRISTY, THANKS for the link!!! I’m really loving these pictures. I just realized the bag Emma is carrying must be the one Hermione had stuffed with everything under the sun. This is GREAT!!! 😛 😛 😛

  13. bars says:

    And now… a video !!!! Enjoy ! 😆

  14. Nick says:

    wow! Theres very few pics of Emma actually being intimate with her boyfriends.

  15. kwan says:

    i really her .she's very beautiful!! Dream to see her someday!

  16. Legorle says:

    Hi, I come from germany. Has emma a boyfriend? look at this. town-new-Harry-Potter-film.html greets from germany

  17. guille says:

    what part in the book is the picture of the tent with harry and hermione?

  18. dook says:

    Since “Ron” isn’t with Harry and Hermione, it might be the part after Ron left and they are still camping.

  19. joe says:

    yeah maybe…..but when will the first part end…..????

  20. autumn_weasley says:

    she even looks good wen shes got her hair all messy looking lol

  21. Jeanette says:

    Uhhhh I can't wait to see it.. 😀 .. so exiting.. 😉 … Emma: You go girl.. ;D ..

  22. ben says:

    looking hot as always.nice arse! 😉

  23. Nicole says:

    very excited can't wait to see the film,it's weird they are filming the deathly hallows when half-blood prince hasn't even came out yet.

  24. mehrdad says:

    😛 my name is mehrdad i live in iran