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About OotP (2007): "I think it's the best so far, it's my favourite so far. Azkaban, I think, was my favourite one, and then this one's really kind of... I'm just so pleased with it and David Yates got the best out the three of us so far."

Emma in People’s 100 Most Beautiful List

  Emma Watson is in People’s 100 Most Beautiful list in their latest issue on newstands now. Robert Pattinson also made the list. You can see a preview at the link above although Emma is not featured.  Thanks to Esther at and Leann for the tip.
And Emma was pictured in another horoscope in the April Teen Vogue. Thanks Kelsey for the scan.
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11 Responses to “Emma in People’s 100 Most Beautiful List”

  1. Luis says:

    Very nice picture 😉

  2. EmRocksSocks says:

    Oh, yes it is!

  3. cristy says:

    # 3 yaaa

  4. KS987 says:

    Emma should be number one. Ah well she's on top of my list, as always. They will put her on top of their lists as well, someday. I am sure of it. 🙂

  5. Charly says:

    which number is emma?

  6. Roger says:

    The magazine is on the stands today. Maybe somebody could scan the page that has her on it.

  7. Craig says:

    Roger, here's one. She's about number 27 on the gallery:

  8. dook says:

    Craig, I think that is just a random image of Emma, not the one used in the list.

  9. vergil says:

    😛 it cant be … haaaahaaaa its so funny

  10. ME says:

    She definitely deserves it. The girl is gorgeous! 🙂

  11. yay says:

    Yeah..ur rite me