About being a part of "HP" (2011): "I don't know, how do I put that into words. What an incredible experience. I just feel so blessed that I was chosen. I was given the chance to experience all of this, and have this be part of my life. We were the chosen ones. Yeah. Yeah, we were."
More Magazine Scans
We have a number of scans from around the world for you today.
The August issue of Joy from Mexico has Emma on the cover and an article titled “The Female Side of Harry Potter”. The article is in Spanish. Thanks to Gaby for the scans.
The Dutch magazine Veronica has a feature on Emma. Thanks to Jochem who sent us scans and an English translation.
Arturo sent us photos of Glamour magazine from Mexico. The photos may not be big enough to read, but he sent along a translation also. Thanks Arturo.
We posted scans of the June issue of Candy from the Philipines back in May, but thanks to Hershey we have higher res scans and they’ve been added to the gallery.
The German magazine Bunte has an article featuring Emma. Thanks to Charly for the scans.
Charly also sent scans from the television magazine TV14, and from a local paper, General Anzeiger.
posted by dook on Sunday, July 26th, 2009,
filed under Uncategorized.
When I heard the news of her being dead I seriously was so shocked I couldn't move a muscle! If that report had been true I think I would have a serious melt down! 😥 I love Emma probably more than any celeb in this world and thank GOD these reports were false! 🙂
Emma says she has no "hidden talents" in one of the interviews. I am skeptical of that though, considering how many of her talents have emerged over the years when they were previously unknown, so I am sure she has more. :razz:. Even if she doesn't, she has more than enough great talents to keep people amazed for years to come. She also talks about getting her license for diving, which was mentioned in the biography on her official site as well. 🙂
I always felt K. Steward has that totally "american" feel to her…and next to her, Emma would seem even more european or british in every way, so they don`t really compare very well. :razz:But yeah, Emma is more beautiful
yeeey, thanks for the scans, I love them
Thanks for the scans and the translations for some of them. As always, Emma is a stunning young lady. I like this one: http://gallery.ewva.net/displayimage.php?album=397&pos=0 Cute pose and great legs. 🙂
thx~~~i love emma !!
Heloo……… I am from iran 🙂 I love harry potter 🙂 you are beautiful 🙂 my weblog:www.moonika-88.blogfa.com bye 🙂
Heloo=Hello 😛 😆 😕 😉 🙂
This is what beauty is all about 🙂 Emma is soooo beautifull
Like them 😉
okey and thanx…wow! beautiful scans ¢¾
i don't like harry potter 6 i think it will be great but it isn't 😡 🙁
VOTE FOR the TRIO!!! http://www.theimproper.com/Template_Article.aspx?IssueId=16&ArticleId=3 743 😆
wow is that the death articl everyone is talking about that emmawatsonofficial mentioned. wow sounds fake and easily written.
Sweet. Thanks.
I bought vouge with Emma, dwo days ago ;]
thanks for the scans. Emma looks great in all of them :P.
Hey! On EWO Jo discusses all those death rumors that were going around!! <a href="http://www.emmawatsonofficial.com/#news/show/401"> HERE </a>
Sorry about all that extra stuff! 😆 I'm so used to web designing 😛 here's the link!! http://www.emmawatsonofficial.com/#news/show/401
When I heard the news of her being dead I seriously was so shocked I couldn't move a muscle! If that report had been true I think I would have a serious melt down! 😥 I love Emma probably more than any celeb in this world and thank GOD these reports were false! 🙂
Emma says she has no "hidden talents" in one of the interviews. I am skeptical of that though, considering how many of her talents have emerged over the years when they were previously unknown, so I am sure she has more. :razz:. Even if she doesn't, she has more than enough great talents to keep people amazed for years to come. She also talks about getting her license for diving, which was mentioned in the biography on her official site as well. 🙂
Emma is way more good looking than Kristen Steward won`t you agree? 🙂
btw. When you refresh that site you can vote again so that vote can be fake 🙂 🙂 .However Emma still most beautifull 😆
I always felt K. Steward has that totally "american" feel to her…and next to her, Emma would seem even more european or british in every way, so they don`t really compare very well. :razz:But yeah, Emma is more beautiful
hola emma adorao tu vida soy de argentina 😆 😆 😆
thank you for the scans, they're very lovely
oie okay I'm Larissa of Brazil Comtat and wanted to have with you and how is the life of vcs vcs if you have msn add me lara-gata1996@hotmail.com
hi emma.