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About Hermione in OotP (2007): "Hermione's starting to battle with herself this time. She's not sure whether she should question people and break rules and go against authority and I think a lot of teenagers can relate to that. We're at an age where you're not really sure whether you're still a kid or not, or whether you're actually old enough to do what you want and make your own decisions."

New HBP Photoshoot Pictures, More Burberry displays

  We’ve added some new pictures of Emma from the Half-Blood Prince photoshoot to the gallery. Credit: Oclumencia.

We have more photos of Burberry store displays featuring photos of Emma Watson. Jenny sent in this photo from outside a Burberry store in Hong Kong, and Tabitha sent in a photo of the Burberry store on 5th Avenue in New York.



Here is a display in a Palacio de Hierrro store in Mexico. Gaby had to sneak a picture so the quality isn’t that good.
  Joann sent in this photo from a display in London.

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34 Responses to “New HBP Photoshoot Pictures, More Burberry displays”

  1. 130671 says:

    🙂 🙂 🙂

  2. 130671 says:

    Wow – the effects of photoshopping! Compare her face in #5 and #6! What a difference…

  3. Roger says:

    That Burberry single shot of Emma got a full cover page on one of the sections of the New York Times today. Talk about exposure! Emma is no longer "on her way" as a model: she's there!

  4. Dreamer says:

    I couldn`t recognise her 😕 😕

  5. andrew says:

    awesome pictures and thanks for the photoshoot 🙂

  6. Arturo Picazo says:

    @ Dreamer: It happens the same to me everytime i see her with that style… I think that if someone asks me who is she with that different style in another picture, i wouldnt know… Jaja 😛 😆

  7. Adam Clark says:

    She makes one hot witch. 🙂 🙂

  8. EmsRocksSocks says:

    130671, I'm not sure I get what you mean? :/

  9. Ming says:

    So cool 😉

  10. KS987 says:

    Looks like Emma as the face of Burberry has been a huge hit. Than again it's no surprise. She's a beauty. Great photoshoot as well. Emma's poses are awesome and sexy. I wonder if all those years of posing for Harry Potter promotional shoots gave her the idea for modeling for magazine photoshoots, as she has always been good at striking poses. Roger, do you have that section? It would be cool if you could send that in.

  11. Cwopqa says:

    Which burberry store is it in Hong Kong? I have to go and have a look. I live in Hong Kong.

  12. Ming says:

    Re Cwopqa, Im also live in Hk too ;] My Question is the same because i only saw Burberry in Macau…

  13. Valentina says:

    YEEEY! New pictures!! Thank you very much 😉

  14. Mary says:

    Wow! The store photos are wonderful! She is a top model and the camplaign is a huge success (at least that's what fashion insiders are saying.) Guys go vote for Emma -Bonnie sites are promoting this poll. For some reason it means alot to them- Bonnie beating Emma. Of coarse Emma is the face of burberry and a real model so it's sort of stupid she's on the list.

  15. Mary says:

    Sorry this is better link: model/t/6833/ Emma's in other polls as well, best cover, Kristin vs Emma, who's hot right now.

  16. Mary says:

    Link still not right! under poll name put "should do good as a model" _last time I'm posting about this.

  17. meandme says:

    Some Bonnie fans start to annoy me. What do they want to prove? Emma is the female star of the HP movies, before HBP noone knew who Bonnie even was. So it makes no sense for her to beat Emma in everything. You can't even compare the fame of those two.

  18. 130671 says:

    @emsrockssocks I mean the gallery pics, of course…the "official" HP-promo-whatever-you-call-it pictures you see when you hit the uppermost pic of this post. There`s a marked difference to Emma`s face between pics 5 and 6, even though it`s the same shoot.

  19. 130671 says:

    Oh, and interesting POTD. If only she could bring herself to wear the lower half of that with the upper half of the Empire photoshoot. 😛 I bet she has, in front of a mirror, at least once… 😛

  20. pat says:

    here is another poll to vote on:,,20153312_20153316_20297381,00.html

  21. nee says:

    guys, emma's been put on the the independents 50 smuggest brittons 🙁 i can't find the page right now but i'll try and get it asap

  22. daniel says:

    OMG! Emma everywhere around the world!! And new images from HBP, it's so exciting!!! Thanx!

  23. Amy says:

    hi can anyone help me out with a picture?? i saw it is rupert and emma and he has his arm around her at some premier. her shoulders are bare. its a cute pic and there smiling.anyone know what im talking about?? please help

  24. Sara says:

    I passed by that store in Manhattan quickly thinking its just another ad with a model lol. Then I saw 2 or 3 guys in front of the store pointing and looked "OH its EMMA" lol I can't believe how much better she looks in that huge ad. These small pics on the comp. don't do her justice. She really look like a supermodel very pretty!!

  25. EmsRocksSocks says:

    130671, Oh, the freckles! Of course! 😛 Looks beautiful either way, so I don't mind. 😆

  26. KS987 says:

    I already saw a Youtube video in which Emma stated that she was still planning on doing Napoleon and Betsy, but that the project keeps being delayed. But here is an article that mentions that her main priority is university, but not only mentions that Napoleon and Betsy is still in development, but Emma wants to do another project as well. If this is true, then that's good news to hear that Emma has more projects planned. 🙂

  27. Nina says:

    Emma rocks!

  28. tree says:

    Her images are always so beautiful…. 🙁

  29. autumn weasley says:

    why did gaby have to sneak a pic was it becus she was embrassed or just because she wasnt allowed to

  30. dook says:

    Apparently the store doesn’t allow pictures.

  31. tree says:

    Wow…some STRICT store… 😕

  32. tree says:

    Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention on my "comment" that Brand Name Stores like Bloomingdales (including Burberry inside) usually don't let you take pictures of whatever there is in their store… 😡

  33. nee says:

    guys, here's the 50 smuggest brittons page, emma's on it, along kate winslet and keira knightley. 🙁 Also, if you can't be bothered to look through allt he pictures, here's where you can vote for the winner