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About tabloids (2009):"I like having my privacy, but it's rather difficult at the moment. I never talk about my love life, and journalists grumble a lot about that. In a certain way, having people speculate is better. Nobody knows the truth, but they keep writing articles anyway: they have no credential. Audrey Hepburn always said: "I don't care what they write about me, as long as it's not true." Tabloids are ridiculous, and I tend to agree with her. But I can't really complain. Relatively speaking, I've been rather well-treated."

Madison's Inspiration Story

How has Emma changed my life?

Well I first became a fan of Miss Emma after watching The Chamber of Secrets.

I was doing a project on the Harry Potter films for film class and I began looking through photos of her at the London COS Premiere. I thought she was absolutely adorable so I began to find out more about her!

After watching her in interviews and reading transcripts I thought she seemed like such a cool person! She sounded fun, smart and so down to earth. I want to be like that, Id think to myself! So I began trying my best to be like her. I started doing my hair like Emma's, even dying it brown. I also used to start liking all the things Emma likes, her music, movies and stuff like that. Although I am past the stage in my life where I copy other people, I still look to Emma for fashion tips and we do have alot in common :)

So back on track, how has being a fan changed me?

Well after years of copying Emma's style I have finally found my own! It took ages but after experimenting with so many things Emma wears I have found what I like and I dress like myself!

Also When I am in a tough situation and don't know what to do, I think to myself "What would Emma do in this situation?" It helped me do alot of things. She seems so confident in herself so when I'm with someone...a boy perhaps...I try to act like confident Emma Watson would, and not be so shy. She also helped me get over my fear of roller coasters! I was so afraid but after thinking what Emma would do, I decided that Emma would probably like to try new things and take that's what I did and I'm glad I did it because I was really missing out!

Striving to be more like her she has helped me discover myself and to be proud of who I am. She is just a normal girl but by taking a chance she has been blessed with one of the greatest gifts, the opportunity to be a role model and to help people :)

She is living proof that by taking a risk, something great can happen! I will always have that in mind next time I am faced with a hard decision.

Thank you Emma for teaching me to be proud, confident and to take chances!