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About outgrowing her part (2005): "There's been a lot of speculation about the fact that we might outgrow our parts. But each film takes about a year to make and so we are growing up at the same time as our characters are. So I think I'm a little bit older than Hermione but pretty much the same age, so it works out pretty well."

Olivia's Inspiration Story

It's amazing how much a person can influence on you and change you. My experience was so special to me. I will tell you everything: When I saw the 1st Harry Potter movie, I thought that it was really good. It was like me being lifted into the magical world along with all the famous actors and actresses. However, once I saw Emma Watson appear into the light of the film...I was astounded at her amazing ability in acting. Each film seemed better and better, and I watched her slowly grow up into a beautiful teenager. Finally, the 3rd film of Harry Potter came out and whilst watching it, my heart was pounding - I couldn't wait till Emma appeared on stage, due to her amazing ability in acting. When I finished watching the movie at home, I kept rewinding to each bit where Emma would appear. I slowly watched her way of projecting her voice etc. I slowly got into Emma's world...I looked in galleries of her, clothes...the more I saw her Fashion etc, the more I wanted to be like her. But because I am so different from her, with a completely different fashion, I just got clothes similar to her. Also, her amazing character has made me stronger, making me feel more determined to do everything. For example, I got 82% for my History Exam. Why? Emma Watson. She helped me through it. She made me determined and to help me truly be myself. I thank Emma for her being Hermione, and I thank Jo for making this amazing, stupendous website!