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About the makeup trailer on the HP set (2011): "That was my playground. I would sit and play with lipsticks, foundations, and eye shadows, and every now and then Amanda would let me do the extras' face paint for the Quidditch matches."

Regina's Inspiration Story

How Emma Inspired Me to Be………

Well, this may be very long but Emma is the most amazing person I have ever known – and I don’t even know her. The first time I even heard of Harry Potter was when my mom saw a preview for PS. She said, oh this looks like a good kid movie- do you want to see it. And I was like about 7 or 8 years old and I, me and my mom went to see it. Now I don’t remember how I felt or what I liked or anything like that because I am almost 13 now but, all I know is that I loved the whole concept of it all. I went to see the second one in theatres (don’t remember that either). But, when I saw the 3rd Harry Potter movie, I fell in love with Emma’s ambition and willpower. She was so determined to be the best she could and she wouldn’t settle for anything less. When I bought the DVD, I watched the behind the scenes immediately and I saw the cast and crew interviews- Emma stood out as a strong, determined, ”alive”, individual and such a cool teen girl. I watched that movie about 20 times and bought a curling iron, pink sweatshirt, striped belt and wore my hair down more. I scanned the Internet for interviews that I could read, photos to match up to them and I would practice talking like and doing her hand movement like she did. I finally found and downloaded videos of her and I fell in love with her style. I copied it and did everything in my power to stand out like she does. I visited web sites, chatted with others and I got a perm and got a newspaper route so I could get money to copy her style and look. Then, the 4th movie came out and I was literally blown away by her amazing talent. Even more than before, I was literally for hours at a time, looking for interviews, checking out her make up and clothes and hair. I was obsessed. And then you can only imagine how insane I was when the 4th movie came out on DVD! I went straight to the interviews and behind the scenes (after watching the movie) and I loved how relaxed she could be but also how honest and trusting she looked as soon as you see her. I went to her favorites and saw her favorite movies, food, actors, actresses, books, music, brands, sports etc. and I started watching, eating, liking, reading, listening too, wearing, and playing all of her faves and discovered her style and flavor and tried to copy it. I was terrible at it. Basically she taught me how to be myself and stand out as an individual more than just a member of a team or group. And although I might still have an anxiety attack whenever there is a new interview or picture of her, I am more of an individual now than I ever though I would be!

By Regina