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About the way she has to behave in public (2007): "Fame probably restricts my freedom a little. I can't act like the rest of my peer group, I have to think more carefully and be more wary of people. You don't even have to do anything wrong, the papers just interpret it in a certain way. So I'm careful. but I don't feel like I don't have a good time or am hiding inside myself."

Emma's 17th Birthday

Emma's 17th Birthday

World Picture Book

Emma has said she loves to travel, and fans are always asking if Emma will come to their country sometime. It would take a long time to visit all the countries her fans come from, so we thougth we'd provide a little world tour. We asked the fans to send in pictures of where they live or of places they enjoyed visiting and created the World Picture Book. Maybe Emma will be inspired to visit some of these places.

Book of 17s

The second part of this birthday project was a book about, well, 17s. 17 movies to watch, 17 outfits to wear, 17 roles to play, 17 things to do in the next year, etc., and from the fans, 17 drawings and 17 poems. Some of this was for fun, some serious.