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About working for People Tree (2010): "I haven't had any fashion training but I am an artist. I paint, I draw and I had a great team to work with. I designed the collection for myself and my friends; they're the sort of thing we wear - the difference being they're ecologically sound. I became completely engrossed. I tried on the clothes, I worked on the catalogue and my friends and I were models. We all worked for free."

Birthday Project 2014

Happy 24th Birthday Emma!

from your fans at


Thank you to everyone who participated in the birthday project. Thank you to Jia for the cover art. Your messages and cards can be viewed in PDF format by clicking the image above, or here. Mara and Anurag sent in videos for Emma's birthday which you can view below.



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Video by Mara

You need the Flash to see this video.

Video by Anurag

The young girl in the mickey mouse ears is not Emma as far as I know, but it was too late to change the video.