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About the romance between Ron and Hermione in OotP (2007): "The romance between us is there if you watch carefully, it's all underneath the surface. There are hints of it all the time and at one point Hermione and Ron have a duelling match and she absolutely smashes him into the back wall with this spell. And Ron is pretending, "Oh yeah, I let her do that, it's manners isn't it?" which is quite funny."

Jo's Story

Oxford Street at Christmas

I arrived at Oxford street (London) at 2:30 and I was the first person to arrive! It was absolutely freezing cold and had worrying thoughts that maybe I had got the wrong day or the wrong venue because there were absolutely no people in sight!

Several hours Later and a few people started turning up.. I stood with 2 girls who were huge Emma fans, who had previously been very lucky when Emma had given them spare tickets she had to go inside the Prisoner of Azkaban premiere in London.

At 6:00pm the nights events began.. myself and my 2 new friends had managed to get ourselves right at the very front of the raised stage. The presenters came on to start of the days events followed by the Mayor of London.

It was the Myor who introduced Emma Watson onto the stage much to the delight of the thousands of Potter fans that had turned up! Emma was very very excited and you could not take the smile off of her face. She spoke of how it was a huge honor to be there. The Presenter (Jono) asked her what she wanted for Christmas, Emma took a long thought before deciding “I'd love a Candy floss making machine!” [Laughs from the crowd]

The presenter then gave her a kiss and blushed with a smile saying “My Christmas came early this year- I just kissed Hermione!”

We were then introduced to our Olympic Gold medalist Olympic relay team..Everyone let out a huge roar for there wonderful achievement! They were there to also promote Great Britain's Olympic bid for 2012.

As the team paraded their gold medals the 2 girls I was with called up to Emma, Emma looked down to where we were standing and smiled the girls shouted at her “Do you remember us? You gave us tickets to the Premiere?” Emma started bouncing up & down with excitement “YES” she mouthed with a huge smile before giving a huge wave & a thumbs up to them.

There was then a huge countdown to switch the lights on..and everyone went crazy. Millions of pieces of paper were falling from the sky. Before leaving the stage to make way for the classical Boy band about to sing..Emma was asked if she would like to see the Olympics come to Great Britain in 2012 ..Emma said “Yes Definitely I am a huge fan of sport” she shared a quick joke with 5 times Olympic gold medalist Steve Redgrave before leaving the stage full of waves.

It was a great day..Emma looked lovely – and the lights…Superb!