About the good and the bad (2011): "I have to really enjoy the good things because it makes the bad things OK."
Chat Rules
- Emma Watson does not chat here.
- Do not pretend to be Emma Watson, a friend of Emma Watson, any of the HP cast, or other celebrities.
- No one here has Emma's email, address or phone number. Any that you find on the internet are fake.
- This is a site for all ages. No inappropriate topics. No profanity or innapropriate words. This includes purposely mispelling words to get past the profanity censor. Usernames must be apppropriate, and may not be the name of celebrities. Fictional names are ok.
- No abusive comments towards Emma, the staff, other visitors, or anyone.
- No posting of links to private pictures, or sites that contain private pictures.
- No spamming or flooding or advertising other sites.
- Be carefuly giving out any private information. Anyone could be watching. Age, gender and general location is ok. There is also a chat on the forum which has private chat.
- Please report abuse of the chatbox to dookdookdook@gmail.com
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