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About Viktor Krum (2005): "The Bulgarian Bon-Bon, yeah... (the interviewer laughs) That's in the movie, that's a quote!"

Archive for the ‘Movies’ Category

New Stills and BTS from Regression

Wednesday, January 27th, 2016

A bunch of new stills and behind the scenes shots from Alejandro Amenábar’s Regression with Emma Watson, Ethan Hawke and David Thewlis. Regression finally opens in the US on February 5.


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Colonia Trailer 2 Now in English

Monday, January 11th, 2016

We posted this second official trailer for Colonia three weeks ago dubbed in German. Here it is again but now with the original English.

New Colonia Trailer

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2015

A new trailer for Colonia has been released with a number of new scenes. It is dubbed in German but if you don’t understand the language you can pretty much follow along. Colonia stars Emma Watson, Daniel Daniel Brühl and Michael Nyqvist. The movie opens February in Germany, but no other release dates have been set.


New Stills and Set Photos from Colonia

Friday, November 20th, 2015

New stills and photos from the set of Colonia are out.


Emma Watson talks with director Florian Gallenberger on the set.

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Stills with Emma Watson, Daniel Brühl and Michael Nyqvist.

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Credit to Emma Watson Belgium

Behind the Scenes of “The Circle” with Tom Hanks

Sunday, October 11th, 2015

After a high school campaigned to have Tom Hanks attend their homecoming, the actor responded with a special message for the school. Hanks gives a video tour of the The Circle set and support. Emma Watson appears with a brief welcome for the students, and we also get a quick glimpse of Patton Oswalt.

Regression – Twitter Q&A, Interviews

Friday, October 9th, 2015

Emma Watson will host a live twitter Q&A session discussing Regression on Friday. Use hashtag #ASKEMMA



More interviews with Emma talking about Regression and Beauty and the Beast. The first is from BBC Radio and is audio only.


You need the Flash to see this video.

Emma and Alejandro Cover Fotogramas

Friday, September 25th, 2015

Emma Watson and Regression director Alejandro Amenábar are on the October cover of Fotogramas. The issue includes an interview with Emma and will go on sale 25 September.

Another clip from the film has been released. It is dubbed in Spanish with no subtitles.


Emma on Regression and Beauty and the Beast

Monday, September 21st, 2015

More interviews from the Regression press junket last month are out. In the first Emma Watson talks about Regression and in the second she talks about singing and more for Beauty and the Beast.



Regression Sneak Peak

Sunday, September 20th, 2015

Emma Watson and Ethan Hawke in a dark clip from Regression. This clip first appeared a few days ago but dubbed in Spanish.


New Clips and On Set Interview from Regression

Thursday, September 17th, 2015

New clips from Regression and on set interviews are included in a new video released by Europa Press. Emma Watson, Ethan Hawke and director Alejandro Amenábar talk about the film (Amenábar speaks in Spanish) in some sound bytes from the set. Some new clips from the film are also shown with the actors dubbed in Spanish.