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About meeting Halle Berry (2002): "I met Halle Berry, and I completely couldn't believe it. She came up to me and went 'Oh my God, you're Emma Watson!' and I was going 'Oh my God, you're Halle Berry!'"

Archive for the ‘Your Voice in my Head’ Category

Emma to Star in ‘Your Voice in My Head’

Sunday, September 8th, 2013

Emma Watson is again set to star in the Emma Forrest memoir Your Voice in My Head according to The Hollywood Reporter. Emma had been attached to the Warner Bros. project with David Yates directing, but Yates dropped out due to conflicting schedules and Emma followed. Emma signed on again after the project took an independant track with Francesca Gregorini (Tanner Hall, The Truth About Emanuel) directing.

Emma will portray Emma Forrest, “a young woman living the fast life in New York who attempts suicide before being saved by a selfless psychiatrist who is hiding the fact he is dying of cancer”(THR). Filming is scheduled to start November 4 in New York City.