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About the romance between Ron and Hermione in OotP (2007): "The romance between us is there if you watch carefully, it's all underneath the surface. There are hints of it all the time and at one point Hermione and Ron have a duelling match and she absolutely smashes him into the back wall with this spell. And Ron is pretending, "Oh yeah, I let her do that, it's manners isn't it?" which is quite funny."

Emma Watson - Reviews from Prisoner of Azkaban Era

Aint it cool
First off all, these kids have improved ten fold. Especially the kid who plays Hermione. And believe me, she'll be smokin' at 18. These kids actually make you believe they've been through these past few years

Aint it cool #2:
And Emma Watson (to reawaken an old AICN catchphrase) is the sexiest tomboy beanpole on the planet. And if you're against people drooling over teenage girls, you can say she will be the future sexiest tomboy beanpole on the planet. Here's to hoping I'll be around her when she turns 18. Well she proves she's the one of the 3 with the biggest acting potential.

Aint it cool #3:
Then there's young Emma Watson. Every now and again you see an actress so young and gifted that she makes one take pause. As she continues to mature in this series, I think there will be not a single boy or adult male that doesn't have a schoolboy crush on her. She'll punch a prick in the prow, she'll turn back the ages and work wonders for the sake of her friends. She's thankless and gifted. She's a miniature adolescent Grace Kelly on a series of REAR WINDOW adventures and one can't help but envy the boy with the cast on his leg exasperated by her every entrance, statement and movement. She is a lady of the highest order.

EDGE Boston:
Emma Watson in particular has the look of a future star about her; you heard it here first.

Much the same can be said of Emma Watson's performance as Hermione as she works harder than everyone else to succeed. Maybe it's because she will always be known as the "mudblood" and must show them that she is more than an equal?

On the train to Hogwarts, Harry, the impish Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint) and fetching Hermione Granger (Emma Watson, who has had quite a growth spurt) (...)Granger is a quintessential British girl-next-door.

Flipide Movie
The three young leads have settled into their respective parts marvelously, and can consistently find unseen nuances in the beloved heroes they have come to embody.

Philadelphia Daily
"Azkaban" shows Daniel Radcliffe (Harry), Emma Watson (Hermione) and Rupert Grint (Ron) growing as teens and as actors, a crucial factor as Harry wanders farther into the swamp of adolescence.

Ron (Rupert Grint) and Hermione (Emma Watson) have grown funnier and more mysterious, respectively.
Watching the cast grow up during these movies is a treat, too. As Hermione, Emma Watson is becoming beautiful and more vain. "Is that really what my hair looks like from the back?" she exclaims when she has a rare opportunity to see the back of her own head. She becomes more aware of Ron, (Rupert Grint) as their hands sometimes touch and they deny their attraction toward each other.

That maturity has worked wonders not only on Radcliffe, but on the supporting players of Hermione (Emma Watson) and Ron (Rupert Grint) as well. In response, Hermione has garnered a much larger role this time around, playing Harry's determined partner while Ron stands in the background trying to make his hair look as red as possible. (...) Emma Watson to inch closer to becoming the real star of these films.

Phoenix New
Rupert Grint has finally had his voice break, but he's not a lot of use, unless you consider infinite utterances of the word "brilliant" to be useful. There are hints dropped to a future potential romance with Hermione (Emma Watson), which can only be because she needs someone helpless to take care of.

One Guy's
Watson and Grint exchange places from the second film; she was in the background in Chamber, while he took a larger role in the action. In Prisoner, he has less to do and she more, but both carry off their assigned tasks confidently.

Radcliffe is good at suggesting a darker, crankier side to Harry and Grint is quite funny as Ron, who appears to be developing a mega-crush on Hermione almost against his will. You can hardly blame him for she is still one of the most interesting characters in the film and this time, she gets a hilarious subplot in which the overachiever seems to be appearing in every single class in the curriculum-even the ones that take place at the same time.

The radiant Hermione, never plagued by self-doubts, is even more emphatic than before (...) Emma Watson's Hermione is a vision of spirited intelligence.

The Juicy
Hermione (Emma Watson) is dabbling in girl power as much as she is her studies (...) Emma Watson, still the best of the three actors, does an excellent job transforming from the bookish type to a girl able to hold her own against the bullying Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton).

Steve Rhodes Internet review
Of the three, only Watson demonstrates the spunk and charisma that suggests she might have a chance for a long career after she has stopped Pottering. And, interestingly, she is the only one of three who has never performed in a Potterless film.

The Movie
As Harry, Ron, and Hermione, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson are, by now, fully at ease and comfortable within their characters' skin and are nicely growing along with their film counterparts. Watson is especially likable and natural as the brainy, know-it-all Hermione, and she, Radcliffe, and Grint share several lovely moments together that cement the growth of their friendship in a way that was sorely missing from "Chamber of Secrets."

Tyler Morning Telegraph
Already near the top of just about every Web-obsessed sicko's Countdown to Legal Age Meter at 14, Watson's budding sexuality is impossible to ignore, but Cuarón makes the wise play of acknowledging her development without drawing perverse attention to it. Watson and the 15-year-old Grint dance the tentative tap number of curious friends starting to see one another as the opposite sex like virtuosos, with a fleeting hand grab here, a consoling hug that goes on a little too long there - and the delightfully awkward habit of inferring too much subtext in the suggestion "Maybe we should move closer."

Frank Ochieng at
In particular, Watson is given a juicy subplot to work with and one can also notice her physical enhancements as she prepares for young womanhood to compliment her co-star Radcliffe's spurt in growth as well.

Emma Watson's Hermione is spunkier, and all three young wizards have become more facile actors .

New York
There are hormonal stirrings between Ron Weasley (the rubber-faced Rupert Grint), who is more fearful than previously (sometimes with very good reason), and the brilliant Hermione Granger (the increasingly beautiful Emma Watson).

The Mercury
Draco, if possible, has become even more of a weasel and a coward, especially when confronted by Hermione who, as played by Watson, comes this close to unseating Harry as the real hero of the piece.

Film Critic .com
Radcliffe is valiantly fighting off puberty, but Emma Watson (Hermione) is looking her age; she's tarted up in jeans and a rainbow belt for most of the film, and sports a more stylish haircut to boot

Three Movie Buffs Reviews
The three young actors at the heart of this franchise have really grown into their roles. Ron is getting tall and rather awkward just like I picture him in the books. Hermione is becoming quite a pretty young lady with extraordinary courage and brains.

As the Potter saga continues, Cuarón gets to tease at slight romantic tension between Hermione and Ron, with Watson and Grint once again providing the perfect team for Radcliffe. While they may no longer be cute little kids running around on adventures, they have become the faces for the characters and have made the roles their own.

As the latest film entry into the Harry Potter world finishes its all-important weekend, several questions come to mind. One, when will Emma Watson turn 18;
The result is a climax that's rooted in character -- Hermione (Emma Watson) especially has an opportunity to shine -- and that's lively and aglow with imagination, rather than frantic and insistent.

"The brightest witch of her age," Hermione is clearly the star of the show here, far outshining Daniel Radcliffe's Harry P. in humor and spirit. She's even tougher than the Dementors

Chicago Sun Times
If they continue to grow up, I'm afraid the series may begin to tilt toward less whimsical forms of special effects violence, but on the other hand I like Radcliffe, Grint and Watson, and especially the way Watson's Hermione has of shouldering herself into the center of scenes and taking charge. Although the series is named for Harry, he's often an onlooker, and it's Hermione who delivers a long-delayed uppercut to the jaw of Draco Malfoy.

Rocky Mountain News
The cast is quite good, notably Rupert Grint as the irrepressible Ron and Emma Watson as the always-wise Hermione.

E Cinema
Daniel Radcliffe's limited acting talents force Cuarón to compensate with his camera, providing emotion that Radcliffe's unable to deliver (Emma Watson, on the other hand, is a star and knockout in the making).

Montreal Film Journal
Hermione... I must say, the little lady is growing into quite the babe.
(...) la jeune Watson présente possiblement le plus gros changement de personnalité ( The young Watson presents, possibly, the bigger personality change.)

As for Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint, they seem to relish the opportunity not to play children(...) Watson purses her lips, furrows her brow, and takes on teachers, bullies, and all those who might stand in the way of her underlying affection for the two boys.

Democrat and
There's also plenty of opportunity for his friend Hermione Granger (Emma Watson) to do her smart and spunky thing.

NY Daily
And the seriously beautiful Emma Watson (Hermione) is developing nicely, not only in her acting abilities.

Hermione (the increasingly self-assured and quite lovely Emma Watson)(...)Still, the primary teaching, as always, takes place among the three best friends, as Hermione comes up with a terrific last sequence, reordering time and space in ways that are initially quite beyond the boys' comprehension. Her matter of fact handling of this dislocation of multiple continuums is both adorable and fitting; the boys look considerably less interesting whenever she's on screen, she being, again, the creature most in-between.

He largely overcomes the dilemma of an inherent cuteness in the material, and Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson, playing Harry and Hermione, give their best performances thus far.

His preference would be to simply follow along with the ferocious Hermione, a pint-sized Amazon who's got more smarts and guts than any of the boys at Hogwarts, especially the sneering, tough-talking, cowardly bully Draco Malfoy (once again portrayed to sneering perfection by a now pimply-faced Tom Felton). It may be Harry's story, but Hermione is the action hero.

Shadows on the
This shift puts characters more central and makes the plot more coherent. Cuaron discovers three excellent young actors in the central roles; nothing in the first two films suggested that Radcliffe, Grint and Watson could deliver such solid performances as they do here!

Hermione's Girl Power moment had the audience cheering. Watson, who has always been the strongest of the three young actors, has a screen presence and charisma similar to fellow Brit actress Keira Knightley. It's not a stretch to see Watson as her generation's Jodie Foster - she's that good

E film
Emma Watson continues to bring presence to Hermione (...)Props to Hermione though for delivering the one true crowd pleaser.

Watson and Grint in particular are turning into accomplished scene-stealers
All three of the younger principals have matured with their characters but sadly, only two of their performances have. Grint, who really stole the first two films with his quirky, awkward charm, is still mugging for laughs, whereas Radcliffe and Watson have both matured as actors.

Emma Watson in particular has the look of a future star about her; you heard it here first.

know-it-all Hermione Granger (Emma Watson, nicely maturing from prissy miss to plucky teen).
Watson and Grint also come into their own and stay true to their characters without overreaching. It is, however, a notable pity Hermione and Ron weren't more fleshed out this time around

Our young heroes Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint have at last begun to outgrow their annoying child-actor tics, and the three seem to be settling into their roles quite nicely. (In about four more years, Hermione's gonna be wicked hot. You heard it here first.)

Charlote Creative
Radcliffe, Grint and Watson are again allowed to strut their stuff, and their interplay remains the primary reason that the series works as well as it does (Watson's role has especially been beefed up for this chapter, doubtless earning the thanks of pubescent boys across the globe).
Watson shows great spunk and comedic timing, and makes the films that much more enjoyable. I missed her for most of Chamber of Secrets and am glad she played a bigger role here. Having said that, she could have used more scenes in this film as well, but to be fair the title is Harry Potter and not Hermione Granger.

Cinema Blend
Rupert Grint seems to have found a comfortable spot in the series dynamic, leaving room for the luminous wonderkid Emma Watson to inch closer to becoming the real star of these films .
Harry is never going to learn to act, but fortunately there are plenty of actors around him who are quite capable of diverting our gaze. Not least young Emma Watson, who as Hermione Granger is spunky and steal scenes all the way through the whole movie. This is her adventure as it turns out and the film is all the better for it.

IO Film
As for the children's performances, they are improving, although Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint are still completely outshone by Emma Watson, who makes the most of the series's best role, as the quick-witted, determined Hermione. She gets more to do this time, as well being responsible for the film's juiciest line, when, in a moment of time travel, she sees herself reinacting a previous scene and asks, "Does my hair really look like that from the back?"