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About getting recognized (2007): "It depends on where I am really, and what I am doing. Quite a bit. I still take public transport. I'm running around and doing my thing. Actually, sometimes, if you're in a bus or whatever, people come up to me "haha, that's really funny, you look like the girl in Harry Potter". People have just been so sure, that's happened a couple of times and it makes me laugh, makes me smile."

Emma on T4

Emma Watson appeared in two segments on Channel 4’s T4 lineup this morning. Not much in the way of content, but always nice to see Emma.

You need the Flash to see this video.

You need the Flash to see this video.

Video: Emma on the Jonathan Ross Show

Emma Watson was a guest on The Jonathan Ross Show this evening. Thank you to Harald for the video.

Here is the segment where Ross introduces the guests, with the goldfish trick.

October 2012 Calendar Vote

Voting for the October calendar is now open. I made a mistake when I wrote the deadline to send in entries, it should have been the 27th, so there are only two days to vote. Sorry about that.

Remember, you only get to vote one time. Do not vote multiple times from different emails, and do not ask your friends to come and vote on your calendar. Let’s keep the competition fair.

Please make sure you write your choices in the order you like them. Your favorite should be first, then next favorite, etc.

  1. View the calendars here. Click on the thumbnails to see a larger preview image. Take your time, make sure you scroll all the way to the end and check out all the calendars.
  2. Choose your favorite 5 calendars, and write down their numbers in order, from best to 5th place. You don’t have to choose 5, you can vote for just one if you like, but you can vote for 5.
  3. Send your vote in an email to or in a PM to me on the forums to dookdookdook.

Voting is open through October 1, 00:00 GMT.

Emma on the Jonathan Ross Show

Photos from Emma Watson’s appearance on The Jonathan Ross Show have come out. The show airs tomorrow on ITV 1.


Emma at a Gala Screening of Perks in London

Emma Watson attended a gala screening for The Perks of Being a Wallflower at the Mayfair Hotel in London today. Earlier in the day Emma did the usual press junket interviews and a radio show we’ve already posted. We’ll have more of that later. Here are some HQ photos from todays red carpet event.


Emma on Radio 1 Breakfast

The promotion for The Perks of Being a Wallflower continues today in London. Here is Emma Watson interviewed on the BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show with Nick Grimshaw.

Update: Added video of the interview at the end.


Audio Only, video is below

You need the Flash to see this video.

You need the Flash to see this video.

Twitter Q&A with Glamour Magazine

Emma Watson answered fan questions via Glamour UK’s twitter account this morning. Here are the tweets from the Q&A session. The answer comes first, followed by the asker and the question.


She’s brave, kind, studies & she’s not afraid to be herself RT @hedwigismagical #AskEmma How do u think girls can find inspiration in Sam?

Being an actress I find myself people-watchng & I can be q shy. RT@heyitsgea do u ever see yourself as a wallflower @ukwallflowers? #AskEmma

V. diff H is conservative. S is spontaneous. RT @stuart_shannon #AskEmma What’s it like playing Sam compared to Hermione @ukwallflowers?

I hope so. I miss it! I hope I get to cut it again one day RT@EmilySeabrook: #AskEmma will we ever see the cool pixie cut again?

Vinyl RT @jenniferredvine #askemma What was the hardest word to say in a US accent?

I’m somewhere in between Sam and Hermonie RT@cristinaaaaa_m #AskEmma out of the chars you’ve played, whose reflects yours?

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. RT @thatgirlsaadiya what’s the advice u’d give on self-esteem @ukwallflowers? #AskEmma

Yes. I’m v excited RT@mmirannika Will you read The Casual Vacancy? #AskEmma

Right now, Queen Of The Lot – The Spring Standards RT @wllflwrs #askemma what song is most played on your iPod?

I felt that the script was special & that it could change ppl’s lives RT@Shann0nTommo: what made you want to be a part of Perks? #AskEmma

My friends & family RT@rheaodedra how do you stay so grounded? #AskEmma

I did already. People tree. No [independent] though, I’m focusing on acting RT @KieraMGreen #askEmma Thought of your own fashion line?

I would love to do it! Once my university work is done RT@lifeasanamazon Any chance you would do theatre work in London? #AskEmma

I’d try and write a romantic comedy probably. RT @dnz_1993 If you write a movie script, what would it be about? #AskEmma

Be strong, love and believe in yourself RT@noneofitlasts what is 1 message you’d like to send out to young girls everywhere? #AskEmma

As an actress I take roles I find int. I play a bad girl next. RT @Caitlin4dreams #AskEmma Do you go for strong fem chars?@ukwallflowers

I take a bear & a bunny RT @EmsTeddy: #AskEmma What is an item you take with you wherever in the world you’re travelling?

Yes, I have an ecclectic taste RT @FlawlessDuerre on @ukwallflowers, Charlie made mix tapes for his friends, have you ever made 1? #askemma

Thanks so much for your qs. I really hope you enjoy the movie @ukwallflowers, out on 3rd Oct #AskEmma


Sunday Times Talks with Emma

Just as the Perks publicity machine was gearing up, Emma Watson was interviewed for the Sunday Times and spoke of Perks, her current work on Noah, the future Beauty. She also spoke rather openly about the downsides of fame. When we watch her on Letterman, or Fallon, or the many press junket interviews, we don’t really see the vulnerable, shy, very private person behind that public persona.

Credit for the scans to LilyClair1

Behind the Scenes of the Nylon Cover Shoot

Emma Watson, Logan Lerman and Ezra Miller talk about the shoot and The Perks of being a Wallflower in this behind the scenes video for the cover shoot of Nylon magazine.

You need the Flash to see this video.

Emma Watson Covers Nylon

Emma Watson, Ezra Miller and Logan Lerman are on the cover of Nylon’s October issue. A preview from the magazine goes behind the scenes to look at Emma’s makeup by Napolean Perdis.



Update: Nylon has published more preview images from the article, along with some quotes from the interview.


Emma Watson on taking on a cult classic:
“Whatever people might think about it, whatever criticisms they have, all three of us were so vulnerable–all three of us really gave it everything we could and everything we had, and all three of us went into the movie terrified and very much aware of what this book means to people. ”

Emma Watson on growing up in the spotlight:
“I’ve done my life backwards; it’s really bizarre[…] Most of my friends are just about to start working, and I’ve had a job for the past 10 years. It’s strange, because most people spend that decade figuring themselves out and figuring out what they like and what they don’t like–just making mistakes in the privacy of their own teenage bedrooms. And I am kind of doing everything in a different way, so sometimes it’s a bit isolating.”

Emma Watson on becoming a multi-hyphenate:
“I think the line between what being an actor is and what being a celebrity is has gotten so fuzzy that people don’t even know what we do anymore. Models are actresses and actresses are models and actresses are designing sofas and it’s crazy. I don’t know if it will change, but I’m going to try to do this the right way.”