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Translation for the Humo Magazine // 09 June 2006

Thanks to Astrid we now have the translation for the Humo Magazine:

[EDIT] Click Read more below to read the translation.

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61 Responses to “Translation for the Humo Magazine // 09 June 2006”

  1. SAIF says:

    thats right………………………………………………………..

  2. Paloma says:

    good translation!

  3. terence says:

    good questions ,very interesting

  4. _sarah_ says:

    thanx SAIF 🙂

  5. Lucus says:

    I must say, that was a nice interview. And Emma really is pretty!!!!!!!!!! Emma could you e-mail me please? You can say anything. My e-mail is on Can you do that? Thanks.

  6. Sophie says:

    Heey sorry i speak dutcht btw – but i lovd that sobody wood say somting back in dutch soo SORRY AGAIN! (I write a lots of faults so 🙂 )Beyyyy (ook de belgische mensen=also the belgian people)

  7. Em Rocks, DUH! says:

    Nice, though quite long interview ^^It

  8. _sarah_ says:

    hehe, i can answer in dutch if you want. ik vind het intervieuw ook goe ze… (its a really good intervieuw :smile:)don’t worry ’bout your faults, everybody makes them.

  9. Devin says:

    You say “Ummm” 20 to many times in all of your interviews just so you know they should be quick and simple.

  10. kinga says:

    I’m from Poland and I like Emma Watson, and in whole Harry Potter. This book is extra :wink:. I have read that with difficulty truth this interview, because I possess english slightly, and also there is cool! (I owe it dictionaries polish-english :P)

  11. appu says:

    that was a good one keep up the good job