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Watson Weekly Magazine Issue #004, finally! // 4 July 2006

Hey everyone!

I know you have all been waiting for it, so here it is! But first, I would like to tell that it’s all my fault if it took so long time. Don’t blame the others, I’m the only responsable.

Anyways, better later than never :

This week video is : Nickelodeon’s U Pick Live on 3 June 2004. You can download it HERE.

Unfortunately, we had some problems and there’s no Events article this week. Hopefully we will be able to get one for the next week :).

Finally, I would like to congrats Maud for winning the banner’s competition! Good Job!

(I added the banner’s competition rules in the magazine so everyone can read them again 😉 )

[ Fred ]

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58 Responses to “Watson Weekly Magazine Issue #004, finally! // 4 July 2006”

  1. Anne says:

    O this is so cool. I have been waiting!! Anyway i love the magazine. The sudokos are really fun.

  2. Irene says:

    Wow! I love this issue very much! Thank you Fred and other staff! 🙂

  3. Irene says:

    But I don’t like banner… cause so dark! 🙁 and old.Pic of the day is beautiful!

  4. Teresa says:

    the issue is really cool , i love it so much!!wt i wanna say is that the link of the cover page is wrong….that should be issue004 not issue 003…haha

  5. Helen says:

    Don’t blame yourself, exam is more important = ) Anyway nice magazine thanks to all who’ve worked on it = )

  6. Chiching says:

    Amy, Chinese calender again!! COOL!

  7. vici says:

    the banner is great! and i really like the watson weekley. the only thing that i really dont like all that much is the funky fashion. come on guys, if i wanna know what the fashion is, i take a look at teen vogue or instyle. but funky fashion is part of an EMMA WATSON site, NOT a fashion mags site. so could u please go back to emmas fashion? i dont really think im the one that thinks it would be better. thx. but otherwise i love the site and everything:D

  8. Ginga says:

    I really like new ‘Watson Weekly magazine’ Gr8 job!!!Congrats Maud…Keep on rockin’ girl…:smile:

  9. Beetle Juice says:

    Hey its me back from the graveyard.Just got done watchin’Emma on Nickelodeon’s U Pick Live and I have to say it was exciting, Awesome, and the sound of nice beautiful is really cool over top of Emma shirt.Thanx Watson Weekly!

  10. marie-jo says:

    Ummm….. the cover doesn’t work… I mean it shows the old cover, that with Emma posing for Elle magazine, not the one from O2 Wireless Festival…. :frown: Maybe you can do something about it!!

  11. Shane says:

    AHAHAHAHAH Fred you used that picture of the that actress you showed me! that is halarious! i love it!Magazine this weeks is good! keep em comin fred! your the man!Shane! P.S Fred- Die Williams Die! lol 🙂

  12. Daria says:

    yeah! new W-W 😀

  13. Daria says:

    the artist wall of the artist is beautiful =]

  14. ~Roni~ says:

    YAYYYYYYY FINALLY!!! 🙂 🙂 :smile:Oh, and the cover doesn’t work, like marie-jo said… :sad:BUT YAYYY I’M happy lol 😛 Gonna read it now!!

  15. Richard says:

    That was a very funny video of the week it was cool

  16. katie says:

    Could you give us information when you will finished the galery??nice page……….!

  17. HermioneP. says:

    @ Lucia:What do you mean, “kind of legal”? Eigher they are private or they are not.

  18. appu says:

    dan and emma were amazing(in the video)emma in particularthey were so full of energythank you for the wonderful video.emma looked grrreat in that outfit.bye

  19. Marc says:

    great video 😉 Marc

  20. Jaana says:

    Yessssss!!!! Finally! 8D The new Watson Weekly is here! Thank you so much! The Fanart section is fantastic. Some really awesome art there. Funky Fashion as cool as always and Random Talk was great! Everything was great! ^^Oh, and I have to say, I really like the new banner. 🙂 It’s really good. And the video of the week is so cute! 🙂 It really made me happy! ^^ Hopefully posting issue #5 doesn’t take this long… 😉

  21. EW-fan says:

    Great video;P Emma looks so great and sweet in that outfit!! Anyone who knows anything about the Order of the Phoenix?

  22. Lil says:

    Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!The new issue of Watson Weekly is here………..BUT—Yes, the big BUT! Once again you focused the Funk Fashion on other celebs and not Emma!…I still LUV it! Thanks soooo much!

  23. ~Roni~ says:

    Hey guys click here:…004/1_cover.jpgAnd you’ll see the cover of this week 🙂 [I’ve just changed the Issue003 to Issue004 lol]

  24. bryan says:

    keep up this workwatson weekly is greatvideo to :smile::smile:damn its hot today i thought it was the sun but now i know that its Emma 🙂

  25. Summy says:

    Germany is the REAL winner of the cup! Guys, you did such a good job! Our team played sooo well!!!

  26. Viktor Krum nemesis says:

    I love the video! So hilarious! And so do I love the picture of the day! Hermione is just beutiful in Chamber of Secrets!

  27. Sarah says:

    Hey cool pictures,does Emma have a magazine of her own.Cool update by the way.

  28. sasy girl says:

    What’s with the Funky Fashion.It is supposed to be about EMMA FASHION,not Linsdey or other celebs!?I really loved it before but now it just doesn’t seem right!?Please do something about it…

  29. ...HI... says:

    I also agree, the funky fashion is supposed to be about EMMA fashion, not any other peoples fashion…….i don’t like it like this, it was better before……

  30. bryan says:

    it dont realy care but they are right if we want lindsey’s fashion’s we can always go to uhm http://www.lindseyfashion.idontknowor somethingmy point:emma = emmanot lindsey :smile:sins this is a emma fassite it should go about emma xD

  31. Laura says:

    Hey.. I absolutly loved this issue! Also, I was going to check on the other videos, b/c this week’s was great, but the link didn’t work. 🙂

  32. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    cool issue… im downloading the vid!

  33. Chessy says:

    nifty fanart in WatsonWeekly!

  34. Cecilia says:

    I love the new video of the week. That is one of my favorite interviews with Dan and Emma! Not to mention that Emma looks gorgeous yet amazingly comfortable in her outfit. I’m a H/HR fan at heart! :smile:I also loveee the new layout!

  35. Liz says:

    Awesome magazine. When will the gallery be open?

  36. Lauryn says:

    The guess the celebrity in the Funky Fashion is Ashlee Simpson! I love her!

  37. Yiz says:

    I don’t like the Funky Fashion section anymore. It’s a magazine about Emma, I don’t care about other celebrities fashion. So can you please stick to Emma and what she wears. The rest of the magazine is great though, keep up the good work. 🙂

  38. pink says:

    wow i really love the portraits…wish i could draw like hugo…

  39. Cecilia says:

    I think the editors of this website can do whatever they please with news and pictures of Emma. It is completely up to them and I love everything they’ve done! ^_^ It’s great!lol

  40. Kat says:

    this weeks mag is fab – and the hugo pictures are amazing, i dont really get the horoscope thingy and the cover pic is awesome-well done!

  41. ♥ Emmas #1 Fan - Rachi says:

    Loving the Watson Weekly :]]The drawings are really good!thanksx

  42. paris says:

    im loving the funky fashion =]

  43. Amy says:

    Hey, Chiching!Thanks for noticing 🙂 I had to do my 2nd part of Chinese Horoscope with Emma in it ^^Hope you enjoyed it!

  44. terence says:

    video of the week is funny!

  45. Chris says:

    Excellent work again! The art was awesome.

  46. Lizzy says:

    Fan art is awesome! As well as the new banner, I always like to see new creations! hahaNo offense but I don’t think white framed sunglasses are that fashionable; most of the time they just look cheap. But that is just my opinion and you all can ignore it if ya want.Thanks for the new update, you guys do a great job and don’t let anyone tell you different! This site is not your job so we appreciate the effort you put in from YOUR free time. So thanks, and keep truckin’!

  47. Chelsea says:

    Emma was so funny on Upick Live! I loved it! I’d never seen it before…pretty pathetic I know…

  48. Hermione says:

    I love the video of the week, It’s so funny, especially (is that spelled good?, i come from holland!!!) The nick quik pick!!!!Love itAnd Emma looks brilliant!(again!!!)**I*LOVE*U*EMMA*WATSON*!*!*!**

  49. Elle says:

    The fan art is absolutely gorgeous.The new banner reminds me a lot of the one at British Princess- but it’s not the same and I like it.Funky Fashion, while done beautifully, has everything EXCEPT Emma. And as it says, ‘Funky Fashion- The Fashion Mag for Emma Fans.’But overall, great issue. Fantastic job, everyone.

  50. Lorine says:

    I understand a little english but I love speak it.So,this pictures are perfect.This scan must be great.I am sure.