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About travelling (2006): "I think what I love most is that I've been able to travel. If it weren't for the Harry Potter movies I never would have gone to America or Europe and everything-well, not until I was older, anyway. I've been able to see New York. I've been to China, Tokyo, L.A., Chicago, all these amazing places. So that's been really great."

New Scan // 05 July 2006

Thanks to Suzanne now he have a new scan with a new picture.

[ Mayara ]

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158 Responses to “New Scan // 05 July 2006”

  1. 1152184980 says:

  2. Natalie says:

    Oh! Thats a bit mean. The dress isn’t that nice but its not the worst thing I’ve seen her wear!

  3. cemal caliskan says:

    hi! everybody where are life your in me pleace. ouickly

  4. marie-jo says:

    third!!! Nice one. I like the outfit but the boots are horrible!!!!

  5. Cassandra says:

    I think she looks lovely and it is a very nice outfit

  6. Julia says:

    Oh my God, this dresses are ugly 🙁

  7. Jaana says:

    What the…????? What’s wrong with these people who write these fashion articles? I mean, where do they come up with this stuff?? O_o I see absolutely nothing wrong with Emma’s outfit. I think she looks gorgeous! Next to Clare Danes and those other people, Emma’s outfit looks like she could have worn it to the Oscar’s! I honestly have no idea why these people who call themselves “fashion critics”, or whatever, have lately gone after Emma and calling her outfits horrible. I love Emma’s style! I think her style is unique and trendy and it represents who she is. Gosh, I just hope Emma doesn’t read these articles and believe what they say….

  8. Jaana says:

    That article made me feel bad for Emma…. 🙁 She’s such a nice and beautiful girl and her style IS great, so she really doesn’t deserve to be put down like that. Oh, well. The people who wrote that article are a bunch of dimwits! 😆

  9. Kat says:

    thats so mean- if you like an outfit, it shouldnt matter what others think – it must be really hard for emma as shes always in the spotlight, i mean its hard enough for the average teenager – i think she looks confident and fab!

  10. Anonymous says:

    i don’t get why people judge these stars for their outfits..sure some look bad, but some(like emma’s)just show how they are and what they like. they look better when they’re happy w/ what they’re wearing then when they wear something that really isn’t what they like or their style.

  11. viv says:

    i’m sorry to make a complain but i really am quite disappointed about the organisation of this site. We were told that the gallery would be open in 2 weeks like 4-6 weeks ago, and it STILL isn’t opened…what is going on? and the video archives section too!

  12. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    thats so mean! i admit, sometimes i dont like her outfits but i dont go publishing my opinion in a mag. if emma likes it, then it shouldnt matter if the press likes it. i hope emma doesnt read this or take it to heart.

  13. deux2 says:

    I can’t believe this!Is there anyone who is really interested in this *beeeep*!! I mean, Emma looks still the most beautiful I think. And the two ladies on the left side aren’t even a bit as glamourous as her!!

  14. Maayki says:

    viv, we’re doing the best we can. But look we’re normal people, we have some other things to do. Thanks god that we have vacations now. I’m not gonna say when this gallery will be finally on, but I can tell you that we’re doing our best.

  15. ♥ Emmas #1 Fan - Rachi says:

    I know this proberly sounds nasty, but i agree with the newspaper :lI think the dress suits her, but if you or I wore it, i dont think we cood pull it off!She still looks amazing tho!

  16. Cecilia says:

    Emma looks amazing as usual! I can’t wait to see what her outfit will look like for the new movie!

  17. Cecilia says:

    Omg that article is so mean about Emma and her outfit!

  18. Anonymous says:

    I agree with the article. Emma looks bad. The dress is okay, but it doesn’t look good with the two sweaters. Also, those boots look horrible with it. She should have worn sandles.

  19. Nikki says:

    i disagree, i really like dat dress i fink it really suits her

  20. Cecilia says:

    Ever think that maybe she was trying to be comfortable?Okay, so she had an off day. Who doesn’t?lol

  21. paris says:

    personally i really dont like any of those outfits but those magazine peeps could get out of their business and stop picking others problems thatd be cool

  22. Pete says:

    FIRST: JUST BECAUSE EMMA TRIES TO DO HER OWN STYLE (I repeat: her own style!) PEOPLE FROM THOSE STUPID SHALLOW and FUTILE FASHION MAGAZINES CRITICIZE HER.Those people criticize everything that’s not EXACTLY Spears/Duff/Loham/Olsen style. Those shallow girls that don’t think: let their fashion consultants think for them.Emma inovates. SHE LOVES THOSE BOOTS! And also, I really think that dress is nice! I REALLY DO! Because it’s nice for itself, and because it’s EMMA!!! IT’S HER STYLE!!!!! She rocks about everything, specially about fashion: she doesn’t obey fashion gurus. SHE’S HERSELF!!!

  23. Carol says:

    First Pete, I’m not in the mood so you better behave yourself, everyone has their opnions, I don’t like those boots but hey that’s me!The others love it!You guys are always asking for news so here you go, it’s a new scan and I don’t see anything wrong with it.

  24. Carol says:

    ps: I do like the dress though

  25. Pete says:

    Ok Carol.I’m not in the mood too, because of personal problems. And because of the football match, a while ago.I’ll say just one last think:I have NEVER, EVER complained about lack of news, because I understand the ocasional hiatus’ that happen. Some people have complained, but not me.Sorry for being extremly rude.Sorry.

  26. monique says:

    I CANT BELIEVE they said Emma made a fashion mistake!!! She is the only one WITH fashion sense on that page.!!!!!(the caps was half because I was mad half because I cant do italics)

  27. Azriel says:

    Wow, I wish people would just lay off of her. She’s a young lady experimenting with her own fasion sense. I just don’t see what the big deal is about clothes, anyway.

  28. Joana says:

    Yep, Emma need to learn how to dress… Especially how to choose shoes. But oh well, maybe one day she’ll get better.Some people here take these things so serious.. If you think people shouldn’t criticise what other people wear, then why do you care? Just get over it, Emma probably doesn’t even know (otherwise she would’ve done something about it by now). :smile:Michelle&Felicis, Carol is a newsposter, she just talked with Pete so that he would calm down.

  29. EW-fan says:

    Emma looks great as else. She is so pretty and beautiful! She looks much better than the others:PPS. People, you are taking these things too serious… It`s just clothes… Let her be.. Is the most important theme to talk about: “dressing”?

  30. Anonymous says:

    guys…she’s eclectic…she’s artistic..she’s just dressing the way she wants to. i dont get how you guys can start fighting so easily over another person.let it be.

  31. Princess says:

    I actually think they’re wrong, couz I liked the outfit ALOT, okay..maybe except that white thing under the black one,however..pretty cool,

  32. Pete says:

    Thanks for the comprehension and support Michelle&Felicis:smile:!But I really think I was a bit nervous… That’s why I appologized.

  33. Michelle&Felicis:) says:

    it’s ok Pete =)Joana, i know she’s the newsposter and i respect that. She’s doing a good job.what i can’t understand is why was she rude to pete when he was just giving his opinion and why she acted as if pete was attacking her.If SHE had posted the scan it would be different.. anyone would feel attackedbut hello? it was Mayara.that’s all =)

  34. kaitlyn says:

    Poor Emma.No one likes her clothes, shes always on the worst dressed or something.

  35. Christina says:

    they have no right say who has nice clothes and who doesn’t Emma ALWAYS has nice clothes.

  36. Isabella says:

    when is the gallery going to be ready does anyone know????

  37. caitlin says:

    I think thats an insult to Em!! and Claire Danes looks great in that outfit!!!! or gown,actually.and some of the other dresses are nice!!!I hate it when people puplish stuff like that!!!!

  38. krystal says:

    oh my god i love that outfit emma is wearing i dont see whats wrong with it at all but whatever

  39. Jaana says:

    Do you know, the funny thing is, that half of the ladies in that article are old enough to be Emma’s mother! I mean, come on, Emma is 16 years old and she wears what she pleases. And I can bet that all the other ladies in that article have stylists! Emma is probably the only one of those who really wears what she wants and what she wears represent her and who she is.Oh, and about that black shrug and the white shirt-thingy underneath it… If you look at the picture, you might notice, that it’s quite dark outside, so maybe Emma wore those to make sure she wouldn’t be cold in the evening. I think she looks great and comfortable. 🙂

  40. tino carca says:

    hola Emma!!!!Solo quiero decirte que te admiro muchisimo, eres una gran actriz y sobre todo una gran persona y a decir verdad me gustas muchisimo, estas hermosa…I LOVE YOU EEMMA.Saludos desde Mexico ni

  41. siddh says:

    hey please check out your video link “save target as” ins noy enable, i m not able to download any of the video. please help me

  42. Nayalee says:

    well i think her outfit looked great on her. now i dont know if i would wear it personally, but overall i think it looks great on her, she can pull it off!!

  43. *Christel* says:

    I love her boots, but they just dont go along with the rest of her outfit, flats would of been better.Apart from that I like the dress n the how she put the white long sweater under the short black one, its cute.I rly dont get why some of u keep on arguing…kinda stupid, its a comment board, were all allowed to say what we think, as long as its not rude!

  44. monique says:

    Jaana I totally agree with u. I mean i was really mad when i first red it to notice anything but honestly now i just think the magazine people are pathetic. I mean you’re picking on grown women that probally have stylists and others pick their clothes and then you have a 16 year old young lady that has her own style and likes to wear things she feels comfortable in and still exspresses her unique style.

  45. the snipper says:

    she looks really bad, you need to accept that please, she’s beatibul but in my personally opinion she should wear dresses that make her more beautiful than she’s

  46. Lizzy says:

    Kudos to Mayara for a post that caused so much controversy (that’s no sarcasm), brilliant!The magazine does not even seem like they know much about true fashion, they couldn’t even explain what was wrong with her outfit. Let’s face it the boots were a total mistake for this outfit, even the best make some mistakes. Most likely Emma only wore the white cardigan under the black one because she was cold. But the dress, the main piece of the outfit, was great; it’s bold and eclectic. I laughed at this scan when I first saw it because the magazine is ridiculous to put something so negative in their pages to get humor out of it and without giving substantial fashion advice (although they have every right to). Emma was confident enough to wear what she did so I believe that Emma would just laugh at it as well. Emma does have great outfits most of the time and great magazines, like TeenVogue, occasionally put her outfits in their pages. So continue to do your own thing Emma.

  47. Irene says:

    I hope win France!And this new pic is so beautiful! I want this HQ Pic!!! Emma is cute!!!!!!!!!!!! Her outfit is so trade!! Emma, you’re my idol!!Bye! I love this site and staff!:smile:

  48. Avabella says:

    That’s so mean, I think Emma looks really good. Why is it wrong to have a unique style and not look like some Hollywood barbie doll..?

  49. Martha^ says:

    i agree with this magazine.. it was a fashion mistake.. really

  50. Julia says:

    I must say..the comments of the magazine are hilarious :’)