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About the Yule Ball scene (2005): " Amazing, it was an amazing scene to do. I mean, everything about it was really magical. The sets look beautiful, it kinda looked like the whole set had been frozen : it was like, icecles everywhere. Beautiful. "

Video of the Week and more // 18 December 2006

Hey everyone,

This weeks video is from the Chamber of Secrets premiere in Los Angeles. Emma and Rupert are interviewed, and we briefly see Emma’s parents in the background. I picked this video because Dee reminded me of another video, that I’ve never seen. It’s also from the CoS LA premiere, from Access Hollywood. Here is one of two screenshots that exist. If you have the video, or know where I can get it, please contact us.

In other news, the London Free Press is also reporting that Emma is interested in moving to the US. Personally I don’t think it’s true at all, and that this story is just a rumor copied from another site. I think Emma loves England too much. She also talks all the time about how she wants to keep her life as normal as possible, so I really don’t think the Hollywood lifestyle would interest her. But we’ll see.

Reminders: Don’t forget to send in your entries for the Music Video Contest (see December 8 update for information) to And you have just over a week to send in your entries for the Calendar Competition, to And last but not least, don’t forget, vote Emma at the CBBC Poll.


[ dook ]

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59 Responses to “Video of the Week and more // 18 December 2006”

  1. Albert says:

    First!! Hello everyone!! lol

  2. Jeanne says:

    cool video, I also don't think it's possible… but US doeasn't always mean Hollywood too…

  3. emma says:

    emma is so cute there

  4. maggie says:

    ya,i agree with jeanne….us doeasnt always mean hollywood….but i dont think she will move here…..

  5. dook says:

    True, US doesn\\\’t have to mean Hollywood. But the stories are implying that she wants to move to further her career as an actress. Yet, we all know from interviews that she isn\\\’t completely sure she wants to continue acting, so that makes it even more suspicious.

  6. ~Irene~Brockovich~ says:

    hey hey I don't like Emma there! now she's more pretty, isn't she?? btw thanx for the update!! 🙂

  7. Jeanne says:

    yay !!!!enter site changed!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Jeanne says:

    but you should make it NOT appear everytime you refresh the page…

  9. Giorgia says:

    I've send at the web master a banner of Emma.

  10. baran says:

    :smile:hi emma you are succesfful i love youuuu!!! 😉

  11. baran says:

    hey emma i've send at the wep master a banner of EMMA

  12. Giorgia says:

    me too! 😛

  13. Dristoperdejnik says:

    Thertin(13)….. 😉 Great video!!!!!!!!

  14. Danielle says:

    😛 hey every1 nice VOTW, I don't no why but i love seeing videos of emma when he was younger! mabeys its coz i like to see how much shes changed :???:? Anywaz i don't think thtz true( emma moving to the US) i agree with every1 else. Ithinks she loves britain 2 much! but never say never 🙁 she better not though id b really upset! shes my favourite actress & it makes me like her more when i no she stays here (dont no why likes) but its her decision I still think is untrue tho anything to get news lol ( i mean the magazine not Nice update guys nice POTD 2 dan xcx;)

  15. Kat xx says:

    nahhh she'll never move – nice pics xx

  16. EmmaFan says:

    I also hope this rumor about Emma moving to the U.S. is not true. I’m an American and I love my country (even though I hate our President), but if Emma is serious about acting, “Hollywood” is not the place to live. Emma is very bright, but also very young. The “Hollywood Sausage Machine” will swallow her up and spit back out the next Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, or Britney Spears. Stay in England Emma! Your home country produces the best actors in the world. That’s the place to learn your craft.

  17. jc says:

    ammm…..i hope emma will continue with her her studies bcoz she is very brilliant even though she is good at acting…..perhaps it will be good if she takes both together….anyway she is the one who has to decide it………..and 'EmmaFan' ur post was really funny

  18. Mharlon says:

    Not bad, but wasn't that video from several years ago? Looks like it to me… She looks kinda younger, and now there showing it.

  19. Mharlon says:

    And by the way, I don't have her email, but its weird, just weird! She seems to have over a million email addresses in one website to check it out yourselves fans in! In some chat room, or they must be posers, and how do they know that Emma has an email address by the way? Its really WEIRD!

  20. Mharlon says:

    How can Emma have an email address online too?

  21. emmafan1 says:

    yeah ive seen the many posers emma has. you just have to choose not to belive them. Also if you look closly in the video pic you can see her bro sitting next o her there. theyre so young in that pic!emma still looks amazing tho! 🙂

  22. emmafan1 says:

    she has an email adress just not an obvious one. 😉

  23. dook says:

    Mharlon, I am sure Emma has an email address. I am also sure that all the ones you find online are fake, and that if anyone outside her friends does find out her email that she changes it. On the video, yes that video is from the Chamber of Secrets premiere, so that\'s 2002. The idea of VOTW is not to bring out a new video every week, because there aren\'t any. VOTW shows a variety of videos from all years that fans may not have seen. Some fans have seen them all, but for new fans, they\'re all new.

  24. iza says:

    I love the pic of the day! 😆 vote 4 emma cuz she's loosing 😥

  25. liz says:

    No, she's never gonna move to US 😀 she's all British, she's too British to leave it! besides, I don't think her fans would accept the sweet-but-stupid hollywood's doll look… many actresses turn to them, it's awful!! Emma should remain just the same as she is now, and she surely knows this 😀 🙂

  26. R/H fan says:

    Nice video and nice POTD!!!! I think I saw Rupe's bro when Rupe was speaking. 😛

  27. A.v says:

    The world is going to blow up by how we are treating it. You can run (or i should say move)but you cant hide forever. hehe, i am only joking. I feel sympathetic towards Emma and how she handles all these rumors.

  28. naro says:

    EmmaFan i agree with u very mush about emma's best sake in england. 😥 😥 besides i don't want emma 2leave england at all & i think all the fans(even the americans)don't want that :cry:ISN'T IT CORRECT???? 🙁

  29. naro says:

    😡 :mad:such silly reports about actors & actresses r absolutely untrue.that' rubbish 😡

  30. James says:

    Hi guys Probably I should have asked a bit earlier, but where did you send this years Christmas gift? Did you send it to her official mailing adress? Is it really possible to send her a present that way? And will this present be forwarded and not just thrown away by some secretary? Don't get me wrong now, it's just that it's obvious that Emma doesn't read all the fanmail she gets. So naturally most letters will take a direct course to the waste paper basket. But on the other hand there is no other way then sending it there. So how do you manage to do this, it's just so hard to imagine this will work. It would be a pity because of all the work and the costs.

  31. dook says:

    We have a different address. 😉 Don\'t worry. 🙂

  32. Daniel says:

    James: of course you can send her a gift, but it should be to the studios adress 'couse nobody knows (except her friends) her e-mail. And this site always prepare an incredible gift but I think it's too late to enter. Here is the studios adress (it's in 'emma' section of this site: Emma Watson, c/o Harry Potter Production, Leavesden Studios P.O. Box 3000 Leavesden, Hertfordshire WD2 7LT United Kingdom

  33. Michelle&Felicis:) says:

    That video is so cool. Oh and the screen shot video… i think i've seen it but i don't have it saved in my pc 🙁 US?! yeah, right. Emma's too british, one of the things i love about her! (not in THAT way lol)

  34. Mharlon says:

    Well anyways, Dook, my friend has her email address, he knows her height, and 2 years ago she wore pink t-shirt, and dark blues jeans and with freckles believe it or not in a webcam, now she hasn't shown up in a long time. Thats all I heard, its true, believe it or not, now she privately knows my friend!

  35. Mharlon says:

    My point is, its not some kind of poser! Its really her! I can tell, I'll ask my friend to tell her if she can sometime visit her fan website, she probably will.

  36. Mharlon says:

    I think I remember her in some pictures, Emma wore pink t-shirt somewhere in an interview, I'm not imagining things, some interview I saw long time ago!

  37. amy says:

    if Emma does move to the US it may be for college where she can just be a normal girl cos she won't be recongized as much. just a guess but that's years away. I just hope she sign up for the last 2 harry potters.

  38. meg says:

    The article states that she is expressing an interest. Probably she was caught saying how she enjoys America and would not mind living in the U.S, you know? After all, she does visit S.Carolina during her holiday as her grandfolks have a home there.

  39. Aaliyah says:

    If Emma wants to move the States, it's her decision though for me, it wouldn't be such a wise decision. I absolutely despise tabloids. I don't even think it's true at all in the first place. She says she wants to go to Univercity in Oxford if she doesn't continue acting so what's with the press suddenly bringing up a rumour that she's to be moving to the States anytime soon? 😡 Another reason why the Internet is a dangerous place. It's LOL. (Lots of Lies) 😆

  40. Andrew says:

    I think all Em's funs won't give her a chance to move frome England to US!!! Does anybody think so?:wink:

  41. emmafan1 says:

    lol definently

  42. Gladys says:

    y u don't post the video in the interent??

  43. Nath says:

    Well about that video about cob that you menchaned earlyier well you can try downloading it off lime wire it's free

  44. Nath says:

    All you search is Emma watson or summat and you get alsorts of download able things but you can download films but hey Don't use it unless I need to check stuff

  45. ahmed says:

    very very very gooooooooooooooood Emma and you must work hard . you are my favourite star so i searche your msn please please . this is my msn

  46. Marco Antonio C says:

    Beautiful picture. Is the first that I see of Emma with your brother Alex.. Nice walking!! Emma is very nice like ever.. Hug to team of site!! is ever good!! 😉

  47. ola says:

    😉 nice but nibe with me when you come in my site :

  48. Mharlon says:

    Yup, like I said, shes "INTERESTED " in " MOVING " to the U.S.A. Since I mentioned it first and found out the news, pretty soon, the world is going to know about it, even access hollywood. Hopefully, access Hollywood doesn't tell the whole world, or the fans of Harry Potter will be shocked to find out about it! Her fans… 🙁 Sorry guys! But relatives live in South Carolina, hopefully, Emma Watson can live with her Grandparents.

  49. Chris says:

    I think I have that video somewhere in my collection. She's also filmed walking through either the back of a tv studio, or hotel or something. And as for Emma moving. When she is undecided on whether or not to sign up for HP 6 & 7 because it may keep her away from her friends, family, and education for too long,I hardly think she would be thinking about moving across the pond. But I do love reading all these rumours! 😛

  50. dook says:

    Chris, if you find that video I would really appreciate it if you could send it to us.