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Watson Weekly Christmas Issue // 19 December 2006

Hello Emma fans 😆

Well here it is, what you’ve all been waiting for. The Watson Weekly Christmas Issue. In this edition we have articles about the site and staff, tips for holiday spirit, Funky Fashion and Random Talk, a new webmaster interview, and another encounter with Emma. And of course, your questions, what we love about her, and your Christmas Messages to Emma.

The issue is different this time. It’s 64 pages long so instead of downloading individual pages, you can download the entire issue as a PDF file to view in Acrobat. The file is 8.8MB so it might take a litte while to download.

To download the issue, please right click and save the file to your computer using the link below.

[ Watson Weekly Christmas Issue ]

Have a great day! 😆

[ dook and all the staff at ]

Comments closed for this item.

99 Responses to “Watson Weekly Christmas Issue // 19 December 2006”

  1. liz says:

    FIRST! Yay!

  2. liz says:

    The Watson Weekly is AWESOME!!!! So is the PotD. nice update 😀

  3. Marie says:

    OMG! I have no words to describe this's amazing, fantastic!! I love it!! you made a great job people! congrats!… I'd love to work in this site

  4. Christianna says:

    Omg pretty issue… my message is on page 45!!! ha ha ha emma rockz

  5. nathalia jacinto says:

    🙂 :smile:hi emma you is pretty,want my fryend?

  6. liz says:

    I've just took a look at every single detail of WW 😀 brilliant! It's supposed to be sent to Emma, isn't it? I reckon she's gonna love it! All these messages were so sweet and honest… awesome!

  7. Hannah says:

    Great Issue, but I'm a bit dissapointed that netiher my question or my Christmas greeting made it into the issue. And I really liked my question. 🙁 well well

  8. Alexandra says:

    I think it's great! So well done and, good questions and cute messages! I hope she'll like it! There must be all the Christmas greetings, there were many of them!

  9. In says:

    in Portugal you say "Feliz Natal!" for Merry Christmas. since the Barazilian way it's there, I think there should also be the Portugese, even if it's all the same (in Brazil they speak Portuguese, after all!)

  10. nika says:

    The watson weekly is amazing and unrepeatable 😆 😛 Thx :*

  11. Elizabeth - Norwegian Fan says:

    The new issue is great!!! And really long! I hope Emma enjoy it 🙂 PS: "Gledelig Jul" is a rather old-fashioned way of saying Merry Christmas, another version is "God Jul" 😛

  12. dook says:

    Hannah, I\'m sorry we couldn\'t include more questions, but there were over 1500. And if you mean your Christmas message, I think you\'ll find that on page 60.

  13. Elizabeth - Norwegian Fan says:

    Btw: I really enjoyed the interviews with the staff! It's nice to read about the geniuses behind this site once in a while. Thanks to all of you and Congrats on the fabulous issue 😉

  14. Keana says:

    AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMG I freaked out when I saw my message to Emma on the first page of messages!(pg. 23 guys, its awesome!) I really hope Emma sees this, it's such an awesome issue of Watson Weekly, this was such a GREAT idea, you guys 😉

  15. Danielle says:

    😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 OMG! this is so amazing 64 pages long OMG amazing used must have worked so hard on it its AWSOME! i cant even say how amazed i am! oh and by the way us this the 1 ur sending emma? I hope im in it lol 🙂 nice POTD 2 U'S GUYS REALLY REALLY DO ROCK BEST EW SITE EVER DAN THE MASSIVE FANXXXX 😉

  16. meg says:

    I can't see the article. What did it say about a Fan Encounter?

  17. Emma's BIGGEST fan 4ever says:

    SOOO cool! I love that magazine 😛 PS!PS!PS! in what store can we buy it?? 🙂 🙂

  18. dook says:

    Danielle, some people indicated they wanted their Christmas message private, so they are not included in the online version. There are about 7 more pages of messages in the printed version for Emma.

  19. James says:

    Gosh it's great! Have you really had it offset printed? I mean I know the branche it is terrible expensive isn't it? And it is so creative, I took a look at many Emma Watson sites and I hardly found creative presents (well except of Emma Watson Empire, I have to confess what they did this year is incredible as well!) But really guys, huge compliments! You did a great job!

  20. Hiltje says:

    you can't buy it 😉 it's soo's weird to see my message in it 😕 😛 YOU GUYS DID A GREAT JOB ONE THIS ONE 😉 love you!!!

  21. Kat xx says:

    this is the greatest WW EVER!!! you guys must of spent ages on it!!! my messgae is on page 37!!!yay!! so does emma actually get this??? tis awesome anyway!!! xxx

  22. EmmaFan says:

    🙂 Your Watson Weekly Christmas Issue is SIMPLY AWESOME! What a GREAT job! CONGRATULATIONS to the VERY BEST Emma Watson fan site!!!!!

  23. Kat xx says:

    oh! and great pic of the day too! i want that velvet jacket!!! hehe! tis awesome!!! xx

  24. iza says:

    great great great great great Wtson Weekly! It's the best issue of all from this year! Great job! 😆

  25. Danielle says:

    Thanks dook for letting me know I am in the mesage page thx every1 very much appreciated! Its awsome im sure emma will love it! I wonder if she'll write another letter saying thx! I hope so! this is really gr8 u's guys and thx once again every1 @!xxxxdan 😉

  26. Bruhh says:

    The magazine is amazing ! *___* 🙂 . My message is in the page 43 *__*

  27. Michelle&Felicis:) says:


  28. maggie says:

    omg!thank u!im going to go read it NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😛

  29. R/Hr fan says:

    Nice issue!!!!!!!!!! And nice POTD!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  30. Harriet says:

    It's taking ages to download (bring on boadband) but it will be worth it, I can't wait to see it, thank you!!! I think Emma will genuinely love it, she loved the ipod and this is in a way even more personal, I'm sure she'll love it!!!

  31. maggie says:

    its not loading…ack!!!!!!! 😥

  32. emma's # ONE fan says:

    WOW that is huge! I wish you could like find your name quick

  33. maggie says:

    i guess ill just have to wait it out…. 😉

  34. ~Roni~ says:

    OMG I just adore this issue!!!! But just one thing… In Israel it's not "Mo'adim Lesimkha", I have no idea why they wrote it, it's "Hag Molad Sameah"

  35. Michelle&Felicis:) says:

    Damn, this is like the biggest WW ever!! I saw my xmas message!! AND I SAW LIKE 4 MESSAGES FROM CHILE ALSO LOL 😆 it was greatt!! Thankyou sooooo much for the hard work, i looooved this issue.

  36. A.v says:

    WOW! This was one of the best accomplishments i have seen from any fan-based website. so many ppl from around the world!!! Yeah as my message said "We got tons of fans down here" CANADA ALL THE WAY WOOHOO!

  37. dook says:

    Kat xx, the one for Emma is actually longer, but includes all of this one. E#1fan, try Ctrl-F in acrobat. Harriet, maggie, if one mirror is really slow, try the other. Roni, all the ways to say christmas were sent by fans, but verified online. Google shows that is Merry Christmas in Hebrew. Everyone, thanks for all the wonderful coments. 🙂

  38. E. says:

    I am speechless. Brilliant is the only word I can think of, that can describe the Watson Weekly! You must've put so much work in this! Thank you so much, it's appreciated! xxx

  39. Nimy says:

    yes there's my comment! I really love this issue 😛

  40. ~Roni~ says:

    Hmm… well… it's weird 😕 coz "christmas" is "hag molad" and "merry" is "sameah" 😕 Oh well.

  41. Natalie says:


  42. Ania says:

    Guys, do I have to have a Adobe?:( 😕

  43. Rachel says:

    WoOoOoOoOoW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Incredible issue!! My message is at the top of page 30!!! *squeals in excitement* I can't believe that Emma will actually get to read it! (Although, she will have already gotten to read two things from me) Anyway… Thanks for all the work everyone did!! It's awesome!!!

  44. Rachel says:

    just so you know, for those who are having trouble loading it, mirror 1 wouldnt load AT ALL for me but mirror 2 loaded in like 2 seconds. so try both. 😉

  45. Kat xx says:

    thanks dook xx

  46. Louisa says:

    WoW!!!!!! This issue was huge!!!! Great job EW.Net. I hope Emma loves it. 🙂

  47. jesse says:

    i said i didn't want my message to emma to be in the online watson weekly, so it wasn't. does that mean emma won't read it???? o yea and the issue is pretty kool (definitely worth the wait!)

  48. Rachel says:

    @ jesse dook said that there are like 7 additional pages of private comments that weren't in the online versoin but will be sent to emma.

  49. Rachel says:


  50. dook says:

    jesse, yes, Rachel is correct. If you said you wanted your message private, it is on Emma\'s printed version, but is not in the online one.