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About Art (2009):"My favourite artists are Euan Uglow, Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele and Jenny Saville. I love Tim Walker's photographs. I want to live in a Tim Walker photograph! I went to see the Francis Bacon exhibition at the Tate Gallery a few months ago and it was the most beautiful exhibition I had ever seen. But don't ask me to pick just one piece of Art, it's too difficult!"

New Scans & *SPOILERS* Book 7 Title! // 21 December 2006

Hello Emma fans! 🙂

First of all I would like to say that here at we’re all really happy you guys like Watson Weekly’s Xmas edition! Without you guys WW would be nothing! 😆

Now thanks to Emily for sending in these scans from a Chinese Magazine:

Don’t forget to keep voting for Emma at the CBBC Poll! And also you still have time to enter the Calendar Competition and the Video Contest!

Have a nice day! 😉

Edit: Huge news just in! You can now open the Door at JK Rowling’s website! Here’s how you open the door, highlight the text to read it, beware of BIG SPOILERS (Book 7 Title)!

Click on the ruber at her desk to get to the door, then click on the knob of the door in the mirror, or just around it then a tree appears then click the middle of the main door to see a wreath, then click on the top of the mirror to see a garland, then click on the spider web to make them go away, click on the 4th wind chime outside the window and the key will appear, take the key to the lock and the door will open! There’s gonna be a present of the desk, click on it and inside there’s a hangman game, play it and you will find out the title of  Book 7! Which is:

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Edit: JK Rowling also mentioned Emma in her latest diary update! About her daytrip to Leavesden Studios: ‘Also got a chance, before they all took off in their different directions (it was the last week of live actor filming) to talk to Dan, Rupert, Emma and Evanna, which is always wonderful.’ 🙂  You can read her whole diary entry here.

[ Carol ]

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101 Responses to “New Scans & *SPOILERS* Book 7 Title! // 21 December 2006”

  1. Keana says:

    OMG! Now I'm so excited for the book! I can't wait to read it!

  2. EMMA W RULZ says:

    OMG OMG the 7th title thats so amazing 🙂 😉 😛 😆

  3. ahlam says:

    wooooooow guys the pictures soooo sweet and i cant waite 2 see the films 😛 😕 🙂

  4. Isabela (Iza) says:

    I wish to read the book 7 more than seen OotP 😉 Anyway,let's hope we'll read the boof before seeing OotP! 😛

  5. r/hr fan says:

    Mharlon, the blond girl is Luna Lovegood played by Evanna Lynch. Haven't u read the books???

  6. Alexa says:

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows might be a great book. Thank you! I can't wait for it! Please make a potion for me or a spell so I can get it faster! lol lol 😆

  7. emma says:

    NOW I HAVE TO REREAD ALL THE BOOKS! but thats not a bad thing at all…im so excited…

  8. emmafan1 says:

    omg im soooo exited for the 7th book!!!!! and i cant wait 4 the 5th movie! 2007 is a harry potter year!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  9. anna says:

    Carol, i went to the website, and got to the door and started clickin around on the nobs in the mirror but none of them let the Christmas Tree appear and then i clicked everywhere but it wouldnt help…i know the title…i just wanna be able to open up the fricken door…sorry…little stressed…help…PLEASE

  10. someone says:

    Hi, can someone tell me how to get the door on JK Rowlings website like where to go from the beginning. Thanks

  11. Michelle&Felicis:) says:

    someone, click on the pink rubber at the desk. anna, anna, you have to click on the open door REFLECTED in the mirror (the tree appears). then you click right on the center of the real door(wreath appears), then click on the top of the mirror(garland appears), then clcik on the spider webs, then on the 4th wind chime and blah blah blah 😛

  12. Michelle&Felicis:) says:


  13. Michelle&Felicis:) says:


  14. chelsie says:

    i think that book title for the 7th one made sense cause they are going to godric's hollow. i can see why she named it that.

  15. r/hr fan says:

    @Michelle&Felicis:), I mentioned that earlier. It mad me real mad!!! H/Hr isn't gonna to happen people!!!! 😡

  16. Angelo says:


  17. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    do you guys call that thing a ruber?? in the US, we call it an eraser. 😕 btw, awesome title! can't wait!

  18. someone says:

    Thank you Michelle and Felicis! I really appreciate it!

  19. anna says:

    yes…i know how to get there, but when i clicked the 4th windchime, it turned gold but it wouldnt allow me to drag it to the door so, i couldnt get into the blasted door…y so hard for some ppl like MYSELF??

  20. Paula says:

    i can;t open the dor!

  21. ahlam says:

    hiiiiii guys any new news about emma and merry christmase guys 😛 🙂 😉

  22. Helen says:

    Couldn't drag the key… 😥

  23. R/Hr fan says:

    What a cute POTD!!! 😛

  24. Danielle says:

    🙂 Thanks carol i got the tittle finally last nite lol! POTD is so funny :wink:*The names watson, Emma Watson* 😆 dan xcx

  25. Harriet says:

    I am writing this in the Singapore Airlines lounge at Heathrow airport, I am waiting to go on holiday, I love the sound of the title it sounds exciting…. I hope all of the staff of have a great xmas and New year and that goes for all you who use it too. Have fun !!!!!!!!!!

  26. Rachel says:

    haha, the POTD is too funny!! She was so cute when she was little and she's beautiful now! 😉

  27. ahlam says:

    'hahahaha,the potd pictures soooooooooO funny 😆 😆 😛

  28. Zafer says:

    hello Emma ;

  29. Kat xx says:

    omg when? and where? and wat for? was the pic of the day? i like her glasses but the rest – ummm pretty? lol how old was she here???? eb merry xmas!

  30. r/hr fan says:

    @Kat xx, she was at the Scooby Doo premiere.

  31. anna says:

    does neone know why i cant open the BLASTED door…the windchime turned gold but it WONT FRICKEN DRAG!! this is SO frustrating…HELP!!

  32. emma says:

    the title of book 7 is harry potter and the deathly hallows

  33. emma says:


  34. Isabela (Iza) says:

    Wow…a new ENTER layout!!! 😆 I love it! It's soo cool! 😆

  35. r/hr fan says:

    i dont like british people, really!!! they talk reallllly wierd and the totaly suck, btw, they dress realy ugly and i cant stand them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  36. Elizabeth - Norwegian Fan says:

    Jippi!! The door opened! I knew the title already but it was fun 🙂 I can't wait for book 7!! I wonder what J.K. mean by that name..? Anyway: Love the new ENTER sign 😉

  37. Elizabeth - Norwegian Fan says:

    r/hr fan: Where are you from?? Why don't you like british??

  38. R/HR FAN says:

    "by r/hr fan @ 23 Dec 2006 12:20 am i dont like british people, really!!! they talk reallllly wierd and the totaly suck, btw, they dress realy ugly and i cant stand them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I NEVER SAID THAT!!!! THAT WASN'T ME!!!! DON'T BAN ME!!! I LIKE BRIT'S ACCENTS. 😥

  39. Elizabeth - Norwegian Fan says:

    I don't get it: Are there two r/hr fan??

  40. dook says:

    \”Are there two r/hr fan?\”Not any more. While we don\’t have any rules about people using the same name, it\’s obvious this person is doing it to make trouble. So, bye.

  41. someone says:

    Hey i did all that you said but the door still doesnt open. What am i doing wrong?

  42. juani says:

    Felicitaciones a emma

  43. mary says:

    hey the key won't show up for me! I know the thing on the wind chime turns gold but no key appears for me… or is that the key? how do you get it to the door? thnx

  44. emma says:

    the title (hp and the deathly hallows

  45. emma says:

    )is good

  46. milou says:

    last week of live actor filming? what does that mean? 😕

  47. dook says:

    It means the last week they were filming the actors. After that it was just special effects and things like that, with no actors.

  48. emma's # ONE FAN says:

    Oh so very cool! 😉

  49. green day89 says:


  50. Emily says:

    Great thanks for telling me that! 😛