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About the HP books being full of stereotypes (2007): "Harry Potter has helped change loads of stereotypes. Where else, in fiction, can you find a character as clever as Hermione, who is an absolute feminist and won't accept to be second to none? Gosh! It's true that they're children books, but they cover most important subjects like life, death, politics, the importance of friendship and the choices that need to be made. Harry Potter really makes children think, it's not just like any other production for teenagers."

Watson Weekly Issue 010 // 06 February 2007

Hey everyone  🙂

Today we have a new Watson Weekly for you. It has fun and fashion and random things. A new webmiss interview, a new fan spotlight feature. And what many have been waiting for: the winners of the Hermione Music Video Contest. Enjoy! 😆

Reminders: Keep sending in your pictures and poems for the birthday project. And vote Emma at CBBC

Update: There’s a new rumor about Emma starring in a new St. Trinians movie as a rebellious ringleader at a British boarding school. The original St Trinians movies about delinquent schoolgirls and their escapades came out in the 50s and 60s, and are now being revived with more timely storylines. There is more information about the new movies here. Remember, it’s just a rumor, don’t believe anything yet until Emma or a representative confirms it.

[ dook ]

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184 Responses to “Watson Weekly Issue 010 // 06 February 2007”

  1. r/hr fan says:

    Excuse me, "Vote for Emma", but I'm not what you call "STUCK UP". That's very rude. 😡 I have the right to say that Emma shouldn't be in that movie because it doesn't seem like an appropriate film. Emma doesn't seem to be a type of person who would be in that TRASH film. I know that I'm assuming w/o proof that it's trash, but it seems from what i've read, that it is. I have the right to have my own opinion! And don't you dare, call me stuck up again! 😡

  2. Jeanne says:

    Yasmina, both parts of the birthday project end on 5th March. I don't think the movie is really bad or rude, but I just don't think it's suited for Emma. And I really doubt that she would accept a part like that. It just doesn't seem like her… But, well, rumour is rumour, and even if she takes the part, it's not that bad, 'cause it might be really good, so basically, I could go either way…

  3. Yasmina says:

    Thanks Jeanne! 😆 Then I've got enough time to take photos of my city… 😉

  4. r/hr fan says:

    I agree w/ u, Jeanne. I don't think the role is suited for Emma. I highly doubt that she would accept that role either.

  5. Jeanne says:

    No prob… Yeah, that's kind of a lot of time, but I haven't even figured out yet where am I gonna take the pictures, let alone what'll be in them… It's a pity it's winter, Latvia is beautiful in summer… eh, well, gotta get the pen and start writing a poem, eh?

  6. Jeanne says:

    r/hr fan, but don't judge the film, 'cause it might be a lot of fun, it's just not suited for Emma, but the movie will be ok…

  7. leons says:

    Write E-mail Emma Watson on!!!!! Please!!! Please!!! Please!!! Please!!! Please!!! 😥

  8. dook says:

    Jeanne, If you have pictures that you took in the summer you can send those. They don\’t have to be new pictures, just pics that you have taken.

  9. r/hr fan says:

    I see what you mean, Jeanne. The film might be good. I don't know.

  10. leons says:

    Write E-mail Emma Watson on!!!!! Please!!! Please!!! Please!!! Please!!! Please!!! 😥

  11. r/hr fan says:

    @leons, i doubt that is Emma's e-mail address. *rolls eyes*

  12. Jeanne says:

    dook, I know, you already told that, but I don't think I have beautiful pictures at summer, 'cause then I didn't know I would need them, but now I can't take 'em, 'cause it's winter, not summer, that's the problem… anyway, I hope that Christine, the only other girl from Latvia that was a part of Christmas issue, will send pictures of Latvia in summer, 'cause it's beautiful, but maybe I might find some, but either way, Latvia is beautiful in winter too…

  13. r/hr fan says:

    Um…where is Latvia? 😕

  14. Yuri says:

    Hello! Congratulations for this website! It's the best I've seen! =)

  15. emma's # ONE FAN says:

    Its all amazing, nice job, I love it! 🙂

  16. Jeanne says:

    Latvia is a Baltic country along with Lithuania and Estonia, it's in eastern-northen europe, it's close to Russia, Belarus…It's capital is Riga, maybe you've heard about it when talking about hockey or NATO summit, but that's all I can tell…

  17. VOTE FOR EMMA says:

    R/H fan, I wasn't talking to you, I was talking in general. And you obviously know nothing about St Trinians if you think there's something wrong with it. If you don't want to watch such a film FINE, but some of us want to see Emma in a film she will enjoy making. SO PLEASE CALM DOWN!

  18. Jeanne says:

    No, both of you calm down! there have been discussions like this before, and they didn't end well. everybody's got their opinions, it's ok to say them quietly, bot not in capital letters and offending messages to everyone, that doesn't agree with you, 'cause no matter, if you are talking to somedbody personally or in general, it's still an insult. So everybody, please calm down!

  19. Mharlon says:

    Lativa is probably the smallest country other then Philippines, since nobody ever talks about it, its I'm not sure how it looks like either, if anyone has a picture of it, I guess you can show it to Jeanne since shes been there or probably lived there before… The thing is nobody has never heard of it till today and stuff…

  20. Mharlon says:

    Philippines, is a small country, this country is in the edge of Asia the middle part would be China. Philippines can be seen on the left side of China in Asia, but Latvia, nobody never heard of it or even studied it… 😕

  21. Mharlon says:

    I haven't seen it either… So if anyone at least knows about it, they can describe it for us, or try to show the picture of the place, … or the map would be better along with the picture. 😕

  22. Jeanne says:

    well, that's weird, 'cause a week earlier, when the part 1 of BP was announced, I thought the same thing, and basically everybody told me, that they knew Latvia..

  23. Jeanne says:

    I can write a historical report about Latvia, it's cities, pictures, nature parks, rivers, and history aand send it to you, if you like. maybe then you'll shut up and stop kind of offening me… 🙂

  24. Mharlon says:

    I'm not offending you, i'm just helping people out for a change, one little topic you make a big deal out of it, I'm not picking on you, or offending, I'm just defending everyone's comments here… 😡 So don't get mad at me, try to get along right.

  25. Mharlon says:

    One little topic, everyone's pissed about it, either that, or someone is probably making fun of it, now thats being offensive. 🙁

  26. Yasmina says:

    Mharlon, Latvia is near Denmark. I hope you know Denmark? And it is near Russia. I think, everybody in Europe knows it, 'cause you have to, if you live in Europe. But I can understand, if somebody, who doesn't live here, that he doesn't know it. Well, I'm talking too much. 😆 Bye!

  27. Mharlon says:

    If you don't want to do it, its ok, let someone else do it, "IF" they want to do it. I'm not telling anyone anything, I'm just helping people out with tips and advice for there comments, were all even, hopefully.

  28. Mharlon says:

    If thats the case Yasmina, then if its true, then ok, if anyone wants to know about it, then do some research, if not forget about it, and move on to the next topic, this comments all about Emma, just to let you all know.

  29. VOTE FOR EMMA says:

    Sorry for the cap locks, didn't mean to shout at anyone. I am very calm and I don't see anything wrong with differing opinions either (I was only stating mine). At least we were talking about Emma, or is that off bounds too?

  30. Mharlon says:

    According to google's map Latvia, has no streets, its just a country beside Lithuania, and its attached to Riga, and there are probably streets attached to it, and Yasmina sorry but its nowhere close to Danmark, not Denmark. Since you guys make a big deal out of it, there, if you want to do more research on what its about, go to the site on where Jeanne just told me to go to check out the place.

  31. Mharlon says:

    Have you "VOTE FOR EMMA" taking drugs or just having a bad day, cause your the one who started it, but anyways, forget about it, its completely over! Hopefully. 😆 😉

  32. r/hr fan says:

    I'm sorry. I'll stop arguing! I feel bad. 😥 I want Emma to do another film besides the HP films and if she wants to do that film. That's fine w/ me…but i sort of hope its a rumor.

  33. Mharlon says:

    Anyways, nice pics of Emma, keep it up!

  34. VOTE FOR EMMA says:

    Started what? Read the comment again, I wasn't arguing with anyone, just supporting Emma if she chooses to do St Trinians regardless of what some people think. Then someone decided that I was talking to them!?! But like I said, at least we are talking about Emma – keeping on topic. 🙂 R/H fan – peace!

  35. Nicola says:


  36. Mharlon says:

    Its ok "r/hr fan" its over, make sure it doesn't happen again.

  37. r/hr fan says:

    Yeah, I don't want to fight with u.

  38. r/hr fan says:

    Also, whatever Emma desides to do, I'll support her 100%! 🙂

  39. Mharlon says:

    Its over "VOTE FOR EMMA" don't start it again, forget about it now, don't even start about, just like what Dook said before, "KEEP YOUR COMMENTS TO YOURSELF". Now move on.

  40. Mharlon says:

    Or keep the topic as simple as possible, no arguments on it. Now move on.

  41. r/hr fan says:

    @Mharlon, yeah, I'm glad it's over. I'll try to say nice things and not mean things. Here marks the end of our argument. 🙂

  42. Vote for Emma says:

    I never was arguing with anyone. Not even using cap locks… And I'm keeping on topic – I hope Emma does St Trinians because it will be a way for her to branch out. Rupert did Driving Lessons (which had a lot of swearing), and Dan did December Boys and now Equus and we all know what that involves. So if this is true it's a great opportunity for her. Ok, now have I said anything wrong there? I hope not. Peace to all.

  43. henry says:

    great winner of the contest! i love it, great work!! congratulations to the runner-up and 3 place too;) and everyone else who has participated of course:D

  44. wuu says:

    if you have seen Wendy Wu Homecoming warrior, you will notice that the character for Jessica has the exact same dress as Emma wore at the NY goblet of fire premier! cool huh!

  45. r/hr fan says:

    Yeah, Vote for Emma, I agree, you didn't agrue w/ me you were just stating your opinion. I'm sorry. And you said nothing wrong, except for calling people "stuck up". I guess I just agrued w/ u and I'm so sorry. @wuu, yeah, everytime I see that movie I get excited b/c it's the same dress!! Hey, do you have a screencap of Jessica wearing that dress? 😕

  46. Jeanne says:

    Ok, so peace to everyone, let's forget about these arguings, but Mharlon, you were still going on about it (VOTEFOREMMA, don't start it again), when no one had said anything, but, anyway, we're all cool as far as my concerns, and, like I said, Mharlon, I can get you information about Latvia, and, also, here's a site with the streets

  47. Jeanne says:

    hey, r/hr fan, could you send the screencap to my e-mail?

  48. Mharlon says:

    LoL! 😆 Thats funny "VOTE FOR EMMA" Rupert swearing while hes driving, thats hilariousing, show it to me will you..

  49. Mharlon says:

    And don't worry Jeanne, I got everything under control… Where is the video on Rupert swearing while hes driving?

  50. Ash says:

    They've been trying to re-do St. Trinians since 2002. They'd better get on it already!