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About her name being called out for the HP audition at her school (2007): "I thought I was in trouble or had a detention. The school had these things called blue slips and I already had a couple for not handing in homework and for being late."

Watson Weekly Issue 010 // 06 February 2007

Hey everyone  🙂

Today we have a new Watson Weekly for you. It has fun and fashion and random things. A new webmiss interview, a new fan spotlight feature. And what many have been waiting for: the winners of the Hermione Music Video Contest. Enjoy! 😆

Reminders: Keep sending in your pictures and poems for the birthday project. And vote Emma at CBBC

Update: There’s a new rumor about Emma starring in a new St. Trinians movie as a rebellious ringleader at a British boarding school. The original St Trinians movies about delinquent schoolgirls and their escapades came out in the 50s and 60s, and are now being revived with more timely storylines. There is more information about the new movies here. Remember, it’s just a rumor, don’t believe anything yet until Emma or a representative confirms it.

[ dook ]

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184 Responses to “Watson Weekly Issue 010 // 06 February 2007”

  1. emmafan1 says:

    @ tim, this site is for emma watson NEWS. you will not find a site for emma watson, on the web, that is run by emma watson. or that are a correspondent of emma.

  2. Yasmina says:

    And Tim, if you don't like this site, why are you coming here, when it is "not neccessary"? 😡 Well, but a nice day everyone! 🙂

  3. Yasmina says:

    And dook, don't worry, we know what you do for this site and we are very proud of you 😉

  4. love emma! says:

    from who's that winning song? "i'm ready" cause i love it!

  5. Jeanne says:

    dook, you rock, thnx so much for banning Mharlon, I hated him and he (or she? :???:) was talking too much about things off even fanchat topics (like Lauren).. and, as everyone else said, you've done a great job on the site, we really appreciate you, and it must be an honour, running the best Emma site in the world! also, Mharlon, if you're reading this (I don't know if banned members are allowed to read), I just want you tu know i've been here since the first days of September, and the reason why I thought you've been here a week, is 'cause you rarely posted anything here…

  6. Iza says:

    Yeah Dook! You made a great great job here and we're very proud of you! Uhm…any new pic of the day? 😕

  7. Chelsea says:

    WOW! Great edition of the Mag.! Man… I should have entered a Hermione video, seeing as that is what I do. Oh well, maybe next time! Anyway, congrats to all the winners, and nice update! 🙂

  8. Iron Duke says:

    I don't know why,but,I don't like the rumor… 😕 😕 😕 😕 😕

  9. Maud says:

    OMG that's my manip!!!! 😆 YEAH i'm so happy 🙂 :smile:!!!! thanks very much^^ Wonderful cover by the way and the POTD is so cute^^!!!

  10. Danielle says:

    🙂 They videos were FANTASTIC I personally prefered the 3rd place won because a)I loved the song & b) I loved how it was a slideshow and not a video all the other ones were great though at congratz to the winner! The rest of WW rocked to! About this rumour- I'm not quite sure about this won? I think i might just wait and find out be4 i say anything! :tounge: has the POTD been changed yet? Dan xxx 😉

  11. kate25 says:

    The videos from the contest are great!!! 😆 And also WatsonWeekly is very cooooool!!!! the news are interisting and the funny games are also gooooooooood. Special thangs to all from the Watson Weekly team 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  12. Jeanne says:

    Maud, was that a picture of Jennifer Anniston you used for the manipulation? cause the hair kinda looks like her… 😕

  13. michelleM46607 says:

    :::::: :::: ::: :: : No offense, but i HATED what Julia said about Jim Carrey. NO OFFENSE TO EMMA FANS (i am a BIG fan too) but if you are comparing JIM CARREY with our dear Emma… you HAVE to admit it, people, Jim is better than Emma IN TERMS OF ACTING. They are both talented, Emma's GREAT we all know that:lol: but Jim has much more experience and he's a complete professional. Julia(if you ever read this),i'm not attacking you or trying to offend you. I just wanted you to know that i didn't like your comments about Jim, specially when you called him a "clown". In his funny movies he only shows how AWESOME he is as an actor. Either you like him being a clown or not, let's just be realists. 😆 And the fact that YOU felt wrong when you saw that serious movie you are talking about doesn't mean everyone felt like you :sad:. And in my opinion (it's just my opinion) if Emma had a funny part in a movie, i don't think it will affect the way people look at her. I mean, it will be just ONE or TWO (maybe more) movies like that, not like Jim Carrey; he has been in THOUSANDS of funny movies, that's why you felt awkward watching it, Julia. Ok, enough. 😛 Peace!! 😉 I can't believe i wrote all that. I loved the WW by the way!!!<33 awesome, as usual, thank you. and LMAO that Mharlon guy was so annoying!! dook, you rock 😆 Thanks!! and sorry for my english. \m/

  14. Jeanne says:

    your english is very good, mischelle, don't worry!

  15. Obi says:

    We need new news 🙂 Jim carrey is one of the best comedian ever and he acts also unique in " Man on the Moon ; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind ; The Truman Show " and this movies are not really comedies ! i agree with you michelle he is in my top ten list of actors !!!

  16. Cherise says:

    I Really hope the rumour is true. I really don't want to start an arguement but…I think some fans have made Emma out to be a perfect girl who shouldn't pick any roles that might damage her image.Saying things like," she wouldn't do something like that." Emma can do whatever she wants and we all know for sure that she is a sweet girl but I think this role would be good for her, getting her out of the Hermione stereotype. Again, I really don't want to start an arguement. Oh, and Dook, you ROCK!! 🙂 😛

  17. Ahlam says:

    hey DOOK dont worry ur the best and we know u like these site and ur ROCK dont worry we love u in these site 🙂 :wink:ur great we love u soooooo much dont worry 🙂 🙂 🙂

  18. Ahlam says:

    WE hate u Mhrlon sooooo much ur a radiow and thanks dook 4 banning mhrlon i hate mhrlon SOOoooo much 😡 😡 😡 😡

  19. r/hr fan says:

    @Chelsea, u can enter the shipper contest!

  20. r/hr fan says:

    nice potd! She's so pretty!

  21. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    Wow, 4 pgs os comments!! We haven't had that many in a long time!! 🙂 😉 Wonder when the rumor will be cleared up…

  22. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    oops!! Meant to put "4 pgs OF comments", not "OS comments"!! Sorry!! 😉

  23. Jovana says:

    updates please 🙂

  24. Justin says:

    Wow, nice site.

  25. Justin says:

    Good for you Ahlam, we don't care!!! 😡

  26. michelleM46607 says:


  27. Mani says:

    I love you Emma!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 Can't say no more!

  28. slavista says:

    Slavia ist best.(I am czech)

  29. slavista says:

    (I am czech)slavia prag ist best

  30. heni says:

    :wink:you are the most beautiful girl in the world

  31. leonardo says:

    all good I am leonardo and live in Brazil why you are not a time in Brazil very you are amused

  32. leonardo says:

    you she is pretty of more for it comes to Brazil that is better you is the girl prettiest of the world 😉

  33. leonardo says:

    this boy is very ugly for the girl prettiest of the world lives in Brazil, but until today not vi no girl prettier than you

  34. Marcos says:

    Hello 😛 My name's Marcos I'm portuguese I'm your great fan and you are very beautiful Keep your work sorry the mistakes