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About OotP (2007): "This film is closely related to the current situation. Somehow it talks about life after July 7 (London bombings in 2005), the way people behave when they're scared, the way truth is often denied and all the things our society has to face. Facing the fact that the authority is corrupted means having a non-conformist approach to reality and power."

News and more news // 09 February 2007


A new pic of the finished Hermione Action Figure has been released! I have to say it turned out quite well and for the collectors out there, this is definitely a must have. 😛

There will also be new promotional Order of the Phoenix stamps released in France next month 🙂 And yes, one of the stamps includes a new Hermione picture! You can see more images at

So that was the Hermione news for today. But wait, we’re not done yet! 😛

We’ve added a lot of graphics to the media section and the fans section. Thanks again to everyone for sending these wonderful graphics in.

Update: The guidelines for the birthday card part of the birthday project have been updated in yesterdays post.

Have a great weekend!

[ Christel ]

Comments closed for this item.

57 Responses to “News and more news // 09 February 2007”

  1. Jeanne says:

    that's all great! thnx so much, Christel and everyone else!!! 1st yay!

  2. Russian_boy says:

    :smile:hi!!!hey Emma I want the contacts to speak to taboy!pishi on mail or in ISQ 402-574-700!!!!pleased!!!!sorri for my English!!! 🙂

  3. Kat xx says:

    omg yay! forth! anyway i think the update is fab – the stamp is soo cool and i hope we get them in the UK and all the new avatars and banners are awesome!!! and i cant believe how real the 'action figure' looks, that must be sooooo freaky for her, lol!! xxx

  4. nauhkis says:

    5TH britty emma =)

  5. sandra says:

    thats great 🙂

  6. Obi says:

    YEAH Finally a new theme !! 🙂

  7. r/hr fan says:

    Awesome figures and stamp!

  8. Obi says:

    yeah nice Figures !! 🙂 🙂

  9. Javon says:

    I'm a big fan of their "Pirates" line, and they've done it again, with HP! Can't wait!

  10. hp princess /ew / hg says:

    omg !! i love the action figure !! 😆 😆 😉 😉 too bad i dont live in france to buy the stamps 🙁 😥 🙁 😥

  11. AnLx says:

    Ron is the least look alike!!! I want harry and hermione!! 😛

  12. Iron Duke says:

    The stamp is GREAT!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 😉 😉 😉

  13. pierre francois says:

    i am a french she is so beautiful . 😥 I did not receive yet my autograph I am sad 🙁

  14. Chris says:

    Damn. Why can't we have stamps like that in England? 😡 Love the action figures. Hermione looks great now she's been painted. 😆

  15. r/hr fan says:

    Awesome POTD! 🙂 😉

  16. emmafan1 says:

    y can we have stams like that in Canada?! there is nothing for HP here :cry:oh well… anyway the stamp is really kwl and that action figures look ALOT like them. so well done 🙂

  17. emmafan4life says:

    whoa! those action figures are really lifelike. and it'd be so kool having emma on my stamps (although i never use the mail cuz i just email :wink:)

  18. emmafan4life says:

    o yea i luv the potd… emma looks so sweet! 🙂 🙂

  19. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    cool!!! ♥ the stamp

  20. Ahlam says:

    OMG the stamp is Cool and amazing action figures i love it Sooo much and cute potd Woooow 🙂 😉 😕 😕

  21. emmafan4life says:

    whoa idk what just happened but 4 like the past like 3 min i couldn't get on the site 😕 i have no idea y

  22. tim says:

    where can we get the new action figures? aree they available in the US? Please let me know. thanks.

  23. EMMA W RULZ says:

    omg de finshed figures look really good

  24. Audrey says:

    cool 🙂

  25. Janny says:

    Wow… Emma's stamp is really lovely! 😛

  26. black_angel says:

    reaalllyy cooll!!!! 😉 🙂 🙂

  27. Imene says:

    Great updates guys ! Keep up the good job 😉 ! Bye bye 🙂 🙂 ! ! !

  28. Omayma says:

    Cool action figures i wish i could have one 😥

  29. silvana says:

    cool! hey guys, do you know about the OoTP site?? for initial stuff, it is pretty cool… 😛

  30. karinaki says:

    Awesome news!Amazing stamps! Great Potd!!!! Splended graphics!!!! Great work you guys!!!

  31. karinaki says:

    ghina, i replyed to you!! 😉 oh and good luck to everyone who will enter the project… i think i'll just stick to the pics… 😆 kisses! 😛

  32. Obi says:

    iwanr to see that movie now !!!!!!!!!! 😥

  33. Ania says:

    WOooooW Great! Neve, thank you for helping:* I have only poem:/ Sandra, you can write Polish, don't you?

  34. Lorine says:

    Very well,this pictures.The pics of Hermione,Harry and Ron are very good.But,every pictures are great. 🙂

  35. sandra says:

    I can write polish 🙂

  36. emma's#1fan:) says:

    OMG !! It makes me so sad that I live in the USA ..they should have stamps with Emma or Even harry …… 😥 Oh well i might ge the figures !

  37. emmafan4life says:

    yea i'm bummed that we can't get it in the US 😥 i'd get that stamp even if i didn't have anything to mail!

  38. Inmaculada says:

    muy bonita la postal de hermione me en canta. :lol:.

  39. Morgane says:

    Yeah We have a prochain Month the timbre about Hermione,ROn,Harry …I Have so happy ^^ Bye bye BizouX

  40. Nimy says:

    Beuty stamp…

  41. coraline / french says:

    hello i would like to tell you that i love your site for me it is very complet (i'm sorry for my english) if someone wants to speak about her or some thing my adress msn : the 5 HP in film is on july th 11th in france ahahahah. i don't know why a love her but i believe it's because i can't talk with someone so… i would like to meet sone new body. i don't understand the english very well but it's work out ok.i can't talk with anyone about emma because they don't understand me so i would like to meet news people !!i think it's at all so bye bye and a good time in this site who are the best tha i know !!!!! xxx

  42. not important ;) says:

    Those figure action are horrible esspecialy Harry and Ron.

  43. A.v says:

    Its been a while since i came back! Dook, Finally the day i was waiting for o hear Mhorlon to be banned! that made my day! 🙂 Great figures they look much more improved.

  44. not important ;) says:

    I'm sorry if I insult someone 🙂

  45. not important ;) says:

    Again me. I did mistake. I wanted write: I'm sorry if I insulted someone 😉

  46. black_angel says:

    how could u say this?? I mea, yep u're right Harry and Ron are not so nice, but Hermione is reeaaly coll!!!! 😥 and by the way..u can isult people here, because we are all biig Harry Potter fans….

  47. emmafan4life says:

    blackangel's kinda right- we know u have your own opinion, but if they're negative thoughts on HP, please keep them to yourself. thanks 🙂

  48. Roger says:

    This is a very very off-topic question but i was looking at pictures from the PoA Premiere and i saw pictures of Emma holding hands with Dan. I know shes not going out with him but why were they holding hands? She seemed to be bothered by somethings. I dont know.

  49. emmafan4life says:

    yea roger they've held hands a few times. they're just really good friends and they've said that they're just really close like that- but they'd never date each other (but i think they should) 😉