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About having to kiss Dan or Rupert on screen (2005): "It would certainly be really, really weird having to kiss either of them, because they're so kind of like my brothers... I don't know, it would be very, very strange. Very strange."

HP Stamps, Create a Calendar, and a Birthday // 10 March 2007

Hi everyone  🙂

On February 9 we told you about a series of promotional Order of the Phoenix stamps from France. They have now been released and you can see them all online at The site is in French, but if you click on “Produits” in the upper corner you can find the stamps and other items. Emma, as Hermione, is featured on several of them.

How would you like to help design an HP calendar? Well, Borders is letting you do just that. In the spring they will offer a Harry Potter 2008 wall calendar, and you can help choose which images they will use. Go here to vote for your favorite HP images. You can only pick 5, but you are allowed to vote as often as you like. Let’s make sure Emma is well represented  🙂 . Unfortuneately, it looks like the calendar will only be sold in US stores, but I believe anyone can vote and show their support for Emma. The voting ends March 23, so get voting.  😛

And today is staff member Jasmine’s birthday. Happy Birthday Jasmine! 😆

It seems that rumor about Emma in a new St Trinians movie was nonsense. According to Variety, the only Watson in the cast is Emily Watson. Thanks to Solo on the forums for the tip.

Have a great weekend.

[ dook ]

Comments closed for this item.

65 Responses to “HP Stamps, Create a Calendar, and a Birthday // 10 March 2007”

  1. emmafan4life says:

    1st yaaay! 🙂

  2. Nela says:

    😆 second! Woow, i love the stamps

  3. big boss says:

    bronze medal. not bad technically silver

  4. tayron says:

    not bad not bad 1st:D

  5. emmafan4life says:

    oh good, emma's not doing that st trinians thing. i knew it was fake

  6. Thayse says:

    [DO NOT USE OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE] She not will do ST Trinians –\’

  7. tayron says:

    DELETED – We do not tolerate offensive language here. This is your only warning.

  8. Obi says:

    Hi all 🙂 NICE STAMPS !!!! 🙂 🙂

  9. hp princess /ew / hg says:

    i love the stamps !! LOL 😛 😆

  10. A.v says:

    Happy birthday Jasmine!! 😛 🙂 Wow What a silly rumor. Dont you hate it when people exaggerate small things? Everyone have a good weekend now! 🙂

  11. pabLo|6uk says:

    emma's hot!

  12. Natalie says:

    Coolness! Um…dook…I hope you all know that the gallery is down…I can't open it. =( Or maybe it's just my computer…but if you guys already know ignore me but if you didn't…so you know. Lol. Confused anyone? Lol.

  13. dook says:

    Natalie, yup, we know. I guess I should put up a page to let people know we know though. 🙂

  14. EMMA W RULZ says:

    nice stamps happy bday jasmine 🙂 🙂 🙂 😉 😉 😉 😛 😛 😛 😆 😆 😆

  15. EMMA W RULZ says:

    [natalie] i cant open the gallery either

  16. Thayse says:

    I'm sorry!

  17. Omayma says:

    18th horray ammm i didn't read wats on today but anyway I think its cool bye for now not for eva 😛

  18. emmafan1 says:

    happy birthday Jasmine! 🙂 🙂 and i didnt think she would do that movie…it didnt make sence she woudl do another movie, if she wasent sure she was gonna finish HP.

  19. Delia says:

    WHAT A SHAME! 🙁 Am I the only one here who's disappointed that Emma won't be doing the St. Trinian's film? YES. I think so. *sigh* Oh, wellllllll. *waits patiently for the next rumor* lol! 😛 Btw, I'm probably also the only person here who's disappointed with regards to what details we've heard about OotP so far. :\ Thanks WB, for ruining yet another HP film for me. Not to mention – MY FAVORITE ONE. Seriously. SOMEBODY NEEDS TO BRING BACK ALFONSO CUARON, ASAP!!!!! That is possibly the ONLY way to save the rest of the series. [PS. everyone, before you all get your knickers in a twist, that's only just MY opinion. m'kay? OKAY. :smile:]

  20. Janny says:


  21. Janny says:

    Oh! 🙁 I'm so sorry. I just write in Chinese, but it…. OK. I'll be carefully.

  22. iza says:

    Now I saw…what's happened with the past news? Since the reopen of this site? 😕

  23. R/Hr fan says:

    I'm glad the calendar will be sold in the US!!! Also, I'm very glad that Emma isn't in that film!

  24. Obi says:

    Hi gang !

  25. Kat xx says:

    love the stamps- i'll sooo get one when im in paris – im voting right now for calender for pics and shames she not doing St t's!! xx 😉

  26. Ahlam says:

    wow cool news and happy birthday Jasmine 😆 🙂

  27. KB Prez says:

    Delia, I AGREE WITH YOU COMPLETELY! I would LOVE to see Emma do the St Trinian's films and I would also LOVE to have WB bring back Alfonso Cuaron! I know Cuaron's version of PofA is very different from JKR's writing, but I LOVE the book as well as the film. He made a wonderful movie. I think PofA is by far the best of the HP films!

  28. karinaki says:

    WOW! sooo many new ppl!!! that's amazing!!! so, 1st of all, HAPPY B-day Jasmine!!! 2nd–>cool stamps!!! 3d–>stupid rumor 😡 and…hey gang!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  29. karinaki says:

    btw Delia+KB Prez…soooo agree with u gyus…Alfonso is waaay to better….missed him! 🙁

  30. Natalie says:

    Ummm…no offense to those who are disappointed that the calender may only be sold in the US and not the UK…in 2006 we in the US didn't get any of the calenders that you guys did so…it's only fair. I mean I SEARCHED for months, they only had images that were graphics in the calenders….they weren't the real pictures so this next year it's only fair.

  31. Obi says:

    extremely !!! ??? in every land ppl should may by this calendar !! that would be faire !!!

  32. Obi says:

    amis … 🙂

  33. Obi says:

    Hi karinaki 🙂

  34. Martynka :) says:

    Hi ! My name is Martyna. I come from Poland. I love you !! My e-mail :

  35. karinaki says:

    hey Obi?? Where is the gang?? 😕 guys, haven't seen you for a while…..

  36. Obi says:

    i'm afraid i don't know !! 😕

  37. karinaki says:

    btw…in the stamps, she looks the same everywhere….not one new pic of her! damn! 🙁

  38. alban says:

    i can't go to the piture page 🙁

  39. emmafan4life says:

    is the potd not changing cuz of the gallery not working?? i just thought of that

  40. Hiltje says:

    nice stamps 🙂

  41. Pablo from Mexico,City says:

    Cool stamps 😉 🙂

  42. tayron says:

    martynka My name is Tomek and…..I'm come from Poland Jak nie wierzysz to to przeczytaj;d

  43. Kat xx says:

    hey guys – loveee the new potd – the top is so awesome! xx 😉

  44. victor says:

    descupe sou brasileiro 😥

  45. emmafan1 says:

    helllooo again, @ martynka, thisi is not ema watson on this site, its a fan site. 🙂 also i dunno, i loved alfonso, but its also hard to keep everything in the movies when the books are sooooo long, u no? so maybe alfonsos version of the 4th movie wouldnt have been any better….we'll never no! 😉 😉

  46. emmafan1 says:

    has any1 notices after u post ur comment the backround(of the comment page) goes white instead of staying purple?? 😕

  47. Obi says:

    Morning ! 🙂

  48. dook says:

    emmafan1, should be fixed now.oops, wait a minute.Ok, now it works 🙂