Image Map
About working for People Tree (2010): "I haven't had any fashion training but I am an artist. I paint, I draw and I had a great team to work with. I designed the collection for myself and my friends; they're the sort of thing we wear - the difference being they're ecologically sound. I became completely engrossed. I tried on the clothes, I worked on the catalogue and my friends and I were models. We all worked for free."

Watson Weekly Issue 17 // 7 February 2009

It’s finally here, Issue 17 of Watson Weekly. It’s been a long, lonng, lonnnnng wait. I’m sorry it has taken so long. We actually started on this last April. Some of the articles are a bit dated by now, but we hope you will enjoy them.

We tried something new this time. Instead of a lot of images you have to download, the magazine is now a flash presentation. We’d appreciate any feedback you have on this. I’ll have an acrobat version up later for those who would like to save a copy of the magazine.

In this issue, we have articles about the Demarchelier exhibit, Ralph Fiennes, music, literature and fashion. You will also find some wonderful fan art, a fan spotlight, and a “Map” to Emma’s career by a dedicated fan. And, finally, the results of the Hermione – Pauline video contest.

Update: There is now a pdf version available, as well as links to the videos.

Comments closed for this item.

43 Responses to “Watson Weekly Issue 17 // 7 February 2009”

  1. Luis says:

    Nice cover 🙂

  2. Luis says:

    Well, not just the cover, all magazine looks great and flash version is even better than acrobat, it´s almost a real magazine! 😛 Good Job 😉

  3. bravelittletoaster says:

    Cool, it's great to see a new Watson Weekly! However flash doesn't always work too well on my computer, so I'll probably be waiting for the PDF version. 🙂

  4. Rupertfan13 says:

    finally,I have been waiiiiiiting for the issue since last April, but it was worth it, the new music videos from the contest are awesome, congarulations to everybody who won 😆

  5. Jaclyn says:

    I SAW MY ART WORK IN THERE!!! =D THANK YOU FOR PUTTING IT IN!! I absolutely LOVE everything in the watson weekly it looks soooo amazing and everyone did a great job with the music videos I especially liked the "Breakdown" video it was cool! 😛

  6. iKing says:

    I can't read poems from Map (espesially on the cover)… Very interesting what's there. "… this is all wrapped up in a beautiful package" – lol, I loved it, INDEED 🙂 And the picture also one of my favourites 🙂 And whether will be "the Hermione Pouline Music Video Contest" section again? I just really good at it (don't like to praise myself, but I really did some videos which not only I liked 🙂 ) and wasn't be able to do it this time. P.S. GREAT issue, thanks, I wish it'd be truelly watson WEEKLY, lol (but of course it's can't be done, so thanks for what it is right now). Going to read "the Remains of the Day" 😉 And REALLY, erm… interesting to see the movie (because of the cast :smile:).

  7. KS987 says:

    Great issue and worth the wait. Though I hope it doesn't take this long again in the future. 😛 That Emma map made by Eric Bowling was awesome. It is always great to see how talented Emma's fans are(except me for some reason). That one story about the spiked drink was creepy and thankfully her friends were there and kept an eye on her. And once again it was great doing that interview with you guys(I'm "Kevin" in the fan spotlight). 🙂 Overall awesome Watson Weekly(almost) and the flash feature is cool as well. Worth the wait like I said. I admire your hard work.

  8. cemal says:

    very good1 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 🙂 😉

  9. kiakkia says:

    YAY!! IT'S ONLINE 🙂 It's awesome as usual!! I love it Thanks a lot for the 5th place…I don't deserve it, my vid sucks ^^ Congrats to all the other winners! Especially to diandra!!! Congrats hun!! Can't wait for the next one!! XD

  10. Aerendyl says:

    Good one! Really love this new flash thing 🙂 I am interested. Do you choose people random for Fanspotlight or? Thanks!

  11. AshleyLovesEmma says:

    Wonderful isssue! 😉

  12. Valentina says:

    a great issue…too bad it took so long from the last one,but now we are more excited to read this one….. 😉

  13. jeanette says:

    Hey .. ;D .. LOVE the new flash presentation-way .. 😀 .. can't wait to read some of the stuff u have written.. wanna take the opitunity to say thanks to all of u at u do a GREAT job, really.. ;D ..

  14. Lion-paws says:

    Loved it!!! The music videos were amazing!

  15. Luis says:

    What? 😕 Did you say "Kevin" that you, for some reason, are not a talented Emma fan? What was that? 🙂 Let me tell you that there is nobody in this world that does not have even a small spark of talent, and you are not the exception. Perhaps you´re not artistically good, but believe me when I say that you are the fan who always makes the most coherent and objective comments, sometimes even better than staff people from here. You are always ready to defend the truth wherever you see that a lie has been said and I´m so sure Emma would also appreciate that from you if she could read you 🙂 You should be a lawyer! 😛 Well done man 🙂

  16. camila says:

    KS987! that was YOUR fan spot light?!!! 😆 that is so cool! hahaha i love this new issue of Watson Weekly it it just absolutely magical!! (well to me anyways!!) thank you sooo much!!!! I appreciate all the hard work you guys do!! and maybe i can give back to you guys somehow! i was astounded by the marauders map of memories!!! he did such a good job! but he never told us what happened when he gave to Emma??!!! it would be nice to hear the story 🙂 well i loved reading the magazine from the "turning pages stle thingy! (don't know what it's called) (actually I'm not even done reading! lol i had to comment how awesome it is!!)thank you very much!!! P.S. the short autograph clip on Ralph was so cool! thats basically the first time i've seen London (or wherever they we're) and i even saw a double decker bus in the backround!!! *sigh* I can't wait to go there someday! well hope this isn't too long! cheers! and thanks again it truly brightened my day!!!!!

  17. Hannah-Dora says:

    Wow, this looks awesome! You're so talented and wonderful to make it. And of my God, I got first place with my Pauline – Breakdown video! YAAAAY! I could just hop around with joy!!! 🙂 Thank you, thank you so much!!! Much love, Hanna

  18. Rose says:

    WOW!! I looove the flash version! And the music videos are amazing! Great job with this one!!

  19. frederique says:

    oh my god!! great job guys… the waiting was worth it!

  20. KS987 says:

    This article claims that Emma will present an award at the Baftas

  21. Nastyasky says:

    wow! was very impressed by the video "breakdown"! a great job! it's emotional and fresh. donnu why all hermione videos seeemed not so interesting as this one… maybe because "ballet shoes" were released later and not used so much in fanvideos))) anyway, everything's just great!!!))))

  22. muggle_born says:

    I love the new WW. It looks like one of those glossy magazines. Very professional!! 🙂 🙂 CONGRATULATIONS KS987!! That was a really nice interview!! 🙂 🙂 WELL DONE all around guys!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  23. Nastyasky says:

    oh, gosh, watched the "breakdown" once more… will it ever be possible to download the video?0.o

  24. Dax says:

    Wonderful Watson Weekly ^.^

  25. Gravity says:

    I LOVED too see Ueno Juri there! It totaly suprised me! And Hikki, too! (She's my fave singer <3) Juri's work is great, gotta love her at Last Friends!!!

  26. dany says:

    🙂 awesome edition. very well rounded. well worth the wait. congrats.

  27. Lionpaws says:

    Emma was at a pre bafta party: bafta-parties-62243/ Cute dress.

  28. loveem says:

    hey, I really reall loved this issue, great job!

  29. KONSTANZA says:


  30. Celia says:

    Omg I'm so surprised I got second place! Didn't expect that at all, thank you soooo much!! The issue was great, and also all the winning videos were awesome!

  31. shan says:

    I like her white skirt. Emma tastes good! ps:She was too beautiful!

  32. EmmaRocksSocks says:

    Wow. I love it, especially the Marauder's Map of Memories. Amazing. And nice interview, KS! 😛 Emma looks wonderful at the pre-BAFTA party. Her dress is. . . almost supernatural. >_>

  33. KS987 says:

    Thanks guys. Emma does look wonderful, I agree ERS. 🙂 We should see more of her tommorrow hopefully.

  34. Anne says:

    forums down again!!!

  35. Luis says:

    Supernatural? 😕 Maybe that´s the word ´cause I had never seen a dress like this before… Authentic 🙂

  36. iKing says:

    She looks like a REAL QUEEN in that dress (not even princess – Q-U-E-E-N 🙂 ), I love it 🙂 And, yeah, great interview KS, I loved it (beautiful package, lol 🙂 and something real brilliant inside 🙂 ). I'm even little envy to you (just a real little – I don't like "envyness" at all) 🙂 – Emma may see it 🙂 . I wanna there too, lol 😉 What's "S" in your nick? Kevin Superfan? 🙂 And 987… 654321? 🙂

  37. @@@@@ says:

    iKing u smile alot!!! :lol:..yeah the issue is really good and her dress at the pre bafta is really good..i like the colour

  38. Fonty says:

    The Orange British Academy Film Awards: Red Carpet 19:00 GMT BBC Three Part One 20:00 GMT BBC Two Part Two 21:00 GMT BBC One And Ms Watson will be one of the presenters. 🙂

  39. amy says:

    @Gravity Yay! Juri Ueno fan! xD I'm glad it was a surprise to find her, I've been enjoying a lot of Japanese and overall Asian entertainment, and I thought she would fit on a new 'celebrity spotlight'.

  40. iKing says:

    Is it so bad? 🙂 atatatatat? Is it so bad? 🙂 Agh, nobodys likes me!!! Agh!!! 🙂 Cute 🙂 Nobody's likes me, that's cool 🙂 You know, I remember one proverb – smile – everyone irrate at it 🙂 I guess it's suits this case 🙂 🙂 🙂

  41. Larissa says:

    love the new version! So much more efficient! and i'd like to say that Hanna did an absolutly amazing video in the Pauline Category with BreakDown the images were added at the perfect part of the song and the editing is superb. very well done! it really is perfect

  42. Leticia says:

    😆 YAY! my video won second place, i'm so happy!!!!!!!!!!!