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About the fame game (2004): "The first time someone asked me "Will you sign a book for me?" I could not believe it, I could not understand why anyone would want my name on a piece of paper."

Watson Weekly Issue 17

Issue 017 - 7 February 2009

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Ralph Fiennes at the Stage Door

Music Video Contest

Hermione Category

1. Miss Independent by Sarah (wmv, 13MB)

2. Extraordinary by Leticia (wmv, 13MB)

3. Hermione by Nicholas (wmv, 16MB)

4. True Colors by Brittany (wmv, 30MB)

5. Innocence by Kiakkia (wmv, 31MB)

Pauline Category

1. Break Down by Hanna (wmv, 47MB)

2. Where I Stood by Celia (wmv, 23MB)

3. No One by Anna (wmv, 9MB)

4. Finally by Diandra (wmv, 35MB)

5. Scarlet by Christine (wmv, 50MB)