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Crash Magazine // 10 March 2009

The latest issue of the French Crash magazine has Emma on the cover, and an article with new pictures. It’s a rather different, edgy look, and you’ll probably like them, or hate them. The pictures were taken by Karl Lagerfeld. Credit to Watson Daily for the excellent scans.


A lot of the information in the interview is stuff we already know, but Neve has translated the interesting parts.

  • She’d like to live in France and go back to speaking French fluently.
  • Emma talks about why and what she wants to learn, mentioning painting, photography, literature and History. She says she’s never really studied politics or philosophy but that she’d like to. She wants to go to university to learn, make new friends and be anonymous. She wants to “feel normal for a while”.
  • She quotes Audrey Hepburn when being asked about how she deals with tabloids: “I don’t care what they write about me, as long as it’s false”.
  • She says that she loves dressing up, that it’s a creative way of expressing yourself, which is why she enjoys it the same way she enjoys Art.
  • She says she genuinely thinks Karl Lagerfeld is a genius and that the photoshoot was one of the nicest she ever did.
  • “I cannot not be “green”. I did my end of school project on global warming and hurricane Katrina. I studied the effects on a small scale, like the dam projects in London, but also on a bigger scale. My car is electric, I recycle, I take public transportation, I try not to buy and drink bottled water. I’m not perfect, but it’s something I feel strongly about.”
  • She’s been listening to a lot of folk and blues lately.
  • Her worst nightmare: sharks.
  • Her favourite sound is that of a baby laughing.
  • Her favourite book is “The Shadow of the Wind” by Carlos Ruiz Zaf
    Comments closed for this item.

106 Responses to “Crash Magazine // 10 March 2009”

  1. Destiniex says:

    Actually HATE these photos. Worst photo-shoot she's every done. Sorry, just my opinion.

  2. Elaine says:

    Lol…. uhhh interesting effect with the non-existent eyebrows… and it kinda looks like she's wearing pants on her head in the last photo. That's fashion for you, I guess. 🙂

  3. TP says:

    I agree with you. The photos are… well… kinda ugly. Very original and all, but… 😕

  4. Marie-Jo says:

    Honestly, I love Emma, I really do. I love Lagerfeld as well, he's a genius… but the photos are horrible! Very scarry and "grotesque", they don't suit Emma, not one bit. But, if I were her, I would have done it all the same, it's better to make good connections with Lagerfeld than refusing a photoshoot with him. :)) Emma has a business eye. :))

  5. Inbal :) says:

    Well, I have to say, some of the photos could look rather nice, I hate what they did to her eyebrows! I do hope its not permanent or something, cause its looks horrible on her, and a bitt scary. I did like the picture with this lace apron.. kinda suits her. Anyway, not her best photoshoot, but she always looks gorgeous to me 😉

  6. Scarlett says:

    I actually really like these photos! They are very futuristic. They are SO different from what she has been doing and I think that is why I like them so much. She looks totally different but yet she is still stunningly beautiful!! 🙂

  7. Butterfly says:

    I actually have to say, I rathered enjoyed looking at her in these photos. Emma is beautiful and always looks pretty. These photos show a different side of her, and I think that was the point of this photoshoot. To catch people's attention! I know it caught mine. 😉 However, I do think they should have left the eyebrows. Cool and Interestingly different! 🙂 Rock on Emma!

  8. Chris says:

    Wow. Very dramatic. A stark, gaunt and dare I say slightly evil look in a couple of the photos. They made her look quietly sickly on the cover photo. I do love the way she's not afraid to try new looks. Would be great to see her do a goth shoot. 🙂

  9. Aragon Watson says:

    you hide your beauty why pleas don’t do that Em pleas and I called you A { legendary beauty } Emma your is my beauty for ever . your love Aragon

  10. paula says:

    I usually love new,different photoshoots…but this one is really scary.I don't like it at all.

  11. Baby "V" says:

    Omm…yes, you a right it is realy scary!

  12. Megan says:

    These are the best photos. Now this is the way to do it. Karl -mr. Chanel- took them? Genius.

  13. Fonty says:

    Wow. This woman certainly keeps me out of breath. 🙂 And she has made Sean Cook disappear. 🙂 These pictures are basically Emma´s knighthood in the fashion business. I didn´t really think Karl L. could take pictures, but these are fantastic. 🙂 Despite been thru Photoshop, there is great make-up, good lighting and she becomes one with the clothes she is presenting. Emma Watson is right, "a love affair has begun". 🙂 I love how she manages to look different from shoot to shoot and how many lightyears a certain Ms Granger is away from those photos. 😉 My personal Top 3 shoots so far: 1) Ellen von Unwerth, VS. 2) Karl Lagerfeld, Crash 3) Mark Seliger, Vogue

  14. manisha says:

    umm wow i would've been so much better if the eyebrows weren't so weird looking. lol. i luv her and i'm not trying to sound mean, but i at a first glimpse i actually thought she as a guy. 😛

  15. Fonty says:

    My school French is sooo rusty, that I can hardly get the gist of the interview which seems to be not entirely new, but I am way to excited right now to read. 🙂

  16. Megan says:

    I agree Fonty.These pictures may be a little much for some HP fans but for the fashion world they are breathtaking. Lagerfeld took them! Unbelievable. I know people throw the word "fierce" around all the time but this is fierce. Pure genius. She is so beautiful in them, yet simple. And yes, some pictures are asexual.

  17. DerBluffer says:

    I would like to hear what Emma thinks about this photoshoot. 🙂 I kinda like that she is so unpredictable. What is she going to do next? No one knows. Man, I like this girl. *bluff*

  18. muggle_born says:

    WOW! This shoot really grabbed my attention. So unlike anything Emma's done before. Kudos to Lagerfeld and Emma for something so completely different!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  19. DHA says:

    Good thing I know French. Lol. I'm not much on photos and all, but I'd say she looks swell. Emma's a very lovely lady, and I think she could make any picture look nice. Then, she's an actress; she knows how to become the role she's given even in pictures. I'll say nice.

  20. elle says:

    I think the last picture was the weakest, but otherwise they were very…what Karl Lagerfeld should have made happen with a camera.

  21. frederique says:

    I dont like the photos BUT THE INTERVIEW IS THE BEST SHES DONE SO FAR!!!!!!! though the pics have to be good : Karl Lagerfeld is supposed to be a genius

  22. Twirler<3 says:

    Yeah, sorry, but I really don't like these. I think they're scary. She just doesn't look like herself, and I know that some people like it when she branches out like that, but to me it just looks too out-there. Just my opinion… don't hate me! lol 😆

  23. britishemafan says:

    They're okay, and cute!!! 😉

  24. Megan says:

    Is there an english translation of the interview? I would love to read it. frederique can you give us a summary.

  25. Lionpaws says:

    Wow. I actually really loved these pictures, even though they are rather scary. It shows Emma in a different light and shows that she can do edgier photoshoots rather than just looking "pretty" and "glamorous". I really don't understand why some people hate them. I admit they can be a bit disturbing, but other than that it's just art. Amazing photo shoot!

  26. Nastyasky says:

    well, think i'll disagree with most of you, guys… i LOVED the photoes, they r original and so on, but that's her first experience like this, moreover that's Karl Lagerfeld!!!! The pics r interesting, well, at least, for me)

  27. camila says:

    wow before i thought this photo shoot was crazy and that it she didn't even look like the Emma we always see, but now that I've read other people's opinions I agree, that she sure is unpredictable… thats for sure. (but she still looks as if she had too much fun with cooking flour :razz:)

  28. AshleyLovesEmma says:

    Am I the only person on this site, that is much more of an 'Emma fan' than a 'Harry Potter fan'? I love these pictures, they show a very different side of her. Very edgy.

  29. bravelittletoaster says:

    I love it! I'll elaborate on why in the forums 😛

  30. Kelsey says:

    I love that Emma is so unpredictable, it just makes me like her more! Actually she was featured Teen Vogue this month in the zodiac section for aries and it mentioned how she keeps her fans guessing, and then we get this! 😛 Personally I like them. Its definitely different and edgy but she looks great no matter what. I'm surprised and pleased that so many others agree! 🙂

  31. Anonymous says:

    Translation please?

  32. Anonymous says:

    Of the article I mean.

  33. Fonty says:

    She doesn´t need to look like herself all the time. She is an actress and she loves to dress up. Compare Lagerfeld to von Unwerth. This is her current range! And everything that makes her different from Hermione is fine by me. And I love Hermione, but I am more and more reassured on how much more Emma Watson can be. 🙂

  34. Adele says:

    I got scared when I saw those pics of Emma! I didn't like them at all. Emma is such a lovely girl, and she always looks beautiful to me, but these pictures was awful!

  35. BJS says:

    I just hate these photos, really, why would she do something like that, this is bad.

  36. Fonty says:

    She can do whatever she likes. And a photoshoot with KL is probably something others would kill for – and she didn´t need to do that. 😉 And what she says, she is such a classy person. 🙂

  37. Lionpaws says:

    Cool, I'll definitely be checking out that book at the library :wink:. I'm just in love with this photoshoot! I wonder when Emma did it?

  38. dook says:

    Lionpaws,The photoshoot was Feb 3 according to one of the scans.

  39. Leah says:

    Hated the photos. Emma has so much beauty that he hid. A previous person said these show another side of Emma. No they don't. The photographer and makeup artists put these photos together, not Emma. I don't know why people think they're great photos just coz they're "edgy". What's so good about edgy? Some people might dismiss my opinion coz I'm a HP fan, but my love of Emma goes beyond HP- if it was just coz I was a HP fan, I'd be obsessed over Dan/Rupert etc too, and I'm not. I just don't think these photos show Emma at all. Look at the style she has created *for herself* at all the premieres and stuff she attends- it is nothing like the style in these photos.

  40. Hannah says:

    Admire her for trying something new but she does look half dead in most of the pics here! x

  41. Michelle says:

    The eyebrows are creepy, i actually scrolled down to type this comment, it feels like she is staring at me. Not a great photoshoot in my opinion.

  42. Fonty says:

    The pictures aren´t about Emma, but the clothes she is presenting. This photoshoot is a job like playing Hermione or Pauline. And here, she even worked with someone she considers a genius. This woman has range. She doesn´t fit a single drawer. She wants to zoom around in the entire dressing room. Not every picture of her, show *her*. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don´t. She is an actress who also does still photography.

  43. solastsumer says:

    *claps* bravo these pics rly bring out the artistic and edgy side of Emma i absolutely adore these photos.

  44. DHA says:

    As I said, Emma is everything and more. I think people expect to see class out of Emma because of Hermione, but her words are awesome. I agree with Fonty, Emma's got class because she is 100% herself. I tend to like that.

  45. Lionpaws says:

    thanks Dook! Like Fonty said, not every photo shoot Emma does is going to show her as she is. Models model off clothes and that's what Emma is doing here and she's doing a great job of it. I mean as I look at the photos instead of focusing on Emma my attention goes to the clothes and that's what a good model is supposed to do, show off the clothes or product (at least I think).I personally don't want to see the same kinds of photo shoots over and over just because they're "emma". Obviously Emma doesn't want to stick to being "safe" in photo shoots. She likes taking risks and is representing art, something she loves. I see nothing wrong with this photo shoot and it's not ruining her image in any way! I admire her even more for doing shoots like these, it shows she can do anything.

  46. buffysangel says:

    🙂 I have to agree with those who love this photoshoot. That's what I love about Emma, she's not afraid to be daring and unpredictable. Just as Dan probably took on the role in Equus in part to break out of the HP character, Emma is doing the same thing with her photoshoots. As for this shoot, I do love it. Some of them could be called a bit scary and all that's missing is two sharp, elongated front incisors dripping blood to finish the vampish effect. 😆 Also, did the strange looking hat Emma is wearing in the last photo remind anyone else of Napoleon? Maybe she's trying to channel a little of him for her upcoming role as Betsy. 😛 ba

  47. Chris says:

    Thanks for the translation. The bit about going to France is old news too. I wonder if she'll move there for a while after Uni. I hope she finds anonymity at school. I'm sure there are plenty of young guys praying right now that she chooses the University that they are attending! 😆 I notice a lot of people hate this photo shoot. Would you hate it if you opened the magazine and some unknown model had done it? You probably wouldn't even notice, or have this much of a reaction. I agree with Lionpaws. Get beyond the fact that it's Emma, and look at the artistic impression that KL is trying to project. I wonder what the fans of the woman in Picasso's 'Woman In Garden' thought of that? 😆 😆

  48. chuck says:

    Worst. Photoshoot. Ever. And for those saying something along the lines of "oh, they are great as a fasion shoot." Well, the world of "high fashion" is overly obsessed with taking artsy-fartsy pictures of beautiful women uglied up in outfits not a soul ever buys or wears. Honestly the garbage you see in some of these magazines is ridiculous! The purple feathered hooded dress makes her look like a muppet, and the white-out eyebrows are just plain ugly! Chris asks whether we who hate this photoshoot would hate it if someone else had done it. My answer would be that I would absolutely hate it. I wouldn't hate it as much, certainly, because after seeing it once I'd not have any good reason to look again, and because if it were someone else as the subject I wouldn't have the disappointment of having lost the potentially beautiful photoshoot that might have been.

  49. DHA says:

    Want to know a cool fact? Emma and I both did our school essay on global warming although mine was a bit to early for Katrina. I did witness the devastation first hand though. If you guys have ever been to a place where the city was beneath twenty feet of water, where the waterlines reached to the street lights. It wasn't nice, believe me. For that, I have even more respect for her, hard to believe myself.

  50. KS987 says:

    Very unique photoshoot. Emma looks lovely though. Once again her photoshoots tend to be "out there" recently from what I have seen, so this didn't really surprise me. Great interview as well. Some of it old information, but there is some interesting new info. Didn't know she feared sharks so much, but cute to hear that she enjoys a baby's laughter. I hope that when she goes to university she can study normally. 🙂